"Wanna study with me?"

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"Are you guys exited for the Yule Ball? Its in 2 weeks already! I can't believe it. Im definitely exited. Hannah asked me to go with her, and i said yes!" Lorenzo talked fast, excitement in his voice. Trying my best to not look at Tom, that was sitting at the Table next to Adrien i smiled at Lorenzo. 

"Im glad that she asked you. I rejected you mainly because i knew you like each other, i was pretty sure she would ask you, i just wasn't sure when." i tried talking with the same excitement in my Voice that Lorenzo had, talking about the Yule Ball. 

He blushed. "I don't like her Eagles" he lied. God, was he a bad liar. 

"You remind me of Stiles and Sophia. Seriously. Why is everyone so bad at recognizing that they clearly like each other?" i sighed. It annoyed me at this point, really.

"You and Riddle are doing a great Job on recognizing that you still like each other to, aren't you?" Lorenzo snapped back. Tom turned his face and looked up from his plate when he heard his last Name. 

"Did i hear my name, Berkshire?" Tom said in lorenzos direction, not even glaring at me. 

"You should watch you mouth" i hissed at Lorenzo in a low Voice. 

"Sorry Riddle, i wasn't talking bad about you, i promise." Lorenzo replied to Tom, fear in his eyes. 

Honestly, i didn't get what Tom couldve done to them. Lorenzo, Draco, Blaise, Adrien, Sharn, Goyle, Marcus.. they were all terrified of him. They feared him in a way I've never seen before. Well yes Tom nearly killed Draco twice, but what about the others' There surely had to be a reason behind it right? Did he torture them, like he did to Draco that Times? 

"Better for you" Tom replied to Lorenzo in a sharp tone making me snap out of my thoughts. 

I leaned forward. "Why are you scared of him?" i whispered looking at lorenzo, waiting for a good answer, a good reason, something. 

Lorenzo just shook his head. He couldn't tell me. His eyes held some type of.. sadness?

I sighed leaned back again, shifting into my seat. 

Suddenly my eyes rested on someone. That was the girl. that was the girl with Tom in the Common Room last Time. 

"Pansy" i said calling her name and tapping her on the shoulder. she was sitting next to me talking to Draco. Yes it was true, i hated her, but she could be useful now. 

"Pansy" i said again not letting my eyes get off the girl. 

"WHAT?" Pansy finally turned around, her Voice sounded annoyed. But i didn't ever hesitate looking at her and just pointed calmly at the girl. "Who is that?" i asked her. The girl had brown eyes and brown hair. She was kind of pretty but i didn't want to think about that. 

Pansy sighed. "That is Tracey. Tracey Davis." Ive heard of that name before. "Are you friends with her?" i asked finally facing Pansy. 

Pansy slowly shook her head. "No, we worked on a Project togheter. Are you done with the Questions now?" she answered impatiently.

"No im not done yet. What was the project about?" i snapped back. Even tho, i really didn't want to talk to Pansy, i needed to be nice to her so she would answer my questions. 

"Charms." Pansy mumbled. 

"Was she good at Charms?" 

"Yes she was. She did the entire work for us both" Pansy answered, clearly annoyed. 

"Mhm" i just said. That was all that i needed. Lorenzo had followed our conversation and was clearly confused. 

"What was that all about?" he asked curiously when Pansy turned around. I just ignored him. I needed to talk to that girl. 

Without saying anything else, i stood up walking the way around the table to go talk to Tracey.

I tapped on her shoulder and cleared my throat. When she turned around i pulled my most brilliant fake smile and looked at her. 

"hey im Corinne! Corinne Eagles" i tried to sound as exited as possible.

"Hey?" a look of confusion was in Traceys eyes. 

"I heard that you are great at Charms!" i replied to her questioning look. My Fac hurt from Fake smiling and i wanted to throw up because of how nice i was being, when i would've liked to punch her in the face or throw the killing curse at her. 

"Yes i kind of am" she giggled blushing slightly. Brilliant. She thought i was being genuine. 

"Well im miserable at charms. My grades have been terrible." i muttered trying to look worried. That was clearly a lie. My grades in charms were the second bests in our class. Even tho i almost would've laughed at my stupid lie i continued and said: "Well i thought you could maybe help me?" My plastic smile became wider as i looked at her, trying to mirror some kind of excitement.

"Wow. Mhmm nobody ever asked me for help in anything!" she replied with a smile. 

"So?" i took a breath "Wanna study with me?" i asked. 

"Sure thing! Ill meet you at the Slytherin Common Room at 6 pm?" she giggled. her giggling annoyed me. Like seriously i wanted to slap her right away. Or kill her. But i had to wait with that. 

"At 6 pm in the Common Room? Absolutely! Thank you so so much!" i laughed and pulled her into a hug, she looked at me surprised, but hugging me back. 

I waved at her after pulling away vastly and turning around. 

As soon as i was far enough from her i wiped my fake smile off my face and my face turned into a disgusted look. 

But then after i kept walking, i thought about the whole thing that was about to go down. 

Studying. Yes we would study. I would show her how to Study. 

And smirking, i left the Great Hall. 

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