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My eyes fluttered opened and I let out a grown as I looked around. A room. And it was dark. The last thing i remember was Bellatrix Lestrange infront of me. 

"You are awake." Toms Voice made me look to the side, seeing his silhouette. 

"Oh my god, im so glad you are here." as soon as I said those words I tried standing up but fell back down, noticing something holding me back. 

"You are tied up. " I heard Toms annoyed Voice saying. Sighing I let myself completely fall down again. 

"Where the fuck are we?" 

"They found us. And now they are holding us captive here." Tom replied slowly. 

"Bellatrix Lestange?" 

"I'm sorry  who?" I could hear the surprise in Toms Voice. 

"Yeah well I saw her.. I think. Then I felt something hitting my head and I probably passed out after that." I sighed trying to pull my hands away from the material that was tied around my wrists. 

"Stop doing that. You are just going to hurt yourself like that and it's not going to bring you anywhere." Tom commented, still annoyed, while I just wondered how he saw what i was doing in the dark. 

"They used the Incarcerous spell to tie us up didn't they? How fun." I stated frustrated. 

"Ofcourse they did. Did you expect them to tie us up with muggle handcuffs?" Tom scoffed while I leaned my head onto the wall, annoyed by his sarcastic tone.

"We need to get out of here." I noted and I just heard Tom scoffing again, annoyed. "Oh really? I didn't think about that. I wanted to stay here and drink tea with our kidnapper." Tom replied and I just rolled my eyes continuing my attempt to pull my hands away from the way that they had me tied up. 

" I told you to stop that. We'll wait until they come check up on us and then we'll try to find out as much information  about them as we need." 

"I don't care about fucking information I just want to get out of here." I answered finally giving up on trying to free myself. Tom sighed again. 

After both of us seemed to be silent i heard Tom taking a deep breath. "Is that what I am to you?" he asked. 

"What?" I frowned since I had no idea what he was talking about. 

„A"pathetic orphan that never will get anyone to love him or care for him." Tom replied and Ijust stayed silent, unsure of what to tell him. I didn't know what he wanted me to tell him. "You know what?  I don't need anyone to love me or care for me. That's unnecessary. I don't know why you think I could possibly want that." Tom finished and then remained silent. He sounded stupid to me. Just when I was about to reply, a noise of an opening door caught my attention. Soon after that I could see a low light and a silhouette. 

"Well hello my both immortal people." it was a voice that sounded similars to Bellatrix. 

"Let us go" I knew saying that wasn't going to change anything but it was worth a try. 

"Who are you?" Tom asked instead. I let out an annoyed sighed, because how the hell could that possibly help us. 

"It would be stupid if i told you wouldn't it?" the Voice asked and let out a laugh. It wasn't Bellatrixs laugh. 

(I don't remember the rest of the small talk but what i do know is that i was smarter than Tom) 

"Right Right" the woman had answered another one of Toms questions. He may be trying to find information but that wouldn't help us right now. 

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