Relationship with Characters

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I know you guys want me to start with the stories already but I need to obviously tell you guys about my relationships with the characters or y'all would be confused. 

Okay so:

Cedric Diggory: 

-Cedric was literallly the first person i met when i shifted 

- We actually started being good friend until I started hanging out with other people (Slytherins especially). When he saw me hanging out with others he just kinda started distancing himself from me. 

Luna Lovegood:

- I would literally consider her my best friend in my DR. I don't know if she would say the same thing abt me but she is literally so nice and I could never get into an argument with her. 

Harry Potter:

-I thought I would be friends with the golden trio when I shifted but Harry seems to have a big problem with me. They all hate me especially Hermione. (Ron may be an exception but I'll talk about it above) 

-Harry and I have talked but we definitely aren't friends. 

-I'm not very nice to Harry at this point. I started off with being really nice to him, but as soon as I noticed that he didn't like be for literally NO reason I stopped the being nice to him. 

Ron Weasley:

- Even if Harry and Hermione don't  me at all Ron does. He had been really nice to me from like the start and now we are pretty good friends even if Hermione and Harry hate seeing Ron hangout with me from time to time. 

Hermione Granger:

-Lets just don't spend much time talking about my Relationship to Hermione y'all- 

- She literally hates me so much. And it has turned a mutual feeling because I literally can't stand her. She is annoying and extremely rude to me for no reason. And don't get me wrong, I do like Hermiones character in the Harry Potter books but I just don't like her in  my DR.

Tom Riddle:


-I scripted that he wouldn't turn into Voldemort. I kinda wanted him to keep his nose yk? He looks better with his nose on his face. 

- I did script he doesn't turn into Voldemort but he IS still a psychopath that needs urgent therapy. 

-He has killed people in my DR. I won't comment much on that. Let's just say I have seen him killing and it wasn't because he wanted to tell me. 

-We are a couple I guess? We just have an on off relationship and he gets so annoying sometimes. BUt our relationship is not very nice and healthy. 

Draco Malfoy: 

-I hate him. 

- And yes I've dated him because I had a Draco era. Not my proudest moments. 

Pansy Parkinson:

-She used to be a really good friend. USED. 

-After i broke up with Draco she turned into a complete bitch. She went after Draco and didn't even talk to me anymore. So i didn't want to try to talk to her either. 

-At this point we like hate each other. 

Ginny Weasley:

-She is amazing. She is actually a very good friend to me. I'm not as close to her as i am with Luna, but she is a very very good friend. 

Fred Weasley:

-When i first started shifting they always did hang out with the Golden Trio. Since Hermione and Harry (especially Hermione) are out there talking shit about me, they didn't like me either at the beginning. So they didn't talk to me. 

-After some Time actually he saw that i was hanging out with Ginny a lot and i think Ginny talked good to me about him so we started talking. 

-We went on some kind of „date" actually. That was the main reason why me and Draco broke up. I made it look like he did the Mistake tho. 

-But now we talk regularly actually. 

George Weasley:

-He is basically like the same thing as Fred is without the „date" part.

-We are really good friends even tho im kinda more connected to Fred. 

Blaise Zabini:

-He actually a good friend to. Even tho we used to talk more when i was Dracos girlfriend. He still hangsout with Draco and since i avoid Draco i avoid him to. 

Neville Longbottom:

-oooooff let me talk about him. He is an angel. Literally. He is always there for me when i need someone to talk to. And when i dont feel so good he is always the one that pops up at my Dorm with Snacks. Like honestly. An angel.

Stiles Stilinksi:

-Yes i scripted him into my DR. Someone made me script him in my DR even tho i didn't even know the character that well. I remember that when i scripted him in i basically didn't know anything about him. I didn't watch Teen Wolf or anything like that either. 

-He is definitely a good friend. But he is like totally stupid sometimes.

-He gets drunk a lot and im smh always the one that end up helping him. He has such a low alcohol tolerance like-



-He is not one of my best friends, but i do hangout with him a lot. He is like really funny. 

That's it for now guys! I keep updating this because my relationship with them always changes. 

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