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It was Friday. Everyone, was talking about the Yule Ball, alot of Pepole asking eachother out for a Date. Lorenzo had asked me, but since i knew that the Slytherin girl Hannah was trying to get his attention, and was madly in love with him i decided to give her a chance and rejected his invite to the Yule Ball. He didn't seem disappointed when i rejected him tho. He almost looked like he expected it. 

I sighed walking into the Slytherin Common Room. It was probably around 6 pm. For my suprise, i saw two redheads in the Slytherin Common Rom. The Twins. What the actual fuck-

As if any Slytherins would let them into the common Room. What were they doing here? I looked over to Blaise that nodded at me, noticing the questioning look in my eyes. 

„They payed a high prize to enter the Common Room" he mumbled in a low voice, but loud enough for me to hear it. I frowned. Where they that desperate to annoy the Slytherins that they were ready to pay? Just to get into a Room that was full of Slytherins anyways? 

Then Fred saw me and walked towards me making some kind of jump in between. 

It was then when i noticed Tom. He was sitting next to a girl a book in his hands. My jaw Tensed when i saw the girls hand on Toms Arm whispering in his ear. 


Anger. That's what i felt. I wanted to push that girl away from him. I've seen her before. But I'd didn't know her name. Nobody was able to go near Tom, everyone was scared. So what was she doing there. And why was he letting her treat him like that and be near to him? Really, i didn't want anything else then pushing that girl away. Killing her. 


My fucking god. Fred rlly wanted to be annoying. I saw how Draco flinched and Blaise rolled his eyes.

But everyones eyes were suddenly on Fred. The mf actually got their attention. 

Draco seemed impatient, Pansy seemed quite interested, Blaise looked annoyed and Tom, he still was sitting next to the girl. My eyes were still on him. I couldn't stand it. And i was actually fighting the urge not not kill him. It was making me sick, seeing the girls hand on his arm. 

Then finally i payed attention to Fred again that came towards me. 

Confusion was written in my eyes when he knelt down. 

"If you are trying to propose, im going to tell you no straight away." i said as serious as possible. The amount of eyes that were on us made me nervous. Why was every single Slytherin Student in the Common Room right now?

"Oh how did you know i would propose?" Fred laughed and gave me a bright smile. 

George that was standing next to him have me a nod and smiled. What was going on?

"Would you like to go with me to the Yule Ball?" Fred said. His Voice was loud enough for everyone to hear him tho. 

No. Absolutely not. 

That was my first thought. And it should've been that what should say. Just a simple no. It wouldn't hurt anyone. I was good at saying no. 

But then my look were back to Tom. I didn't know if he heard what Fred said, but his attention was on the girl. He was paying full attention to what she was saying. I could feel how angry i was. It wasn't that much Time ago, us both, hand in hand walking back to class after we looked into the Mirror of Erised.

And now, i saw him, there. Sitting next to another girl. 

Fred cleared his throat sending me a questioning look. "So?" he asked waiting for my answer. 

No. I don't want to go with you to the Yule Ball. Im kinda in a relationship with someone. 

I should've said that. 

But then i looked to Tom again. What i saw next made me want to scream. The girl, the stupid fucking girl kissed Toms cheek and Tom just let it go over him. He even gave her a sort of smile, not even glaring at me. 

"Yes Fred, of course i want to go as your date to the Yule Ball" i said giving Fred the best smile that i had. 

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