Fight! Fight! Fight!

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Bey's POV
I throw Chris shirt on and luckily Chris put on shorts before and a shirt before Jay grabbed his ass. I run down stairs and follow them. They go out side and there's a bunch of goons and shooters out here.
Bey: Jay please! Do not hurt him! It was all my fault! He was trying to stop me and I wouldn't listen!!
Jay: shut the fuck up you fucking slut!
Chris: AYE! Don't talk to her that way!
Jay: What yo bitch ass gonna do ab-

 Bey: Jay please! Do not hurt him! It was all my fault! He was trying to stop me and I wouldn't listen!! Jay: shut the fuck up you fucking slut! Chris: AYE! Don't talk to her that way! Jay: What yo bitch ass gonna do ab-

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One of the goons broke it up

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One of the goons broke it up. I just stood by crying. They all turned there heads and look at me.
Bey: I didn't mean for any of this to happen I-
Jay: I mean what this lil boy got that I ain't got
Chris: I'll tell you. You ain't love her and you ain't got this dick size
They both start fighting again but one of the guys broke it up again.
Bey: y'all fighting won't do anything
Jay: well who is it gonna be?! Huh?! You love me or him more?!
I look at Jay and see the pain in his eyes. I look at Chris's black eye and in physical pain. But he hit Jay pretty bad too. I look at both and I run inside. This is all too much. I hear all the boys leave except for Jay and Chris. They follow me inside and Jay runs and grips my arm. I scream in pain.
Jay: you think you can leave me for some scumbag who probably got 30 baby mamas?! How you think this gonna make me look? Without me, your career is shit! You'll lose every thing. And you know damn well I can dick you down better than that fuckin loser. You are such a fucking WHORE!
He was abt to hurt me when Chris charges at him and knocks him to the ground. They both punch and wrestle each other.
Chris: get yo hands off my girl! I'll kill you!
Jay:that's my wife you little bitch! And you ain't love or not give her shit! I'll fucking kill your career too!
They both get up and grab my arms and they pull me twoards they like tug of war. I slap both of them once I get out of their grip in the face.
Bey: you can't ask me who I love more.
They both sit.
Jay: elaborate Bey. This shit gon be funny.
I look at Jay and I'm scared shitless. Chris is observing ready to attack him any second.
Bey: Ok. Jay, I love you and appreciate you help boosting my career*he chuckles* but Chris. Yesterday, that was something magical! I felt soo much love and appreciation and I felt safe in your arms. I think I choose Ch-
All of a sudden, Jay leaps out and punches me before Chris could get him. I fall to the ground.
Chris POV
I'm seeing red rn. He gon disrespect me and my woman! Oh hella nah man!

 He gon disrespect me and my woman! Oh hella nah man!

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Jay turns around and I get him right in the fuckin face

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Jay turns around and I get him right in the fuckin face. He turns quick and punches me back knocking me into the table shattering the glass. He picks me up and throws me against a mirror. I try getting up badly. I look to see Bey getting up and trying to put Jay in a chokehold. But he grips her wrists and kicks her legs making her fall and he grabs her hair and is dragging her as she hits him out twoards the door. My whole body is in pain, but I'm not losin the love of my life bc of some bitch ass. I get up and they already outside. As they head twoards the car, I sneak attack and pounce on Jay. We throw punches and he gives me a good one knocking me to the ground. I lose some consciousness but kinda still awake. I'm covered in blood. Bey gets down on her knees and cry's and grabs me in her arms.
Bey: I'm soo sorry baby! *kisses forhead* I lo-
Bey's POV
I hear a click and look up with a gun pointed twoards Chris face.
Jay: yea go ahead. Finish that sentence! I fucking dare you whore!
Bey: Jay, pls don't do this! It's not his fault! It's all mine!
I look down at Chris and see he's out.
Jay: he fucked you and he tryna take you away from me! He deserves this!

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