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I've shifted finally again so i have some Storytimes to share with you guys asf

We had the afternoon free. I thought i would use my freetime to study first but then i decided it would be better if I'd do something else. Actually, since i came to Hogwarts i haven't tried all that fun stuff that i should've already tried. True i did go out with Luna sometimes but that definitely wasn't enough. Another thing that i had noticed was that i had to und some more new pepole to be friends with. Or atleast i wanted to attempt to get to know more students.

I had to catch up with Ginny, Neville, Fred and everyone else that i didn't talk to much anymore. I didn't know what had happened to me. It's like i forgot about all those incredible pepole for a time. Since i started hanging out with mostly Tom it was like i had ghosted some pepole that i actually liked. I couldn't loose the bond that i had with them.

And exactly that's why i was heading to the Gryffindor common Room. Hopefully i would find Ginny there. Seriously, i literally felt the need to ask her if she wanted to spend the free afternoon with me.

I stopped at the Common Room entrance. „Uhm.. Fairy Lights" i remembered how Luna entered the Gryffindor Common Room with that password. Luckily enough it was right and the door opened. Immediately i felt eyes on me. I heard how someone scoffed. Then i saw that it had been Hermione granger. She was sitting next to Harry, a book in her hand. for this Time i just decided to ignore her. Then i saw Ginny sitting across of her and a smile appeared on my face.

how was it that everyone was inside when the sun was out? It was not even that hot tho. There was some nice spring wind that i loved.

„Ginny!" i exclaimed walking up to her. Noticing that Hermione rolled her eyes i scoffed.

„ah.. hey.. it's good to see you" Ginny stuttered giving me a weird look. It seemed like i wasn't even welcome. She seemed off. She seemed like she wasn't happy to see me. My breath hitched when Ginny looked away trying to avoid my questioning look.

„Do you want to hangout for a bit?" i didn't stop myself from asking her what i came here for. I was quite sure she'd agree that's why her answer surprised me.

„Please go away"

„What?" i gave her a confused look. What did she say?

„Im sorry. Im here with Hermione and.. harry. I don't have time for you." her Voice was trembling and she still avoided my eyes. I saw how Hermione smiled satisfied. I would've punched Hermione right there if i wouldn't have contained myself.

Confusion still in my eyes i raised my eyebrow.

Then my face relaxed and i said: „Ah so you are going to do what granger says now? What did she say? Does she consider me a BAD influence?" I laughed slightly and scoffed. Then i just turned around without saying a word and walked out of the common room.

I acted like i didn't care. I held my chin up high like Tom always told me to. But in Reality i wanted to scream. I just didn't get it. Why Ginny out of all pepole. I wasn't mad. I was just disappointed. It was stupid that such a thing would upset me but it just did.

Actually i should've never asked Ginny. I should've not come here. Now i just felt stupid. Actually i should just go study. Considering what just had happened i should just go to my room and Study.

I kept walking faster and faster without even noticing the boy running behind me trying to keep up with my fast walking.

„Corinne please just wait" a Voice said behind me out of breath. I turned around and faced Neville.

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