Why would you

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 "Draco tried what now?" I asked, not noticing how I had slightly raised my voice. 

Pansy just gave me kind of a apologizing look.

"Im sorry. he tried to jump from the Astronomy Tower. But he was Lucky. He would've jumped. But Astoria was up there for some reason. I know you probably dont know who she is. But she is in Slytherin to.. Astoria saved his Life. She stopped him." Pansy heft talking.

At this point i felt overwhelmed with everything that was happening. "Why would he do that? where is he? where is he now?" I asked. I really needed to collect myself. "Calm down he is fine. The Teachers already talked to him. I dont know honestly. I think he is in the common room now. But i would rather not go there right now. He is surrounded by a lot of pepole asking him questions." Was she being serious right now?

"He tried to kill himself you say?.  That's enough for me to know." i sighed. 

"Im going to go check up on him anyways." i affirmed and Pansy just nodded.

{Time skip}

I was infront of the Slytherins common room. Pansy next to me. "Look Corinne.. you really can wait till later. He needs some space right now." But i didn't care. I just wanted to check by myself if it was true. 

Then i walked into the Common Room.

But yes, there he was. Some Slytherin students stood around him including Blaise and Daphne. Daphne was talking calmy to him and tried to hug him. 

But he just rejected the hug and Daphne went back. I walked up towards him, Pansy following me.

When Blaise saw me coming he told the others that they should better go so Draco could be alone and talk to me. Pansy then just stopped following me and went with Blaise aswell.

Draco looked like he was zoned out. He was just staring at the Floor. "Draco she wants to talk to you. You better do talk with her in your Dorm. Not here." Pansy exclaimed before leaving. 

I first could've sweared that Draco wasn't listening to her so i was surprised when he nodded and stood up. Not even really looking at me, he grabbed me by my arm pulling me with him. I just walked with him, it's not like i had an option.

But why the fuck was he not in the Hospital wing? I mean, he wasn't injured but he had suicidal thoughts or whatever so he should probably be talking to teacher or he should be interrogated. Therapist maybe? Was that even a thing at Hogwarts? 

Why did he want to kill himself anyways? Did it have anything to do with his at home Life? Maybe it was Tom's fault once again? I had a lot of questions, yet i just didn't say anything.  I didn't necessarily know what to say as we walked to his Dorm. I really didn't know how to react. Should i be mad at him? Should i try to comfort him? Ask him questions?

{Time Skip}

We were at his Dorm now and Draco closed the Door behind him. Then he just layed down on his bed and didn't say anything. 

"Why did you think about killing yourself?" i finally asked. For some reason, i noticed that i was kind of mad at him. Not that i exactly knew why but some of the reasons could be that i was probably wasting my time here. 

But Draco just seemed like he wasn't even listening to me. He was just staring at the ceiling giving no reaction. 

"Draco you are such a selfish person. Why would you think about that bullshit anyways? There are people out there that actually care for you."  i wasn't specifically talking about me, because i knew that i didn't care for him as much as a pretended to do. And maybe that was selfish too, maybe making him feel guilty was selfish, but at the moment i didn't really care. 

When i saw that Draco still wasn't doing anything else then staring at the ceiling and saying nothing i just shrugged. I didn't even care anymore at that point. 

But yet i sat down on his bed, looking at him, placing my hand on his shoulder, making him look at me. 

"Don't try to kill yourself, will you? That wouldn't be fun for any of us." i said softy, then i removed my hand from his shoulder and sighed. "The day that Tom tried to kill you, you told me you loved me. Draco, i don't think you do. Besides, i don't think we are meant to be. You'll eventually find someone else. And the same thing goes for me. I just got with you because that seemed the right thing to do, back then. But it was only because i wanted to help you i think." i explained to him, even i knew i was actually just talking to myself. When i had gotten with him i probably already knew that he wasn't really the right person. Maybe i just got with him because i wanted to fix him, since i knew that he had a toxic household and a lot of issues with himself. 

"Draco you have disappointed me. Somehow. But maybe it was my fault because i got with you in first place. Maybe i just should've never accepted being your girlfriend." i continued when i saw that he wasn't giving any reaction. 

"What i mean to say is, that we are done." i finally said, standing up and walking out of his Dorm. 

Thank you for reading this. The next chapter will be uploaded soon!

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