Riddle again.

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I walked past the Room of Requirement, three Times and entered. I had been here before once, but now i had decided i should use this Room to Study. Since i did use Toms Dorm to Study before, but i couldn't use it now i just thought this would be the perfect place. And it was. I was definetly not here to do my homework tho. After a long time of searching i had finally found books about the Dark Arts, Dark Magic. Nobody is supposed to know about this, so another reason to come here.

I walked across the room sitting down and opening a book to start reading. I actually wanted to read this from the beginning to the End. Yes, i was well aware of the Risks getting attached to Dark Magic, but i couldn't care less. No, i wouldn't get attached to this kind of magic. It was just beyond interesting.


The curse causes excessive bleeding, causes the Victim to get weak..

I as really focused in reading. After a while i came across a sentence that made me remember how dangerous dark magic could be.

Its not just the victim that suffers from the Dark Spell that the caster chose

That was how Tom turned into Voldemort, he lost his Human Form, it affected him in a bad Way. How he used the Horcruxes, how he killed pepole for his own benefit. Peoples deaths did benefit him. And then i asked myself a question that gave me goosebumps.

Was he still obsessed with the thought of immortality?

It could be possible. I scripted him to not become Voldemort, but i couldn't and wouldn't change the way he thinks and what he is.

With a sigh i continued reading. Eventually i was cursing myself for thinking about him. Even tho we broke up weeks ago.


My eyes and senses were completely focused in my book. I didn't even notice Tom entering the room till he sat down, leaving some space between us. I looked directly in his dark brown eyes when i looked up. My heart skipped a beat and i flinched.

„My goodness Riddle. You fucking scared me you stupid fucking child." i couldn't even breath properly saying those words. We were definetly not close to each other but i could smell him, his robes that always smelled like fire, even like a fireplace, smoke and expensive perfume. What was wrong with me?

„You definetly have a cursing problem" his words made me snap into the reality again. I just rolled my eyes.

„I don't feel like talking to you right now. I actually don't even feel like being in the same room as you are." i hissed instead and ignored what he said about my apparently cursing problem.

He sighed, almost sounding annoyed. „It appears that i always come to study here."

That could be true. I was probably the one that was supposed to leave. „I was the first one here. So leave" i said instead. He raised his eyebrow, his eyes resting on me.

Then he grabbed his books. Where the fuck was he going? He stood up and walked towards the exit.

Fuck. I didn't actually want him to leave. I actually genuinely didn't. What was wrong with me tho?

You miss his voice, you miss him.

No. What the actual fuck. I didn't miss him at all.

„Stay." i ordered. I didn't want to sound like i was begging him to stay. But i didn't want to sound like i was asking him to stay either. It was not a choice.

He turned around looking at me. I couldn't tell if he was confused or annoyed. Probably both. He slowly went back to were he was sitting before and sat down without a word. He opened his book and started reading.

And i, i just stared at him. For a minute. Maybe even two.

Finally my eyes looked down again at my own book and i started reading again.

It felt weird. Being in the same Room as him. Not saying anything. Not arguing. I would've sold my soul for him to say something. But he didn't. And i didn't either. Both focused on our own books, even tho i couldn't stop myself from looking at him every 3 seconds.

Again i had just one question in my head.

What was wrong with me?

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