I kinda have a problem

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This is just the continuation of the last part actually so yeah enjoy reading idk 😀

I yawned and slowly woke up. I was in my Dorm. It was probably around 7 am and i really don't know why i woke up that early. It was Sunday but my brain alway had to set an automatic alarm and make me wake up. After dressing up i went down to the great hall.

My Outfit for the day:

My Outfit for the day:

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{Timeskip at the great Hall}

Walking into the great hall i noticed pepole whispering and looking at me. A lot of pepole were looking at me. Quite uncomfortable actually. I just ignored the looks and continued walking to the Slytherin table. Even there almost all the Slytherins looked at me. „What?" i said while sitting down next to Lorenzo. „So are we supposed to act as if you would've not been away for like a month?" said Lorenzo. Draco nodded „a lot of rumors about you have been going around." he said in my direction and then started at the table again. 

„I can't really tell you guys where i have been. It's kind of a secret" i lied. Pansy that was sitting next to Draco gave me a dirty look. „That means i could disappear to? And then come back and say it's a secret? And i could get away with that?" she said looking directly at me. 

„I didn't say you could get away with it. I just spoke for me. You do you. I don't really care if you disappear for month. I think i wouldn't even notice." i said sarcastically staring back at her.  

„Bitch" claimed pansy. „Corvette Corvette" i giggled. „What?" asked Lorenzo. „Nevemind it was just.. dont worry." i said while laughing. Then i started eating like the others did. It was awkwardly silent that breakfast untill Stiles decided to attempt talking about how he didn't understand why he was in Slytherin. Nobody would ever know. He didn't have that much of Slytherin traits actually. But maybe, one day we would understand why Stiles was in Slytherin and not in any other house. 

{Timeskip after Breakfast}

„Corinne? I need to talk to you." McGonagall suddenly appeared behind me. I just nodded and went after her. After we were away from the other Students McGonagall asked: „So? Explain why would had to be away that long. Dumbledore knew the reason why you were gone for so long but he wouldn't tell anyone" I thought about what lie i should say next. At the end i just decided to say: „Well if Dumbledore didn't tell you teachers it's Probably because he didn't want to tell you. And he doesn't want me to tell anything about it either." WIth that McGonagall decided to leave the Topic on open and didn't say anything about it. She was just about to turn around and walk off when i said: „I wasn't here... but i really want to know what happened n the meantime.. you know with that guy named Zagan." McGonagall turned around quickly. „We dont talk about him untill we know who he is or what he wants." 

„But he will attack Hogwarts right? You know that right?" i tried again. McGonagall looked at me, terrified. „Who in the world would tell you that? Nobody knows what he is up to. And what he searches is definitely not in Hogwarts." she exclaimed quite annoyed. „Nobody.. i was just talking about Zagan with the other students. What does he even want?" i asked being curious. 

Professor McGonagall sighed. „He is crazy. He is searching for two pepole. Apparently he thinks they are Students at Hogwarts. He thinks they are powerful enough to do alot of things.. and he thinks they are immortal. That's absolutely ridiculous ofcourse. And there is absolutely no reason to worry Corinne." she replied. If she would know that we are immortal.. „But Professor, if he thinks those pepole are at Hogwarts.. then we should do something right? Protect the castle? The students? Or is he not even dangerous?" McGonagall looked like she didn't know what to answer. Before she could say anything we heard a boy voice from across the room. 

„Hey! Am i interrupting something?" it was Stiles. (For those who don't know  i scripted Stiles Stilinski into my DR) „Well kinda.." i answered. I'm not sure if Stiles heard me he just continued talking „i was just wondering if you could come for a second Corinne.. some Slytherins are talking shit about me and i was wondering if you could.. you know beat them up" Stiles smiled. I just looked at him with the w-t-f face. McGonagall then said: „Yeah well remember that im still here children. Nobody is beating anyone up" I looked at Stiles that insisted: „Yeah but.. what about verbal beating up? Just come Corinne." I just turned at McGonagall that gave me a nod. So i just went with Stiles to see what was happening. 

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