Luna Lovegood

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Sooo since someone asked if I can talk abit about my experience with Luna I thought I could totally do it. 
I'm just going to tell the Story about the first time we met. 


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It was a quite sunny day at Hogwarts and my mood decent. Obviously happy to be at Hogwarts, but I hated heat and I couldn't stand the sun. And right now it wasn't too hot, but definitely not cold or windy either. But I tried to remain happy because who wouldn't be? My life at hog warts had been going surprisingly well and I was My Life at hogwarts was going surprisingly well and I was passing almost all of my classes. I also had just started to date Draco and I guess it was going well too. 

And I found myself being pretty happy as I walked down the staircase. (literally almost tripped and fell but that's not the point) I smile seeing Blaine coming the other way. This all still astonished me. "Hey Blaise!" I said loud enough for him to turn around. "Hey Corinne, how are you?" he replied and smiled brightly. "Im fine actually. I'm going to the library to do my Homework. Do you wan to join me?" i asked, hoping he would say no, since I liked being alone at the library. 

"I would really love that, but i promised Crabble I would meet him in the common room after" he said and I faked a disappointing look. 

"Fine then. I guess i will go alone then." I said waving at him and going ahead to the library. 

{Little Time Skip}

When i finally got to the Library I searched for a silent Place where I could sit. I had quite a lot of homework and I wanted to get it done as soon as possible. But I loved studying especially at Hogwarts. I didn't struggle too much with the material, it was quite the opposite, I loved learning these subjects. 

But today I opened my herbiology book first. It was definitely the only subject that I found hard. And it was the only Subject I didn't enjoy. 

After a while of studying I slowly realized that it wasn't too hard to learn for Herbology. 

I was so focused on my book that i didn't notice the girl that asked me if she could sit next to me. At some point she tapped me on the shoulder and i looked up. There she was. Luna Lovegood. She looked so gorgeous magical and cute at the same Time. I did not meet her before in my DR and now i was so glad i did. "Can i sit next to you? Do you mind?" She asked me with her high pretty voice. I just nodded since i didn't know what else to say. When she sat down i went like: "Luna!" and she looked at me again. "Yes i am Luna! And you are?" she asked. "Corinne. Corinne Eagles" i said fast and smiled at her. "That's a lovely name! I have seen you before with Draco and some other Slytherins." she continued. She was smiling the whole time and so was i. The excitement to finally meet her was big. "Yes you are right. Draco is my boyfriend and the othe Slytherins are probably Daphne Blaise and Pansy. I hated Pansy at the beginning but.. i guess she is fine." 

Luna listened to me quietly and said then: "That's nice! Daphne is a nice person! Never really talked to her but.." she whispered: "I can feel it."

It was so lovely to listen to Luna talk. "Yes! I'm friends with Ginny to! or atleast i think so! You do hang out with her sometimes do you?" I asked. Luna nodded and said: "Yeah i love Ginny. She is amazing really!". I looked at her closely and reminded myself once again how ugly i must've looked next to her.

Luna suddenly looked up always from me and said fast: "It was really nice meeting you Corinne!" When she smiled at me i got really happy. Luna did probably make my Day with just talking to me..

Luna then smiled at me again and walked away. Why was she so magical?

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