Bad news

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„Corinne Eagles" a Voice said behind me. I was walking to the Great Hall when i stopped and looked at Dumbledore, he was the one that called me. „Yes?" i asked curiously looking at the old Wizard. 

„I need to talk to you. It's really urgent." he said while staring into my soul. I would've been scared, that he would read my thoughts but since i scripted he couldn't, i was on the safe side. But, i wondered what could be that urgent that he wanted to talk to me on a Sunday afternoon on Holiday. The castle seemed quite empty, since everyone went home. Some students, like me and Tom that couldn't really go home stayed at Hogwarts for the Summer Holiday. 

„Well.. okay sure" i said slowly. Dumbledore just nodded and motioned me to follow him. I realized after some walking that we were going to his office. 

Dumbest opened the Door to his Office and let me step in. With a surprised face i saw how Tom was already in his office. He was sitting on a chair twirling his wand. When i came in with Dumbledore, his eyes showed the same confusion that i was feeling. Dumbledore closed the Door behind him and walked calmly to his Chair behind his table. 

„You are probably wondering why i have you two here." Dumbledore started talking and Tom nodded. He seemed to be quite impatient, as if he was in a hurry when i was pretty sure Tom had nothing better to do. My eyes went to Dumbledore again and i waited for him to talk. 

„Well. The truth is that you both are in a very complicated and dangerous situation." he stopped talking again, looking to our faces to see if he could get a reaction. I sure was surprised. What had we done now? As far as i remember we haven't done anything that could get us into trouble or danger. I looked over to Tom and as i expected, he seemed to be thinking deeply about what we could have done to. 

„You both are immortal." Dumbledore said then. Tom and me looked at him. Our full attention seemed to be on him now. My entire body tensed. This seemed to be a serious matter. 

„People are after you. A lot of people. They are not good people. They follow the order or someone, their leader, but unfortunately i haven't found out for who they work. Those people are not people you should mess with. If they find you both, you'll be in danger. They know you both are immortal. They know your names, know your faces, they know that you stayed here at Hogwarts for the Summer Holidays. Unfortunately i  believe, they'll come here soon." Dumbledore ended and sighed. 

I was trying to progress the information while looking at Dumbledore. What was going on? Why were people after us? How did they know we are immortal? 

I bit my Lip. It was killing me because i didn't understand anything myself. 

„Excuse me, what?" Tom broke the silence after a while. Dumbledore sighed again looking at Tom. 

„I know this may be very hard for you to progress. But you both will have to leave Hogwarts. The best time to leave would be tomorrow already." Dumbledore replied. Even tho, he didn't even reply to Toms confused question, or whatever that had been. 

We would have to leave? 

My head felt like it was about to explode. I couldn't really understand anything or progress what Dumbledore had said. 

„Who are they?" Tom asked instead „Who are the ones following us? How do they know about us?" Toms eyes just mirrored confusion, nothing else. 

„I'm sorry, but i believe i cant give out information about who those people are since im not really sure myself. And i believe i cant answer to any of your other questions about it either." Dumbledore answered calmly. 

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