The Great Hall fight

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This is a continuation from the other part actually. But y'all just can read this chapter alone it's finee. Before reading this just remember that i was patient enough with Astoria and i just had kinda enough of her 😀🧍🏻‍♀️

K enjoy

„Why would you drag me out of a conversation with Professor McGonagall? It was actually important Stiles!" i asked annoyed. „This is more important. Draco and some of the other pepole are laughing about me. And Astoria and pa.." i interrupted Stiles asking: „Astoria?"

„Yeah why?" he replied. „Ok i really had enough of her." i recognized raising my eyebrow. „I don't care about Astoria. I don't like Draco. I just want you to beat him up.." Stiles continued. After that we walked into the Great Hall. Stiles and me walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down again. „You know Stiles, you really should've not been in Slytherin. You are just a weak Hufflepuff." she said giggling. I still wasn't looking at her. „Shut up" Blaise said in Atsorias direction. „Hufflepuffs are not weak. What are you talking about?" Stiles said.

„Hufflepuff or not. You are weak and a fuckboy. Oh and if you get drunk.." Astoria laughed and continued talking „well then you become an idiot" Pansy laughed at Astorias words. Enough. I really had enough of Astoria. I hated her.

I didn't know what happened to me right at that Moment but i just jumped on the Slytherin table and jumped on the other side to punch Astoria in her face. Some Slytherins were screaming: „FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" The next thing i heard was that Draco insulted me. Astoria pushed me back. I kicked her. I saw how some Sytherin students started fighting to for some reason i couldn't explain myself.

„GET OFF ASTORIA, CORINNE!" i heard Stiles scream at me. „You heard him. Get off her you dirty little psychopathic bitch." that was Draco. Suddenly i saw how Tom came from somewhere and jumped on Draco bringing him to floor with punches slowly knocking him out. Astoria was sitting by the other table on the floor covering her head. I looked at Tom and asked sarcastically: „Is Draco dead?" Tom looked back „Would you care if he would be?" „no not at all" i answered as i felt blood running down my nose. I looked around.

Everyone like rlly almost EVERYONE in the great hall was just throwing punches around and fighting. „Where the fuck are the Teachers?" i asked terrified. „Who cares? let them fight." Tom answered cold. „Did i start this?" i looked around. „Yeah you did. But who cares. Let's go outside"

And that's how Tom and i left while the rest of the Students were fightingEach other to death. (jk not to death. Well unless.. 😀)

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