The Yule Ball is near and Tom is stupid

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I walked down to Toms Dorm because he seemed nowhere to be found. Tom got angry at me because he saw me with Neville and just concluded that me and Neville are a thing. Or at least that's what I think it is. Because Tom may be hard to read sometimes, but I do know exactly how his brain works. 

To be honest I don't even have a lack of understanding on why Tom thinks anything of me and and Neville. Apparently he is smart but not smart enough to see that me and Neville could never be more than friends. Earlier this day I had just tried to comfort Neville, even if I wasn't very good at it.  But it probably didn't look like it to Tom. 

I let out a sigh knocking at Tom's door. Usually I would've just carelessly walk in, but knowing Tom he'd probably try to murder me right now. I knock again, this time harder and louder, then wait. 


I since I hear no noise I consider that he isn't in his dorm. But it seemed most likely from Tom to just ignore me. Right now I want to walk away, maybe I didn't have the energy to keep searching for Tom. 

"What?" Tom finally answered. Just like I could've imagined, Tom had just been ignoring me.

"It's me" I answered, even if I was aware that Tom most defined already knew it was me. 

"Fuck off." 

Obviously. He really seemed to become more intolerable when he is pissed.  

"Alohomora" I then muttered pointing my wand at the door, not caring anymore if Tom wanted me to be here or not. If he didn't want to talk to me willingly, I would just do it this way. 

He was on his bed, his eyes shifting to mine and holding eye contact with me, his facial expression showing me that I wasn't welcome here. I asked myself if this was really a good idea.

Then my heartbeat seemed to have stopped for a second as I dared to look around in his room. His Mirror was shattered, the little candle holder that I genuinely liked because of it's elegant green color and his snake figure that he usually guarded so carefully we're on the floor, broken. Tom's room that always seemed far from being chaotic was a mess now. 

"Leave!"  Tom suddenly yelled and caught me off guard, making me back away a little and look at him again.  

"What is wrong with you?" I asked irritated at the way he had raised his voice at me as if I was some child. 

" I told you to leave" he repeated coldly, but this time putting effort into lowering his voice a little.

"What happened here?" I motion towards the broken objects on the ground. But even if I dared to ask him a question like that the answer was obvious to me. He went trough an anger outburst and hadn't been able to control himself. It surprised me because I had never expected something like that from him. You could think that Tom was a man that consisted out of being angry annoyed and irritated. But people who know Tom also are aware of the fact that Tom never shows his anger properly. He contains himself and chooses to remain calm, he chooses to not care and bottles his anger up. 

And then I wonder if this was over Neville and me or if it was one of his other thousand problems that had caused him to start breaking his possess. I chose to assume that it isn't over Neville and me, because he had never gotten mad or so incredibly jealous like this before. 

"It broke" he replied then. For a second the two words completely surprised me. That he would give me such an idiotic answer wasn't anything I could expect from him. 

I raise my eyebrows and look at him. 

"Yeah idiot I can clearly see that. But why would you-" I start talking but I interrupt myself when he stands up, now looking at me in a more intense way.  

"Leave." Tom's tone has changed. He isn't yelling, his voice is just so dangerously low that I almost feel the need to step back. But instead of feeling intimidated by him I just decide to stand there as he approaches me. 

"Neville is just friend" my voice isn't as firm as I want it to sound. It sounds like I'm uncertain of what I just said. My own voice just made me seem like a liar. And I'm sure Tom notices it too. 

"Right. A friend that holds your hand, that hugs you and that spends time with you?" Toms asks, his voice sounding so angry that I almost think that he is about to explode from his own anger.

"Yes. That's kind of what friends are for? I mean you wouldn't know because your friends consist of blood supremacists that don't give a shit about you" I answer.  

Tom shook his head and takes a deep breath. He looks like he is about to murder me. "If I'd be in a room with Astoria"  he starts talking and my jaw tenses. I hate him mentioning any other girl and I hate getting compared. He knows exactly what he is doing by mentioning her. "And you'd walk in on us holding hands. Let's just say simply holding hands. What would you think?" he asks, probably knowing that he has already won this argument. 

 He has a point. He is right. He has every right to be mad.

"I would kill her" I answer, more in a sarcastic tone. But I'm not very sure if I actually don't mean it. 

Tom nods, ignoring my obvious sarcasm. "Exactly. But what would you think?" he asks. 

"I don't know" I lie. Because I know exactly what I would think. I'd probably plan Astorias murder and then Tom's. I'd explode, I'd start flying. My anger would literally most definitely make me start levitating and spinning in the air. Tom seems annoyed by the answer I give him. 

"If you don't give me a valid reason because of the thing with Longbottom I'll break up with you" he says. 

That sentence throws me off completely and reminds me of how stupid he is. Somehow he has managed to get progressively worse. I thought he had changed the slightest bit, but apparently that wasn't the case. Here we are again with him trying to break up with me.

"I already gave you a valid reason fucking idiot." I say trying to not completely go inane. I just don't have enough patience for this. 

"Don't talk to me that way Princess" Tom answers being almost teasingly for a second. Then he seems to remember that this is not the moment to invent any nicknames for me and he seems to remember that he is irritated because of me. "That isn't a valid reason" he adds, annoyed again. 

I look at him trying to find something is his expression that tells me that he isn't being serious. But it seems like he is. 

"Get out" Tom repeats, but he seems to want to argue with me more.

But I can't deal with him any longer. So I just direct myself in the direction is his door to leave but then rethink the situation and turn around to face him again. 

"I'm going with someone else to the Yule ball, don't worry."

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