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At this point I had nearly frozen to death. I usually love the cold but right now I could've really appreciated some warmth. 

The biggest issue was that fact that I'm in a Forrest. A Forrest. Dumbledore sent me into a Forrest and even if I didn't want to follow his instructions I assumed it would be best to listen. But I mean why would I want to spend time in the woods? 

I had been here for almost a week and just like a person with common sense, I want to get out of here. But since it was the only place that I could be in right now I couldn't complain too much. I didn't know where I would possibly be safe, so I guess this Muggle part of the woods is the best option? 

And exactly that was the positive part out of this. It is just a regular Muggle location, which means that no creatures will try to eat me while I sleep. But just because this place was seemingly harmless didn't mean I didn't want to get away from here. But for now, this seemed like the only option. 

I sat down on the roots of the tree that was the closest to me and leaned myself on the tree. My own need for sleep was overwhelming. Seriously, it felt as if I hadn't slept in ages and honestly that was exactly what had happened. I hadn't gotten proper sleep in the past nights.  The fact that I had to sleep on cold floor or leaning myself on trees for support made this all worse. And I had never felt this alone in my entire life. It is terrible. 

But even if the position I was in was the most horrific position to sleep in I found myself closing my eyes and falling asleep. 


My eyes fluttered open and I yawned. The realisation of me still being here made me want to die. It felt like a nightmare repeating over and over again. 

"Finally. You're awake. It was about time" a voice said. It almost sounded like Tom Riddle. Did I mention that I had made up fake scenarios in my head about what it would be like if Tom were to be here? Things would be so much better. And I miss him terribly.  It is something stupid, yet I can't help to feel that way. And exactly that kind of bullshit killed me. 

"Didn't you hear me? Or are you just pretending you didn't?" 

I turn my head to my right. That in fact had not been me imagining his voice, I am not going insane right now. Tom Riddle is sitting next to me, pretending it is a normal thing that  he's here. 

After the realisation hits me I distance myself from him quickly, pushing myself away from him. He looks at me and doesn't even seem surprised or confused or unsettled. He just looks calm, like always. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask harshly, hoping he doesn't notice the way my Voice is about to break.

"I see you are very happy to see me" he replies coldly. 

"I really am not happy to see you" I lie. Yes, I lie because I'm so incredibly glad and relieved that he's here. I actually just want to be close to him. I want to thank him for being here. 

"I see that. But I am glad to see you" he doesn't look at me while he talks.  

My head is about to explode, or maybe it's my heart, I don't know. But Tom is being nice to me and that is something very rare. 

"It's great to know that you've missed me so much. It's not a mutual feeling. I want you to leave" I lie again not meaning it. But I can't give Tom the satisfaction to see how much I've missed his company. 

Tom seems to be irritated that I didn't return his niceness. "In a bad mood today I see?" he notes while looking at me, clearly trying to contain himself from saying something rude. 

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