The mess that I've caused-

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YES RIGHT BITCHES ASJDHASDKJHS- I SHIFTED AGAIN. But before i start writing this i would want to let y'all know that i did a little something in my DR 🏃🏻‍♀️. Weeks ago i accidentally deleted my script (i had it on my phone) and since everyone said you can shift without script and i was to lazy to redo it i shifted WITHOUT script. But im unfortunately not a genius like some of y'all that just have their script in your head and everything happens like scripted. I'm the dumb girl that forgets everything that i scripted ofc. SO when i came to my DR time didn't freeze from the last time to this time. So basically, an ENTIRE month passed in my Dr without me because i deleted my script. I did script exactly that „time freezes when i shift into my CR again" but since i deleted my script- yeah. It sucks. Sometimes i rlly need more Brain. Really. ALSO i scripted that for example Tom Riddle wouldn't turn into golds Moldy. FORTUNATELY my brain did remember that and Tom didn't turn into the noseless bitch. My brain did forget some stuff tho abt my script. For example that i wake up in the common room. I didn't. I woke up in the Forrest. 🧍🏻‍♀️ 

BUT ANYWAYSSS lets just get into the storytime shall we? 

I looked to my left and to my right. What is this? This is definitely not the common room. Trees were around me. The Forrest? „what in the world..?" someone said. I looked next to me. 

„Tom???" i said questioning my entire life existence. „What are you doing here? Where even are we" i asked still looking around. He rolled his eyes. „You are stupid as hell? How do you not know where you are? Oh wait right. You are just trying to play it off. I'm not gonna tell anyone that you are walking around in the forbidden Forrest at night" he scoffed. Forbidden Forrest? Why did i wake up in the forbidden Forrest?  „Yeah fine i was just.. going for a walk." i said nervously. „I don't give a single fuck what you are doing here. Where have you been for the past month huh?"

Tom looked really mad. For the past MONTH? What the hell was he talking about?  Yes. I didn't shift for the past month but the time froze here. It was impossible. Unless... My script? No no no no no. Was it because i deleted my script? „IM waiting for an ANSWER. And don't act stupid whore." Tom said locking eyes with me. Yes. It was because of my script. I should've known. So i had been away in my DR? What would i tell anyone?  I looked at Tom and stuttering i said: „I was on a.. Mission. For Dumbledore." Tom raised his eyebrow. „Every single fucking Teacher didn't want to say why you where gone." he spoke to me in a harsh tone. Teacher? Why would they know where i was? Nobody except of Dumbledore knew that i shifted. Did Dumbledore cover u for me? Did he tell the Teachers to not say anything because he knew i shifted back? 

You will have to tell me later exactly what that mission is about" Tom said. „it's a secret" i answered. What would i tell him? There was no mission. This was ridiculous. „You know i don't care if that mission is secret or not. You are going to tell me. But later. When we are in my Dorm. Now come" Tom said while grabbbing my arm and basically DRAGGING me with him. 

{Timeskip at his Dorm}

„Youve probably heard about Zagan by now. On your mission" Tom said sarcastically while sitting on his bed. I sat down on the floor next to his bed. I laughed. „Zagan? Who or what in the world is that?" i asked giggling. Toms full attention suddenly went to me. „You don't know who it is. Who don't you who it is. You don't know who it is?" he repeated looking at me. „Do i look like i know who that is?" i frowned while saying that. Zagan? Did i miss some characters in the wizarding world? I was a Potterhead for years and never heard of him. „I can't even with you. You are so stupid. Zagan is trying to find us. He and his followers will attack Hogwarts soon. We are all in danger, and you don't fucking know who it is?" Tom said raising his voice. I looked at him. 

Who was that guy? What was he talking about? Attack Hogwarts? Why would someone try that? I scripted that Tom wouldn't turn into Voldemort. I scripted that there wasn't any danger at Hogwarts so i could enjoy my school years here... i scripted. And deleted my script. Ofc. Yes ofc. Everything got messed up because of that. I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid. Im so stupid. But Zagan? There wasn't any Zagan at Hogwarts. In the books. Not that i remember. 

„Tell me everything about him. Everything." i said in Toms direction. „Are you serious?" he sighed but continued talking: „Nobody knows where he comes from. Zagan is, the most dangerous dark Wizard in existence. Dumbledore escaped. He is not here anymore. And everyone is in danger. But we.." he pointed at me and at him „are the ones that he is searching. He just doesn't know its us. Zagan knows there are 2 unnatural powerful pepole. At Hogwarts. And that's us. We are both immortal. He will soon attack Hogwarts and do anything untill he finds us. He will kill Dumledore to. Dumbledore is a powerful wizard and the only one that could protect us. If he gets rid of Dumbledore he is just a step away to find out that we are immortal. But Dumbledore escaped 2 weeks ago. Atleast everyone believes that. Nobody knows where he went. Hogwarts is in danger." Tom ended. 

What? What? What? What What? I just had questions. Zagan? There wasn't any Zagan that i can remember. Why is everything messed up? Where was Dumbledore? What was he doing? Why does he know both of us are immortal? How did he find out that we are at Hogwarts? How long wulstt take for him to find us? When would he attack Hogwarts? What was happening? 

I wanted to ask Tom all those Questions. But instead i said? „What is Zagans last name?" Tom thought about it for a second and said: „Stawarski (idk if it was that. I think tom said Stawarski but idkkk) i believe. Nobody knows where he came from. And everyone wants to know where Dumbledore is. He is our actual only protection. And that pussy escaped." I was still confused. 

„But now. Bitch. I need you to tell me where Dumbledore is." Tom said firmly. „Why would i know?" i asked. „You where on his Mission?" he said aggressively. I just looked away. „I don't know where he is." i whispered. Tom looked at me for an awkward minute. It was silent. 

„Go to your Dorm. It's probably 2 am already. We will continue this discussion tomorrow" Tom finally said standing up and walking to the Door. I slowly stood up to and walked to the Door. He opened it for me. I was about to go when he grabbed my neck and whispered into my ear. „We will continue this discussion tomorrow. Actually. And no lies this time. You are going to tell me where you have been the whole time." i pushed Tom away whispering „get off me" aggressively and then saying „i already told you. I was on a Mission for Dumbledore." 

He smirked and said: 

„And i think i already made clear i don't believe that."

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