The Mirror of Erised

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 TW: Some rlly brutal thoughts. 

I was in Defense against the Dark Arts, sitting next to Lorenzo. I've slowly started talking to the Slytherins again. Even tho I  really liked the twins, Stiles and Neville I didn't find myself enjoying my Time with them as much as I did with my Slytherin friend like Enzo and Theo. Fred and George were incredibly nice, just maybe not the type of people that I didn't want to hand out with, I wasn't sure. 

"Salvio Hexia is a spell that could be used on a certain area protecting yourself and or others. It is very useful if you find yourself in a dangerous situation and.." Professor Lockhart kept talking but I stopped listening when Tom started making some gestures with his hands to catch my attention. " 

What?" I mouthed, confused at what he would want from me. Talking to him was the last thing I wanted. The last Time we talked was some days ago in the Room of Requirement and it hadn't been the most comfortable experience to me.

He pointed at the Door. I still didn't get what he wanted. Then he raised his hand and waited till Lockhart gave him a nod and ask him what he wanted. 

"I'm sorry for the interruption, but I just remembered Professor Dumbledore telling me he had to discuss a serious matter with me and" he pointed at me "Miss Eagles too." I frowned at the stupid lie he had just told. My confusion turned into anger when Lockhart nodded and he stood up grabbing my arm and painfully dragging me out of the classroom. 

As Soon as we were out I pushed myself away from him and hissed: "What the fuck Tom? What do you want?"

"Be quiet and follow me." he said while he simply started walking. And even if I didn't want to pass more time with him, I realized that my curiosity could not handle going back to the classroom again.  The corridors were nearly empty, students usually were in class and not following some psychopath that just dragged them out of class. 

Finally we seemed to be at our destiny. I didn't have time to complain when Tom grabbed my arm again and pushed me into a room. Confusion was probably very visible in my eyes, since Tom scoffed at my expression. The Room had no windows. It was really strange. I had never been here before. Then I looked at Tom. 

He was standing in front of an oval object that had some type of black blanket on it.  Tom carefully took the blanket down, revealing a golden mirror.

The Mirror of Erised

As soon as I realized what it was I turned my head away immediately. I didn't want to look at it. "Why are we here?" I asked slowly. But Tom didn't even pay attention to me, he completely ignored me. His eyes fixed on the mirror. My eyes were on him. I didn't want to look into the Mirror. It showed your deepest desire. And I wasn't sure if I wanted to know what mine was. 

"Tom." I tried again. But he just kept staring at the mirror as if he would be mesmerized. I then sighed while my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest and made a little step forward. He was so incredibly close to me but still not facing me. I decided to softly reach for his face and slowly made him face me. 

And I was surprised when I saw his expression. His face was pale. His eyes were widened. 

Tom Riddle looked terrified.

"Tom.." I whispered. His face slowly seemed to turn back to normal and he seemed composed again. Himself. He seemed to have recovered himself. "What do you see?" I asked, even if I was sure he wouldn't tell me. He shook his head. He wouldn't tell me. I already had expected it. 

"What do you see?" he then asked. His tone of voice surprised me once again. It was incredibly soft. I tried to remain calm and just reminded myself that I didn't want to have feelings for him. 

I shook my head. "I don't want to look at it. Whatever it is, it is probably something that I will miss. Or something that would make me sad, I hate sadness." it was true. I really didn't want to look at it. 

"I wanted to bring you here for you took look at it and tell me what you see." he said. His voice had switched and every type of soft tone was gone. He was bipolar as fuck. 

"No Tom." I said firmly. 

But then he somehow managed to catch me off guard. I was overwhelmed by his sudden hand movement throwing my face harshly to face the mirror.  I was about to yell at Tom, tell him not to touch me, but something else catchend my attention. The mirror. I felt like I had simply lost myself as I stared at the mirror. I moved away from the mirror, my eyes still looking at the horrific picture, causing me to bump into Tom. 

"What do you see?" he whispered looking at me. He had that odd tone again. The tone that made him seem nice, even caring. My mouth was dry. I didn't answer. I just felt like Tom was looking at me. 

"You are scaring me, Corinne." I heard him say. Corinne.  He rarely called me by my first name. But I ignored him, still looking at the mirror. And I also ignored how nice he was being after being harsh to me.

"Corinne, look at me." he said trying to bring me to look at him. I still didn't manage to look at him tho. 

Pepole laying on the floor. Not any pepole. Pepole that have annoyed me before. Pepole that have insulted me in a way that i started not liking them. Hating them. All of them were laying on the Floor. Soaked in Blood. And i was standing between their lifeless bodies, looking down on them. Smiling with satisfaction. 

Thats what I saw in the mirror. And something about the reflection just scared me in a way I couldn't describe it. That was my deepest desire. Pepole. Dead pepole. And I had killed them. Pepole from my CR. And I was shocked. I still couldn't get my eyes of the mirror. 

But this time I was grateful for tom being there. Tom grabbed my shoulder and gently pushed me his way, causing me to finally detach my eyes off the mirror and look at him. But my mind was still shocked from what I had just seen. He then raised his hand and gently placed it on my right cheek. My heart skipped a beat. The picture started disappearing from my mind and I started to just focus on the dark haired wizard in front of me. "What did you see?" he repeated. 

"That couldn't possibly be my deepest desire that's just cruel." I finally spoke.  By Toms eyes I could tell that he had many questions and that he was burning with curiosity , but he didn't ask me what I had seen again.

"I'm sorry." Tom then said looking at me. My focus now was completely on him.  "What? For what?" I asked in disbelief that Tom could in fact apologize and that he was apologizing to me. 

"For bringing you here. You clearly didn't like what you saw." 

I was about to say something else, a sarcastic comment maybe. I wanted to be rude. But all that came out of me was "Its fine" when it wasn't.

"Now come on, we have to get back to class." he broke the silence that was between us.  He then did something that I hadn't expected. He grabbed my hand and held it. My heart skipped a beat when I felt his cold hand on mine. And I didn't do anything. I didn't think of pulling away. 

And that's how we, me and Tom Marvolo Riddle, walked hand in hand back to class, even if he let go as soon as we arrived. 

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