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It is a nice evening, that is what I thought. 

I had just shifted to Hogwarts and like always, I am really happy  that I did. 

It is dinner time and I'm heading down to the great hall, seeing Ginny walking towards me and waving at me. "Hey! Do you want to sit with us today?" she asked, referring to the Gryffindor table. She looked exited and I did not want to ruin her obviously happy mood with saying no to her. Sitting at the Gryffindor table wasn't my thing, since I wasn't really welcome there. I am glad she asked but the Gryffindors didn't like me a lot. 

 They didn't like me, so I would have to say no. 

"Ginny I would love to but I promised Pansy I'd sit with her today" I lied. 

Ginny gives me a disappointment look and I almost feel sorry. But just before I can start feeling guilty she just nods and walks away. 

 I sigh but then I do walk to the Slytherin table.

"Hey Pansy"  I greeted the brunette girl and sat across from her. What I had said to Ginny was mainly a brutal lie because I wasn't even friends with Pansy, not even close. I had never exchanged a word with her until now. Or actually, maybe I had already the first time I came to Hogwarts and I can recall that she didn't show me her welcoming side. I don't fully trust her, maybe that is the main issue. 

She looks at me and smiles. The smile looks pathetically fake. "Hi, how are you?" she asks, still having her forced smile on her face. I just nod, not wanting to give her a specific answer or talk to her at all.  But since I didn't want to appear unfriendly I gave her a small smile. 

Then I turn my head to look at Draco's empty seat and I frown.

"Is Draco not coming to dinner?" I ask, towards no one specifically since Draco usually didn't miss dinner or breakfast.

Pansy shrugs. "I don't know, I haven't seen him"

I sigh again. "I actually want to talk to him about something. I am going to go get him. Im not really hungry anyway."

 "Why exactly do you want to talk to him?" Blaise then asks and I just raise an eyebrow as an answer and stand up, ignoring his question.

{Time skip}

A there was something in me that longed for sleep. And right now I had been searching for Draco. But he was nowhere to be seen. 

He probably got detention or wanted some privacy, I figured that I should stop searching. If I couldn't find him he probably didn't want to be found. And the castle was big, he could be anywhere. I felt relieved that I didn't have to talk to him after everything. After a while i just walked trough the different corridors, admiring Hogwarts. The fact that i was here still seemed like some type of really good dream to me.

I didn't really know what Time it was. To be honest, i just enjoyed the time with myself, admiring Hogwarts. 

At a Point i just decided to start walking back to the Dorms. The others would ask me questions of where i had been if i wouldn't go back and that was probably the last thing i wanted. 

But when i started walking back i stopped suddenly. What the fuck?  I froze looking around. I was pretty sure i had heard a scream. A pretty loud scream. That was kinda creepy to me. But worrying about it wasn't really my business. But then i heard another scream, again and again. I kept walking, unsure of where the screams had come from. Suddenly i didn't feel like being a lone had been the best thing.

 Then i stopped in front of a Door. The noises came from  there. It was in the Room. My hands seemed to be slightly shaking when i pulled out my wand and pointed it at the Door.

"Alohomora" i said with a shaking Voice. 

The Door jumped open. I pointed my Wand out.

What i saw was overwhelming. Malfoy was on the Floor, bleeding, while Tom was twirling his Wand in his left Hand, standing next to Draco, not really bothered as i came in. 

"Draco?" i muttered and walked  towards him. As soon as i came closer, i could see how injured he was 

 Infact, he seemed to be having trouble with breathing.

 He couldn't even properly move his head to look at me.

"Malfoy. Can you hear me?" I asked. I was quite worried at that point. The fact that i didn't know what to do made me anxious. My wand was still in my hands but i couldn't think of any spells, my mind seemed to be empty. 

I just didn't know what to do.

Again I tried to make him talk but it didn't work. 

 If I would leave now to get a Teacher I wouldn't be sure if he would still be alive when I came back.  My thoughts spinning, as i looked at him. Then Draco whispered: "Let me die Please. And get out of here.."

Draco was dramatic as fuck. 

Draco looked at me weakly. "Leave please"his Voice seemed like a whisper when he said it.

I couldn't believe that he thought I would let him die here. Yes, die. I believed he could die. He was very injured.

Then i looked up, to Tom. "Nobody will hear you if you try to scream for help, love."

 Realization came to me. Ofcourse it had been Tom. 

"It was you that.. but why?" i muttered, still staring into Toms eyes.

"It was just fun torturing him for hours." Tom now smiled. As soon as those words escaped his mouth i shook my head. Even if i couldn't think straight i knew Tom wasn't doing this shit for pleasure. He did everything for a reason. "Now move." he commanded, trying to tell me that i should move out of his way so he could get to torturing Draco again. 

"No" I said firmly. Tom moved some steps back and pointed his Wand at Draco. Draco didn't even really react. He just looked at me. He didn't say anything. Great.

Tom still pointing his Wand at Draco said:  "Get out of my Way" 

Draco held my hand and muttered "I love you". His eyes seemed to be begging me to say it back. But i just couldn't. Because i knew i didn't love him, maybe i didn't even feel anything for im at all at this point. I knew he was a good guy but he just wasn't the right person. 

 And then, for some Reason i did what Tom asked for. I moved, leaving him free space to face Draco again. Toms eyes seemed to have a spark of surprise when i did as he told me to.  

Draco was still looking at me. This Time he seemed disappointed. And confused.

"I guess it's time to go." Tom said looking at Malfoy, not having anything that could possibly motion that he still had some type of emotion in him. Tom just looked like what he was. A Psychopath. 

He wants to kill Draco.

But before Tom could even start the killing curse pulled out my Wand pointing it at Tom.



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