The wannabe Voldemort ✨

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So since i scripted Voldemort out there is another Dark Wizard that is just basically the same thing as Voldy moldy. He is probably just not that stupid and wants to kill us all not just Harry Potter.

In case y'all haven't read the previous chapters basically his name is „Zagan" and he is searching for 2 pepole that are immortal and that have powers that are kinda unnatural. That would be me and Tom. Me because yk shifting and i had to script that i am immortal and Tom because he is immortal to for some random reason.

But basically now that Zagan bitch thinks Stiles is the one that is immortal. It is very confusing but maybe y'all will get it after reading this.

„What do you mean Zagan will attack Hogwarts?" I asked tom. We were in Potions and were talking abt Zagan. Actually everyone was talking about him at this point. Everyone was scared. Literally everyone thought Zagan would come and attack Hogwarts. „He won't attack Hogwarts if he knows who the 2 immortal pepole are." Tom whispered annoyed. „Yeah so? We can't just tell him that we are immortal. We can't just expose ourselves you stupid bitch" i replied.

„You are really that stupid aren't you?" Tom said facing me. „We just need to make it seem like someone else is immortal. We need to lie about it. For example we could say some random 2 Hufflepuffs are the immortals. Zagan will take them with him and we will be fine." he sighed.

„Yeah ofcourse Tom. First of all He won't believe it. And second of all who would we pick and why Hufflepuffs?" i asked. „Not really Hufflepuffs. I was thinking about Stiles." he replied. „You know Zagan is gonna try to kill him to see if he is immortal right?" i answered. „Yeah who cares? Then Stiles dies we can escape from the castle and go far away and Zagan will never find us." Tom confirmed. „No Tom. No just no" i said back. „We can't just let him kill Stiles."

{Timeskip after class}

„Hey" Stiles said walking next to me. „Will you just go away." Tom told him. „Shut up tom. And i don't really wanna talk to you right now Stiles. You said you hated me remember?" i added and kept walking.

„I didn't mean it tho" Stiles replied and walked faster so he could walk with us.

„Go away." Tom repeated.

„Fine if that's what y'all want." Stiles walked off.

„My goodness Tom You dont always have to be rude to him. You don't like him? fine. But you can't just always make him leave or make him feel bad." i said sighing and looking after Stiles.

„I obviously can i you just saw." Tom replied cold and kept walking next to me.

„Let's skip herbiology tho. We are going up to our Dorm." Tom added and as we switched directions to go up to his Dorm.

{At his Dorm Timeskip}

„So? What do you think of my idea? I know you don't like it. But i don't really care. We need to distract that Zagan dude to someone else" Tom started talking. „Or he will find out soon" I just didn't say anything. „he will kill stiles, yes but who cares? Nobody will ever know it was our idea. Besides Stiles is annoying." Tom looked at the wall. Again an awkward silence.

„We can start rumors about stiles and Astoria Greenglass. That we heard they are immortal. If everyone knows it won't last much till Zagan hears about it and decides to come to the caste and take both with them" Tom kept talking and then looked at me waiting for an answer.

„I don't really care about Astoria and if she dies. But i really don't want Stiles to get killed." i finally said.

„Stop listening to our feelings. You shouldn't care about the Stiles guy." Tom replied fast.

„Tom... we cant do this.."

„But we will" he answered looking at me.

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