The End of the School year

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It was the third  last week of School before the School year ended. Everyone was exited and talking about what they would do on their summer break while I wasn't really too exited. I had not Idea were to go to. Just stay at Hogwarts? Probably. It was not like I had another option. I scoffed and walked out of my Dorm. It was probably around 8:30 pm. And even if I wasn't too exited Me Lorenzo, Elif, Kayla, Draco and Tom were going to the three broomsticks. I had never been there in the last School Year. 

"Well hello" Kayla said with a wave of Positive energy greeting me while i was on my Way to the great Hall. We all had agreed on meeting eachother at the Great Hall. 

„Hey Kayla, ready to go?" i asked with a smile. Today seemed to be one of the days that i was in a quite good mood. It was a Saturday evening after all how i could i not. 

We talked till we got into the Great Hall and waved at Lorenzo and the others. Tom scoffed as soon as he saw us. 

„What is wrong with you now-" i asked Tom while walking up to them. 

„he obviously doesn't want to be here." Lorenzo said laughing. 

And well yes, i could've imagined that. Tom didn't look like the type of person that would go out to eat or drink on a Saturday evening. Honestly i wasn't that type of person either but i was pretty sure that this would be fun. 

„Oh come on Riddle it's going to be fun" i said and grabbed his hand. 

„What do you think you are doing" he asked looking down at me holding his hand. 

"Holding you hand?" 

"Don't" Tom replied scoffing letting my hand go. 

I sighed and just accepted it. Someone in my CR told me i should try be more caring towards him and do stuff like hold his hand, hug him or that kind of stuff but that definitely wasn't going to work out here. The fact that i already made the effort to try to hold his hand was enough. I hated being touched or touching people. 

"Let's go guys" Lorenzo said then laughing. 


"I have to admit I thought this would look a lot better" Tom noted while be sat down at our table that Lorenzo had reserved for us. Tom seemed to be really pissed off for no reason. I just rolled my eyes. 

"Seriously Tom just shut up will you? You can't expect some luxury Restaurant right?" I replied annoyed. I loved it here. It was comfy even tho a lot of pepole were here walking around or talking. 

6 Butterbeers please" Lorenzo ordered while I looked at Draco that was sitting next to me. 

"Everything okay with you? You seem nervous as fuck." I asked still looking at him. 

" I have.. yes.. but it's just that i have something to.." Draco stuttered but he didn't get to finish his sentence when the Waiter came. 

"Here is your order! Six Butterbeers like you wanted. Enjoy!" the waiter seemed to be in a very good mood. 

"I hate Butterbeer" Tom said taking the butterbeer into his hands and looking at it disgusted. I decided to not say anything else and took a sip from my Butterbeer. 

"Remember once, how you joked about coming from an other Reality?" Tom said suddenly and I almost choked on my Butterbeer at that question. But I managed to contain myself.

"What? Yes could be" I coughed. 

"What did you mention while joking about it? You said something about shiftering? Shifting? Shiftering? What was that about?" he asked. 

I took another sip of my Butterbeer calmly while my brain was going crazy. What should i tell him? Why did that even matter? 

"Why would i remember something about a joke I made ages ago?" I asked and laughed nervously. I didn't know if the effects of the Beer were kicking in or if I was just incredibly bad at lying when it came to this.

"Try to think about it. Try to remember what you said. It's important. I have an assumption but I don't have any reason to believe it." Tom added while he seemed to be thinking about something. 

"An.. assumption?" i asked still nervous. 

"Well yes." Tom lowered his Voice more and continued: "I believe there could be a way that human beings could go to another Reality. And maybe you'll think im insane for thinking that but im not. Maybe there are different Realities and this one is just one of them. Maybe there is other Realities and the best wizards could manage to go to another Reality. I know it doesn't make sense to you but what if i would be right?" 

I looked at him in disbelief. How did he come to that conclusion? Why would he think about that? 

"Why would you think about something like that?" I said trying to make him look stupid when I laughed. Tom frowned when he saw the way i was laughing. 

"Listen to me Eagles. If you keep laughing I'll never trust you with anything else. I thought about something like that because of Zagan. Remember how he was here months ago? Him and his followers? Everyone talked about him and then he just disappeared. Nobody has seen him. He could be hiding, yes but the last People  that saw him say he just vanished." Toms eyes were full of interest and he seemed to be convinced about what he was saying. 

"Look Tom, the fact that Zagan just disappeared is odd and weird and suspicious but that doesn't mean that he just went and shifted." I laughed again. 

"What?" Toms attention was suddenly all on me. His eyes literally seemed to crave holes into my soul. I looked at him, confused. 

"What did you just say? Repeat it." Tom ordered. 

I still was confused. "I said that Zagans disappearing is weird but that it doesn't mean that he just went and shifte-" I covered my mouth. 

Welcome to watch Mojo and today we are counting down the 10 stupidest people. 

"Shifted? Shifting? Shifting Realities? Corinne what do you mean?" Tom asked while his full attention was still on me. He seemed curious but angry at the same time. 

"It's just something you know- you wouldn't understand it." I affirmed calmly. I probably made it look like i was calm but my inner self was freaking out. How could I even be so stupid? 

Tom wanted to say something, he wanted to push me further, he'd probably ask more questions but Draco interrupted the conversations on the table with a cough and a clap. 

"So i have something to tell you guys." draco said. He looked extremely nervous and I had no idea why. His eyes were on Kayla. "Well to ask Kayla I mean." draco added and i raised my eyebrows. I really would've been interested in what Draco wanted to ask Kayla but i couldn't stop thinking about the conversation with Tom. Him, out of all people should not know anything about shifting. He'd use it to his advantage and would definitely cause some damage, or he'd come up with some fucked up plan. 

Draco grabbed something out of his pocket. It seemed to be a little box that he pulled out. Yes, after a closer look I could see that it was black box. It was that type of box that could have a necklace in it, or even are ring. Kayla looked at him, confused. 

Draco opened the box. I was right. It was a ring. Tom just scoffed whispering something to himself that sounded like "What is this supposed to be? A marriage?".  I rolled my eyes at what Tom had said and looked at Kayla. If the girl would've been standing next to a Tomato, I probably would've not seen a difference. 

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Draco asked. He still seemed nervous. Kayla looked at him, in disbelief. 

"Yes" she said with excitement in her voice while Draco gave her the ring. 

Now seriously y'all can't tell me that this basically seemed a marriage proposal- Tom was kinda right ngl

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