The Yule Ball Part 2

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I was having a lot of thoughts while making my way to the Slytherin dormitories. I really hoped Tom was in his dorm because i didn't have the energy or Time to search for him.

My thoughts were going crazy actually. Should i tell Lorenzo about what i just had seen? I had to tell him at some Point. Sophia cheated after all. And how would Elif react when i would tell her about the thing between Sophia and Stiles? She'd probably be mad and disappointed. Selig really seemed to like Stiles. But Elif wasn't my main problem right now. Lorenzo was. Lorenzo had give Sophia everything and had done his best to make her happy. He would break if i would tell him that Sophia cheated on him with Stiles. Yes, i had to tell him but i was quite scared of his reaction. I would have to choose a good Moment to tell him what i saw.

Standing infront of the Slytherin Common Room entrance i said „Pure-Blood" and stepped in. The Passwords that the Common Room had kinda always had annoyed me. Even the Slytherin Common Room Password had to do something with the Blood status. Making my Way to Toms Dorm i noticed how quiet the Corridors were. I could hear my own Heartbeat. Ofcourse nobody had left the Yule Ball yet so they couldn't be here.

„Alohomora" i exclaimed while pointing my Wand at Toms Door. Using a spell to open his Door was probably not necessary but i believe i just wanted to use my Wand.

„What are you doing here" Tom said without even looking up. He was holding a book in his hand. I could tell it was the Defense Against the Dark Arts book by it's cover. How was it that he was alway studying for something? But i just sighed in relief instead while i looked at him. I was glad that i found him this fast.

„I could ask you the same thing Riddle." i replied.

„This is my Dorm."

„Well clearly i do know that. But there is casually a Yule Ball happening right now and nobody should miss the Yule Ball. It happens to be a special occasion." i snapped back at him. Tom just his head while standing up and walking over to his Bed. He sat down and closed his book putting it aside. Then he finally looked at me. I hadn't talked to him in the last two weeks. And honestly he looked like he hadn't slept in days. His Hair was messy and his eyes were slightly red.

„I don't care about the Yule Ball" Tom finally said and i sighed. He was impossible. Actually, i genuinely expected from him that he'd just go with some other random Slytherin girl to make me mad. But the fact that he didn't go was even worse. Even Tom could be able to have some fun at the Yule Ball.

„I thought you'd just go with someone else to the Yule Ball." i replied to his statement. Obviously he didn't care about the Yule Ball.

He raised his eyebrows. „Unlike you i would never do that. Besides, all the other Slytherin girls are pathetic. Also, had fun with Longbottom?" the way Tom said Nevilles last name was kind of worrying me. He said it like he despised and hated Neville. And that was probably the last thing i wanted. I had enough stuff to worry about for Tom trying to kill Neville or something.

„I didn't even go with Neville. I went with Fred." i replied and decided to ignore his comment about how the other Slytherin girls were ‚pathetic'. Tom seemed to be thinking about who was Fred. He looked confused for a second then he just looked at me coldly.

„One of the Weasley Twins? Well first Longbottom now Weasley. Who is next? Zabini? Berkshire? Pucey? Malfoy?" while counting down the names he looked mad. He looked like he was about to explode. It wouldn't surprise me actually. He had some serious anger issues anyway.

„It was just my Date for the Yule Ball. Since YOU decided to act childish and decided to tell me that you had someone else to go with what besides, as i can tell was a lie. Oh and ofcourse you decided to not talk to me for 2 weeks. You avoided even looking at me."

„It was your fault." Tom noted while i sat down next to him on his bed.

„Fuck off. It's not my problem if you don't believe that Neville and me are just friends." i sighed.

„How am i supposed to believe that you and Longbottom are just friends when i saw how you guys were holding eachother? The fact that you said you were just comforting him was just a poor excuse because i caught you both. You cheated." Tom affirmed. It was like he knew exactly that i was cheating when it was not even true. He was pissing me off because he was talking shit again and he didn't even hesitate to listen to me. But just when i was about to go to insult him he just sighed and mumbled: „It's actually disappointing because i actually would've gone to the Yule Ball with you. You know, i have skipped the Yule Ball all these years because it's just not my thing. And i wanted to make you a favor and go with you. But then you had to cheat on me with Longbottom. Pathetic."

I wasn't sure what to say about what he had just said. He was being a bitch and not letting me explain how i didn't cheat on him but at the same time it was almost a compliment how he said he wanted to go to the Yule Ball for me.

„Oh god Riddle i sad i did not cheat on you with Longbottom. He is not even my type. He is my type as a.. friend." i almost wanted to punch myself on how stupid that must've sounded.

„Your type as a friend?" Tom was fighting the urge to smile. It was quite rare seeing him smiling but i could literally see how he was holding back his stupid grin.

„Oh shut up" i replied smiling slightly. Then i just stopped smiling and looked at him. „Well im going to leave now im heading back to my Dorm. I won't be returning back to the Yule Ball now anyway." i added then standing up.

„I believe you." he said then. I turned around facing him and stopped.


„I believe you. You and Longbottom are probably just friends. You aren't cheating on him with me. I'm so much better why would you even think about cheating on me?" his Voice was low but i was still able to hear him. I sighed. He was impossible. But at least he wasn't acting like a child and telling me that i was cheating.

So i decided to sit back down next to him.

„Well since you didn't want to go to the Yule Ball.. wanna dance here?" my Voice was probably shaking while asking him that.

„Wha- No. Absolutely not." Tom replied to my question. I wasn't expecting anything else from him.

„I hate dancing. But it could be fun. And since we never have done anything together that is fun except for.. reading i think it could be interesting." i wasn't even sure why i was asking him to dance with me at this point. Maybe i was just tired or something.

„Dancing is not fun at all. And what makes you think i would want to dance with you?" Tom scoffed.

This boy makes me wanna murder people.

„Dancing is not fun. You are right. Nevermind. It was just a stupid idea" i sighed laying back. Yes, i was really tired somehow.

After a while with us just staying in Toms bed, not even touching each other or talking he stood up. He turned around to face me and held out his hand to me. He sighed.

„What kind of music do you want to dance to Eagles?"

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