Cedric Diggory

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This is just a random Story with Cedric after the night that Lorenzo tom and Stiles got drunk together. Me and Cedric  haven't talked since i shifted for the first time. and if i talked to him it was just some type of smalltalk. But since he told me that he doesnt rlly like to be friends with Slytherins the first time shifting when i got sorted into Slytherin i didnt „talk" to him properly. 

So yeah enjoy!

I kept walking and yawned. It was a Monday. It was really hot outside. I kinda hated it when it was so hot outside. But still decided to go out bc i didn't have anything better to do. 

„Hey" Cedric suddenly appeared next to me. Is this mf talking to me? He never does wtf

„So you decided talk to me today? And not completely ignore me?" i answered back sarcastically. He looked at me as if he didn't know what i was talking about. Then he sighed and said: „Well im kinda sorry. For not talking to you. But some of my friends really don't like seeing me talking to Slytherins in general. Not just you"

„So you are letting your friends control what you do and who you talk to. Great." I replied dry. 

I noticed Cedric looked at me while we kept walking along the lake. „I'm not letting them control me. My Friends are right. Some Slytherins are really stupid." I just rolled my eyes and didn't even glare at him once. „Look im sorry that i said i wouldn't talk to you because you got sorted in Slytherin. I Know you are mad because of that. But that was like half a year ago! Can't we just forget it and move on?"  he asked. I Finally stopped and looked up to him. He was actually quite tall compared to me. Well not too much. But i was pretty short so that was kinda relatable. 

„Yes you are right. I am mad at you. But not only because you completely dropped me like an idiot on my first day here, it's also because you decided to not talk to me for like 7 months. Besides i hate when you stupid friends look at me like im weird or something." I said 

Im literally being so dramatic and for what- 

„I know. Im sorry. I just think it would be not really smart of us if we wouldn't become friends. LIke.. I really would want to restart everything and just talk to you. You seem quite nice.. you already seemed quite nice the first day of school tho." he said and smiled. 

„Fine. I can try to restart with you" i replied after abit of silence between us. 

Cedirc smiled and then hooded out his hand saying: „I'm Cedric Diggory nice to meet you"

I smiled back and shook his hand „I'm Corinne Eagles nice to meet you aswell" 

„Now come on let's get some food somewhere Deadric" i said laughing and dragging him with me.

„How did you just call me? Like, how did you just say my name" he asked confused

„Cedric why?" i replied and smiled. 

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