The Talk

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So im gonna put a little TW Warning here cuz yeah it's about killing again 😭✋🏻

"So you killed Tom Marvolo Riddle?" Dumbledore asked me. For my surprise he was really calm.

I sighed. I was so scared to say yes. Some days passed since the tragedy with Tom and Draco happened. After Draco could leave the Hospital Wing we had to go talk with Dumbledore. We told him everything. The Truth.

Dumbledore still looked at me waiting for an answer. "I honestly dont know why you are making me repeat it Professor" i spoke and gave him an annoyed look. Draco just gave me a warning gaze trying to tell me i should shut up. "Why did you kill him?" Dumbledore asked. What was he doing? I already told him. Draco answered instead of me i spoke out my thoughts: "Im really sorry Professor but i think she explained." now he was the one that gave Dumbledore an anoyed look. Dumbledore just stared in my eyes and i just kept looking back without saying anything.

"Where is Tom? Or Toms dead body?" Dumbledore asked. While Draco explained where it all happened i got distracted by a Person that moved in the Background. "Professor Lupin?" i asked and looked at the Person that walked out. Yes it was professor Lupin. Dumbledore gave him a look that said *you-just interrupted me you bitch*

"Well i didn't want to spy on your convo. But i certainly did. Miss Eagles. The killing matter stays between us. And just us. If the ministry find out, or someone else at this school they could kick you out of Hogwarts. Everything would have some serious consequences." Professor Lupin explained. I really didn't need someone to tell me about what would happpen if. I knew exactly that i would be in trouble. "but the question is: Do we want to cover up a murder?" Dumbledore said as he looked at me. Now Draco was the one that said: "It's not like she's done something bad. Professor it's for Idiots what you are trying to tell us right now." Draco did a dangerous step forward and Dumbledore stepped back. "Are you actually really questioning the fact if you will not tell anyone about this? Are you seriously telling me you won't cover up for her. SHE HAST DONE ANYTHING WRONG." Draco scoffed angrily. I just took his Hand i told him to calm down. He breathed out and didn't say anything else. Dumbledore just kept looking at him.

"You don't want Miss Eagles to get kicked out dont you?" Professor Lupin asked i Dumbledores direction. I grinned. Professor Lupin was on my Side! "No of course i don't want any of my students to have a bad future in Azkaban or something even worse" Dumbledore said finally. Draco just scoffed again and said something like: "Took him long enough". I just shushed him and looked up again to Dumbledore. I nodded.

"You can go now" Dumbledore said in my Direction. "You Draco stay here for a Moment." he spoke. I looked at Draco confused. He just looked as confused as me. "I'll wait for you outside then" I said by walking out slowly. "No you go to Lunch you don't wait for him" Dumbledore said. First I wanted to complain but then I just kept it for myself and walked outside.

Soon I went to the Great Hall to eat Lunch and thought of what Dumbledore would have to talk with Draco. It was quite suspicious.
"Corinne! Where have you been?!" Pansy asked while walking towards me. And were is Draco? I heard he is in the Hospital wing! Is he alright now?" she asked. I could see how worried she was. I haven't seen her in days. And since we didn't sit togheter in class she didn't have the opportunity to talk to me that much this week. "Draco should be here every Minute. I'm sorry Pansy I really need to find someone. I will explain you everything later alright?" i tried to get myself out of this convo that I was having.
Pansy wanted to say something else but I walked off without saying anything else.

I heard someone calling my Name. But I just ignored it and continued walking. I got out of the great hall. I had to walk off. I just wasn't feeling that ready to lie about the whole matter. I couldn't even lie good so I needed to get out of my Situation.

Suddenly I heard Voices. I could hear Dumbledore and Professor Lupin talking to each other. They went in Direction Great Hall. I expected Draco to be with them but he wasn't. Actually I was quite confused about why he wasn't with them. I didn't like this Hiee and Seek joke at all. Last Time when i searched for him he was nearly dying. So I think it's understandable why I'm not a big fan of searching for him.

"I'm not gonna search for Draco again. It's stupid." I said while going the Way up to my Dorm. "He probably won't need me now" i tried to tell myself.

I was in my Dorm meanwhile when someone knocked. Pansy came in. Oh no. She probably wanted to know what happened. I could avoid her at Lunch in the Great Hall, but now there was no Way that i could get her away. 

"Hey Corinne!" she said. "Hey Pansy. I know you are here because of your questions that you have about Draco being in the Hospital. He got it of the Hospital so don't worry. A.. spell went wrong and he got injured..." i pronounced the *a spell went wrong*. Actually i was so nervous because i didn't want her to see that i was lying. I was not good at lying so pepole could always find out really easy. 

"No. Im not here because of that." she said nervously. Something seemed to bother her. 

"What happened then?" i asked with a little smile. 

The next thing what Pansy said made my smile disappear: 

 "Malfoy. It is Malfoy.  Draco. I think he tried to kill himself." 


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