Another fight

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I didn't even knock at the Door. I just entered without asking like i was used to. Usually there was never Tom in his Dorm when in walked in to study or do homework. Actually, i did know exactly that Tom didn't like me going into his Dorm whenever i wanted to. But it was actually the only place where i could find silence and peace. Even tho i hated silence and peace more then anything. Tom rarely joined me studying. If he saw me in his Dorm he just got out straight away to study to the Library. Today tho he was in his Dorm with a book in his Hand. If i wasn't wrong it was from the restricted section of the Library.

Tom looked up and as he saw me he rolled his eyes „You again"

„Hey Tom im fine thanks for asking" i said annoyed and threw my books on his bed.

„You are making yourself way to comfortable coming to my Dorm whenever you like and acting like it's your Dorm." he noted focusing his attention to his book again. I just decided to ignore what he said and sat down on his bed. I needed to to Defense against the Dark arts Homework and chose to start with it first because i liked that subject more then any other.

Some Time passed when i noticed that Tom was looking at me. I could feel his stare on me without even looking up from the DADA book. A chill ran down my spine. It was a weird feeling, when he looked at me that way and i knew he was looking at me but couldn't do anything about it.

I finally decided to look up and i was right, he was staring right at me. He didn't even bother to look at his book again when i looked up. He just held my stare. Moments like this with Tom scared me off a little bit. I hated silence. But what i hated more is that he didn't bother to look away.

„What?" i asked with a cold voice.

„What do you want?" he said still looking at me. He didn't even blink once. And probably one minute had passed.

„Why are you looking at me like that?" i replied.

„Do you now need a reason behind everything?" he answered.

That was the Moment where i decided to turn back to my Homework again. It was useless anyways. After some time i couldn't focus anymore and let out an annoyed sigh looking up „Could you stop looking at me like that? I can't focus"

„Do i make you that nervous?" he said instead.

„Don't flatter yourself Riddle."

I sighed again and decided to take a break from trying the attempts of doing my Homework while Tom was looking at me like he would want to kill me right there. He was a complete mystery. He never answered to my questions clearly and he kept a lot of things to himself. I knew this wasn't really the Moment to do this but i just turned around again to face him.

„What are you up to? Riddle." i asked cold. I knew this wasn't the way i should've started with this, but I've waiting to long to talk to him about this. I knew exactly that he was hiding alot of things. And that bothered me to that point, that i even kept thinking about it in my CR.

„What do you mean?" he asked. But it didn't sound much like a question. By the way his Jaw tensed i just could tell that he knew what i meant.

So i just repeat my question. „What are you up to?"

His cold eyes met mine. „Nothing" he mouthed.

„Tom." i stood up walking toward him and then stopping. „What are you hiding from me?" i hissed towards him. I thought his eyes couldn't get colder. I thought his eyes where soulless enough at this point. But i was wrong. I was terribly wrong. His eyes started at me. And if stares could kill, i would've been pretty dead by now. But i just started back remaining calm.

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