Im lost asf

255 36 13

Oxford Street.

Finally. My destiny for now.

Seriously, i didn't want to be here. It felt unsafe, i didn't feel comfortable and i always felt like someone was watching me. Being out of Hogwarts in a Situation like this didn't seem very pleasing at all.

Kayla and the others were at the Manor at this Point. Draco had invited tome People to spend Time in the Manor for a couple of weeks with him. It seemed very unlike him, inviting People over. Besides, he had invited Stiles over too when he didn't even like Stiles.

Well but at least i was here, in London. As soon as had been out of Hogwarts i had wondered where the fuck i would go to. Dumbledore had talked about searching a safe place, but how would i know where. So i had decided to know to London. That had been the only big place that i had thought of. Whoever was searching me would have it difficult, since London was big. I looked around. It was loud and a lot of People were here. I almost felt stressed because of how many people seemed to be in a hurry. But i kept walking. London was really nice at some point, but i felt myself disgusted every time a person walked past me just slightly touching me.

„God be careful fucking hell.." i hissed when some boy walked past me bumping into me. The boy probably heard me but just acted like he didn't.

I needed to get out of the crowd or People.

First of all, i had to search for a place i could stay over night. I could've just pulled out the map i had of the city from my pocket but i definitely wasn't in the mood of standing between people and trying to read a stupid map. Asking someone would be the better option. The next person walking past me was a blonde woman.

„Excuse me?" i asked.

The woman looked at me confused and then said: „Yeah? Do you need help?". I nodded relieved. She seemed to be nice. That was good.

„Do you know by any chance if there are Hotels nearby? I need to stay somewhere over night." i had to speak loud because of how much noise was around us.

The woman smiled at me. „Yes sure! If you go walk in that direction" she pointed infront of us „then there is a street at your right. There is a hotel i believe." I nodded. For once it seemed to be helpful to talk to someone.

„Thank you" i said and wanted to walk in the direction that she had said but instead of just letting me go the woman stopped me.

„I believe the Hotel is not a really safe place tho. I'd rather go out of London if i would be you. Dumbledore recommends that you search a Forrest out of London and stay there for a few weeks."she added. I looked at her. Dumbledore? Pure Confusion was what i felt.

„Dumbledore?" i asked carefully.

„Yes Dumbledore. And now go. Go out of London. You are not safe here." the woman whispered and then disappeared. She just vanished.

So Dumbledore had sent a random Woman to tell me im not safe here? And that i shouldn't go to the Hotel?


I hadn't listened to what the woman ad said. For once i didn't want to follow Dumbledores orders. Dumbledore was actually the reason i was here and not in the Slytherin Common Room reading something.

The Woman had been right. There was a hotel here. I looked up. It seemed to be fancy and quite expensive. But it seemed nice and that was good enough for me. Pushing the Glas door i entered and looked around. At the right side i could see a brunette woman at the reception. Walking over i kept looking around. It was big, very big. And this was just the main Hall.

„Excuse me, i was searching for a place to stay overnight." i pointed at my bags. „I just arrived here. It's kinda urgent and the bags are heavy." the woman at the reception nodded and smiled at me. Was everyone's smile extra today or was it me that was just completely insane? Everyone seemed to be faking niceness. Even tho i had just talked to two People.

„Yes sure. In fact, you are very lucky and we do have some rooms free. Everything is usually already occupied. She smiled again and it made me extremely uncomfortable for no reason.

„Great id like to have one then." i replied.

„Would you like to pay now or tomorrow? And would you like to have breakfast included?" she asked still having her smile on her face.

„No Breakfast. And yeah I'd like to pay right now."

The Woman looked tru some papers and then exclaimed: „Oh Great! Room 112 is free. It has a city view. But i really would recommend the breakfast it's not that expensive! Would you also have a map of the city? The city has some really interesting Tourist attractions to visit and it has some great shops!"

Now i was getting really nervous. I had to idea why, that was the worst part. I felt like i was having eyes on me, i felt like someone was looking at me. Everything around me seemed so suspicious and normal at the same time.

„No thank you. And i already have a map." i answered. My Voice seemed to be harsh even tho i didn't intend to be rude to the woman.

„Oh great whatever you want. The Room for the night would be 124 Pounds." while talking her smile seemed to get wider.

„Pounds?" i blinked.

„Yes the official currency here?" the woman said. Her smile didn't seem as wide as it had been before.

Im such an Idiot.

I had some Galleons and Sickles with me. But definitely not pounds. Fuck, i hadn't thought about that before.

„I don't have any pounds with me. I think I'll just go then" i talked fast and pointed to the exit. Just when i was about to say bye the receptionist said: „Oh you can exchange your Money if you want! We do take and exchange money from other European Countries.

Shaking my head i told her i wasn't European. Then i just waved and walked to the exit as fast as i should. That had been embarrassing.

My next thought was asking myself where i should sleep if not at a Hotel.

I sighed.

Following Dumbledores instructions would be the easiest way for now.

A Forrest.

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