I dont blame you

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"Stop. It's not your fault" Draco said. I didn't understand what he meant. Was he really saying that me killing Tom was not my fault? He was being ridiculous as fuck. 

"Draco what will we say if pepole ask us. Soon they will ask us what happened. Soon they will find Toms dead body."

They would find out. It wouldn't take them that long to find out that i killed Tom. It wouldn't take them that long to ask Draco what happened. We could lie, yes. But if Dumbledore would ask we would be lost. Atleast me. He could read my mind and i couldn't do anything about it. I still didn't look at Draco.

We were in the Hospital wing. Draco was in one bed and i was sitting next to him. They really did take care of him. I had class during the day but as Soon as my last lesson ended i came to see Draco. He looked a lot better even tho he still was not strong enough to get up.

"look at me" he said calmly. But i just didn't. 

"Corinne i asked you to look at me" Draco's  Voice was firm, but i did not feel like looking at him. "Tom deserved his death. He had murdered People before." Draco finally said, giving up on trying to have eye contact with me. 

"Students shouldn't kill other Students. And i have killed Tom."

"What do you mean Students should not kill other Students? Wasn't Tom the one that killed Lavender? We both know that. And murder is wrong, but Tom deserved it and you had no other option. You had to kill Tom." Draco replied calmly.

I scoffed. "I had another option actually. I could've just let Tom kill you." 

Since i wasn't facing him, i didn't see his face and couldn't tell if he was annoyed by what i had said. He sighed and tried to hold my hand but i pulled away. I sighed and just didn't say anything. I knew he was kind of right. Dumbledore would know. But i was still quite scared. 

"I don't blame you" Draco said. 

"You still don't understand. And you won't." with that sentence, i ended our conversation, standing up and leaving the Hospital Wing, without looking back at Draco.


Eventually i decided to go visit Draco again, even if i didn't feel like talking to him. That's why i brought a book with me, sitting down on the floor next to Dracos bed, not saying a word to him. 

Footsteps made me stand up fast and turn around. Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape came walking towards Dracos Bed. I felt panic and felt the urge to leave, but instead I stepped closer to Dracos bed.

 I didn't know what to do. Draco just took my Hand and stroke his thumb in circular Motion over my hand. It was meant to make me stay calm, but it made it worse, i hated Dracos Touch at the Moment.

"Miss Eagles and Mister Malfoy may i have a little Word with you?" Professor McGonagall asked. Draco just nodded while i stood there frozen without saying anything. I tried to read her eyes. Did she know that Tom was dead? 

My look went over to Snape. Did he know? Did they know? Draco pointed at the bed and told me i should sit next to him while sitting up. Now we were both just sitting on the Hospital Bed having McGonagall and Snape infront of us. Draco put and Arm around me while McGonagall asked firmly: "So? What happened to Draco. He was injured in a very bad way. It could've had bad consequences."Draco tried to avoid her look while saying: "A spell went wrong."

Draco is literally so stupid omfg-

McGonagall looked at him and then at me. "Thats not true. As Soon as Draco is out of the Hospital wing you will go both go see the headmaster immediately. I can't believe you would lie to me like that." Even if Draco was the one that came up with that pathetic lie, McGonagall and Snape both looked at me. Draco was an Idiot. 

"10 Points from Slytherin for your unacceptable behavior: Lying to a Teacher" McGonagall exclaimed. I couldn't recognize her. She was mad. She usually never took house points unless it was a very serious matter.

As soon as both of the Teacher left Draco looked at me. 

"I know you feel guilty. But this is not your fault." he said.

How was it not? 

I literally killed Tom.

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