Venting is not that easy.

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This will just be a stupid convo in the Slytherin Common room with Stiles trying to Vent to me, Lorenzo and Tom but completely failing. We are rlly good listeners. Especially Tom. 

At the Common Room: 

Me: „Stiles give me more of that chewing gum im obsessed"

Stiles: *hands me over the gum* „here u go" 

Lorenzo: „We should get drunk togheter"

Tom: „no. I'm not gettin drunk with pepole like you" *looks at us disgusted „You are all the definition of loosers" 

Stiles: „Stop that right now i hate being called a looser" 

{Timeskip inserts stiles and Tom fighting for 10 minutes straight till stiles didn't say anything anymore}

Tom: „Ugh why are you so sensitive?"

Stiles: „I dont know. Im not.." *looks away*

Me: „You can shut up now Tom"

Tom: „My girlfriend being protective over a boy that acts like he is 5 all the time" 

Lorenzo: „Did he say girlfriend?"

Me: „Just shut up Tom."

Lorenzo: „He said girlfriend"

Tom: „Don't tell me what i should do and what not" 

Lorenzo: „GIRLFRIEND?"

Me and Tom to Lorenzo: „Stfu" 

{Timeskip another 20 minutes of useless fights}

Stiles: „I dont like being called depressed" 

Tom: „I don't care." 

Me: „Tom."

Tom: „I actually don't care what he thinks"

Lorenzo: *starts laughing*

Tom: „Why are you laughing? Stop that i hate it."

Lorenzo: „Happy vibes only" *literally dies laughing*

Stiles: *dies laughing with him* 

Tom: „STOP IT"

{Timeskip useless convos again}

Stiles: *goes silent suddenly when Lorenzo mentioned something about his mum*

Lorenzo: „Are you okay?" 

Stiles: *looks away" „atleast you can talk about your parents. I cant. my mum is dead and my dad left me." 

Tom: „how sad."

Me: „I'm really sorry for your loss. Was your Mum.. uhm.. happy in her life?"

Lorenzo: *looks at me and starts giggling* 

Tom: „Are you sure he isn't drunk" *points at Enzo*

Me: „Nah he just doesn't have a brain." 

Stiles: „I dont know if she was happy in her Life. I hope she was."

Tom: „Happyness is unnecessary"

Lorenzo: „It's not. I love being happy." 

Me trying to cheer Stiles up: „Uhmm so what was ur mums name?" 

Stiles: „Her name was Claudia. She wa-"

Lorenzo: *interrupts him* „When i was little i had a rat and her name was Claudia. She died. exactly like ur Mum. What a coincidence."

Me: Bitch you cant laugh at this. Don't laugh dont laugh that would be very inappropriate

Tom: *actually does some kind of smile*

Stiles: „A rat.."

Lorenzo: „maybe they were related or something" 

Stiles: „what..?"

Me: „looks at Tom and sees he is actually holding back his laugh to"

Lorenzo: „Anyway how have you guys been this time" *tries smh to change the topic*

Tom: „I have been great till i saw you guys."

Lorenzo: „Thank you Tom."

Stiles: „I have been feeling really dizzy and tired this week..." 

Tom: „Nobody cares"


Lorenzo: „uhm yeah so keep talking"

Stiles: „I dont know I've just been kinda sad and worried a lot. But mostly sad."

Tom: „Well then be happy"

Lorenzo: „You said Happyness is unnecessary"

Tom: „It is. But since Stiles is unnecessary it works out"


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