Im being stupid.

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„Me and Sophia?" Stiles eyes turned bigger. We were outside. Me, Luna, George, Fred and Stiles.

„Yes you and Sophia. You guys are clearly a thing" George said awaiting an answer.

Stiles turned red. His cheeks looked like a literal tomato. I could put a Tomato next to him right now and wouldn't recognize the difference. „We are not a thing!" he snapped back. His cheeks still red looking back at George . I rolled my Eyes. He was quite stupid. Everyone could recognize that him and Sophia were a thing. They were in the same class and spended their freetime togheter. She was quite new at Hogwarts. But every blind person would immediately see that they were in love. Or something like that.

„You guys are clearly in love" Fred laughed lightly. I just sighed.

„Sophia is just a friend!" Stiles replied.

Now finally i smiled too.

„Whatever you say Adrien." i joked. The Twins and Stiles looked at me confused.

„Did you just call me Adrien again?" Stiles asked in disbelief.

„Ofcourse she is just a friend" Fred came back to the sentence that Stiles said before.

„Agreste is kinda stupid." i mumbled. I didn't know myself why i laughed at my own jokes that nobody would every understand.

Stiles kept walking he looked like he was trying to puzzle something togheter.

„Adrien.... agreste?" he repeated slowly looking at me.

I sighed. „You really wouldn't understand it." By the Twins looks i could tell that they wanted me to explain, but i didn't want to spend the Time explaining a stupid joke to them. They probably wouldn't even understand it after my explanation.

While the rest kept talking, i found myself not listening again. My thoughts drifting back to Tom. And i couldn't stand it.

„The Yule ball is coming up soon!" Luna said laughing. I finally payed attention again. A feeling off excitement. The Yule Ball! Ofc! I had almost forgotten. My first Yule Ball at Hogwarts. It would defined be amazing.

„When do pepole actually start asking each other out for the Yule Ball?" i asked suddenly. Lunas attention was on me and she thought about it for a second. „Probably already this week!" she replied and i smiled. I wasn't really sure if someone would ask me but i would definitely go either way. I couldn't miss my first Yule Ball.

Then i thought about it. Wasn't the Yule Ball actually in December? I frowned. I remembered it from the books at movies. It was always Winter.

„Are you alright Eagles?" Fred asked noticing the confused look on my Face. I nodded without saying anything else.

„I'm sure someone will ask you don't worry" Luna said in a soft Voice.

It was honestly confusing. Why did she think nobody would ask me? I frowned

„It's not that i don't think that nobody will ask me, but wasn't the Yule Ball in December? Or shouldn't it be in December?" my Voice sounded kinda annoyed.

„It should've been, but something happened. And we had to skip it last year." Lunas calm Voice made me feel bad for being annoyed.

I didn't say anything else while they continued talking, trying to remember what could've happened that they skipped the Yule Ball. I already could shift in December (CR Time). My DR was just definetly confusing sometimes.

„I haven't heard anything from Zagan in the last weeks. Why is that?" Stiles asked suddenly. It was then when i noticed that he had been really quite for the entire Time. Fred answered something but i wasn't listening anymore. Once more i found myself in my thoughts, not listening to them. I saw how they started laughing and i laughed with them, having no idea what the joke was about.

Why did i not enjoy my Time with them that much? I should be laughing with them, making jokes and listening to them. But i just wasn't. Something in my head told me that i was acting stupid because of the break up. But that couldn't really be an actual reason couldn't it? I pushed away the thoughts as fast as i could, i didn't want to keep my mind occupied with thoughts on Tom, not again.

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