The Yule Ball

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"Has somebody seen my hair clip?" Elif had been walking back and forth in our dorm for the past five minutes asking the same question over and over again. 

Kayla sighed and shook her head again, something she had done already every time Elif had asked the question. Sometimes I really wondered where she got that patience from. "I had this red Hair clip it had like a flower on it I think. And I can't find it" Elif repeated.

"You look good with open hair. Or just use this one." Kayla hold out a black hair tie, that would definitely suit Elif whatsoever.  But Elif just shakes her head. "Stiles got it for me. He is going to be disappointed if I don't wear it."

"He won't even notice" i note and Kayla gives me a little smile in agreement. Stiles is nice and all, but I really feel like he isn't the kind of person to notice too many details about people. But I could be wrong. 

"Do i look good in this dress? Seriously? Isn't it like.." Elif wants to continue her doubts but Kayla cut her off telling her that she looks amazing and should finally shut up.

They both looked great in their dresses actually. That couldn't be said about myself. This dress was the most horrific thing I've ever worn. I looked at myself. The dress was blue, light blue. Maybe it wasn't too bad, but I just hated it on myself.  It looked horrible on me, that was my opinion. Even if Elif and Kayla had told me that it did in fact fit me well I don't believe then, because it feels like they're saying it out of pity. But since Elif is usually honest about most things regarding clothing, I have a hope that it doesn't look too bad. 

Elif's dress is dark red and she is wearing some long read earrings that made her face stand out more. She is wearing clear lipgloss that totally fits her, even if I'd say that red lipstick, dark red lipstick especially would fit her better. 

And then there is Kayla. She looks stunning. She is wearing a dark green long dress that seemed to be the perfect fit for her. She has her hair down like usually, but today it somehow looks even better.

"I hate this dress" I finally admit sighing and looking at myself in the mirror.

"Don't talk shit it looks great on you" Kayla tries to say. 

It certainly doesn't. 

"I think I'll have to change" I conclude my own thoughts. Leif looks at me as if I'd be a psychopath that had just said I wanted to eat kids for dinner. "Are  you crazy? The Yule Ball is starting in an Hour! You don't have Time for that. Besides, you had planned on wearing that dress already at the start of this week? Didn't you try it on?" 

"I seriously have to change. I hate it. And no I did not try it on."  "That's quite stupid don't you think? Having a dress and not trying it on. This is a special occasion. Also quick question, weren't you planning on wearing that black dress some weeks ago?" Kayla asks and I sigh. 

"Yes I did want to wear a black dress. Black suits me. And you know that your clothes should fit with your Yule Ball date. I mean, it's an unspoken rule here isn't it? Riddle doesn't give a shit about what I wear and black would've complemented him well, but since I decided to go with Fred everything changed. Fred said the blue one is the better dress" I explain. 

"But I am not allowing a man tell me what to wear so I'll change now" I'll decide and Kayla laughs. Elif just shakes her head. I walk over to the closet and search of my black dress. I don't have much time so I need to be quick. When I find the dress I look at it. Yes, this one will fit me a lot better. 


"So how do I look?" I ask after stressfully changed into the black dress. 

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