Days after the Yule Ball

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The Yule Ball had been 2 days ago and we were sitting in DADA. We had defense against the Dark Arts with the Gryffindors.

„Today we are going to talk about Horcruxes." Snape said then when everyone's attention was on him. I had been looking at Ron but when i heard the word Horcruxes escape Snapes mouth i looked at him immediately. Then i looked over to Tom that was sitting next to Adrian. His attention was fully on Snape when he mentioned the word Horcruxes.

„To forge a Horcrux is to desire immortality. The means of obtaining one involves splitting one's soul into pieces through the action of murder. Through the use of an especially vile spell, these pieces are hidden in objects that must be protected by the individual at all costs. This is no joking matter; there is a reason as to why the Horcrux has been considered one of the worst-ever spawn of the Dark Arts." Snape explained. But i knew well enough what a Horcrux was. And Tom knew about that aswell. Probably better than anyone else.

„Luckily enough everyone that attempted to create a Horcrux is dead or got killed. Nobody has reached the destiny of immortality and nobody ever will." Snape looked at Harry. He seemed to be curious aswell.

My eyes were on Tom. His mouth formed to a smirk.

Nobody has reached the destiny of immorality and nobody ever will.

Snape was wrong. I looked at Toms Ring that he always wears. I was pretty sure that it was one of his Horcruxes. Tom was immortal. He has reached that destiny already. I sighed. What had he done to possibly reach that destiny? I didn't even want to think about it.

„Side effects of this spell and item include- but are not limited to- the creator's dehumanization. " Snape explained. When i looked at Tom he didn't look amused anymore or pleased. He looked tense. He had his jaw clenched. He probably worried about the fact that he may have to sacrifice someone or something to not loose his human form. Little did he know that i scripted that he wouldn't be dehumanized.

Snape looked over to Hermione that was holding her Arm up. He nodded motioning her to talk.

„What do you mean by dehumanization?" she asked looking at Snape. Snape looked at the other Students. „Since i believe nobody knows about what i mean by dehumanization i could explain it."

I raised my Arm and Snape raised his Eyebrow.


„The creator of the Horcrux could look less than a Human from time to Time. He could change Psychically or Emotionally. The creator of such an object could slowly start changing personality and being more cruel and having less common sense or normal human feelings."

Snape nodded. „That is correct. 10 Points to Slytherin."

Then Tom raised his Hand. I didn't know what he would ask but whatever he would ask related to Horcruxes worried me. Snape motioned him to talk.

„Can someone create living Horcruxes? A living soul? For example a human? Can someone create a Human Horcrux?" Tom asked. It could be considered as a normal question. But when it came from Tom it really was worrying me.

„Well Riddle i believe someone very powerful could do that, yes." Snape shortly replied. He seemed to be uncomfortable with the question that Tom had just asked if i wasn't completely wrong. Snape seemed tense. Tom just nodded at Snapes reply and didn't say anything else for the rest of the Lesson. That was very unlikely coming from him.


„Tom you should be careful with the questions that you ask" i hissed while walking next to him. Our next class was Potions.

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