Tom Riddle asking me out 🧍🏻‍♀️

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So yeah when he asked me out, let's just say it was AWKWARD asf cuz mf couldn't even ask me properly so-


„Lets go up to my dorm i don't wanna do anything else." Tom said while walking. „I swear if someone finds out that i started the whole fight im gonna get detention for WEEKS." i commented. „I don't really care if you get detention or not." Tom replied sassy because we all know that mf is selfish. „You know you will get detention to right?" i asked annoyed. „I will not." he replied.

„Yeah ofcourse not right tom? Ur such an Idiot. You literally almost killed Draco and you still think you won't get detention?" i asked annoyed. „I didn't almost kill him you deadheaded bitch. If he can't take a bloody nose it's his problem." Tom replied. „You knocked him out. I'm pretty sure he is at the hospital by now." i corrected him and he just rolled his eyes.

„You are just being ignorant tom" i added. „Shut up" he snapped back. „No", „yes", „i wont" he rolled his eyes again „I feel stupid discussing things with you." he noted. „It's probably because you are stupid Tom." i answered. At that point he just didn't say anything because we arrived at his dorm. He just opened the door and said:

„I want to tell you something."

I looked at him „yeah?"

This is basically how i remember the convo of him asking me out:

Tom: „Ok so.."

Me: „Yeah?"

Tom: „You will me my girlfriend."

Me: *suprised asf*

Me: „So you are asking me out?"

Tom: „No im not asking you out"

Me: *confused asf* „Ok.. so why did you say that then?"

Tom: „Because i want you to be my girlfriend"

Me: „That's what asking out is.. Tom"

Tom: „I know. And im not retarded but the way you say it is gross"

Me: „You are stupid."

Tom: „If you keep telling me that im going to kill you in a very painful way and torture you 30 days before you die."

Me: „oh is that so?"

Tom: „yes. But now answer my question. Do you want to be my girlfriend or not?"

Me: „What would you do if I'd say no?"

Tom: „I would kill you and everyone that you love"

Me: „I don't love anyone and im immortal"

Tom: „I'll kill your family."

Me: „My parents are dead."

Tom: „I'll kill Luna Lovegood."

Me: „You wouldn't."

Tom: „I would."

Me: „I don't think you would, but i guess im your girlfriend now."

Tom: „It's not like i would've accepted a no anyways."

Me: „If i would've rejected you you probably would be crying by now."

Tom: „Liar. Don't talk about me like that."

Me: „You would've been sad as fuck if i would've rejected you."

Tom: „I wouldn't even care slut."

Me: „You would bitch."

Tom: „I don't give a fuck about you"

Me: „I don't give a fuck about you either."

Couple goals ik.

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