A red flag🚩⁉️[Explicit]

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Bey's POV
It's the next morning and I wake up to Justin, Chris, and Selena all sleeping over the bedroom. We must've really went all out last night. I yawn and wake up

I slowly get up and throw clothes on and see that this house is trashed

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I slowly get up and throw clothes on and see that this house is trashed. Alcohol bottles, what looks like cum stains, chip bags, sodas. I mean what the hell happened last night?? I pop two Advil's cause my head is throbbing. And the sun light isn't helping. And I'm sore from all the pounding Chris gave me. I am almost certain that I'm pregnant now. I make pancakes and bacon, which is the only thing I know how to make for breakfast, and was hopping the smell would bring them downstairs. All of a sudden, I hear them come downstairs
All: good morning!
They all have just underwear on. I have on a tank top and gym booty shorts.
Bey: *kisses Chris* y'all hungry?
All: yes mam!
Bey: *giggles* it's almost done

 Bey: *kisses Chris* y'all hungry?All: yes mam!Bey: *giggles* it's almost done

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Chris POV
I turn on the tv as we wait at the dining room table. Last night was amazing! I would defiantly have sex with them in the room again! Justin and I both made sure our seeds were in our wives.
Tv: Breaking news! Chris Brown allegedly is a new father! Turns out, an old fan he had intercourse with has a 2 month old son!...
Oh shit!😶 Bey drops the whisk and freezes. Selena and Justin look at each other and then back at me and then Beyoncé who is just staring off into the distance.
Tv: But turns out that she was simply making a joke and that the word is not real. I mean thank goodness! The man just got engaged to THE Beyoncé Knowles! Ain't no way he another Jay z.
I look at Bey and she takes a deep breath.
Chris: Beyoncé! I would never baby!
Bey: I know. Just that was just some fuckin scary words.
Bey's POV
I know I shouldn't read into fake news, but something is telling me there's something Chris is not telling me. Why did he have a quick panicked look on his face in the middle of turning his head around? And he almost got really sweaty. There's just something I feel it. But this could also be me trying to work on my trust issues since Jay broke all trust, I don't know who to trust no more.. I finish making the breakfast and we all eat. We have a nice chat and they headed home while Chris and I clean up the house. Imma get to the bottom of this.
Chris: Hey Bey, you ok?
Bey: yea, why?
Chris: I can tell your upset
Bey: I'm not upset. Is there any reason that I should be?
Chris: no, just, you look like you're doubting me.
Bey: I don't I trust you baby
Chris: do you? Be honest. Bc lemme ask you something, have I ever done anything for you not to trust me?
Bey: no
Chris: then why don't you still?
Bey: *cries* bc *runs upstairs and locks herself in bedroom*
I close and lock the door and fall to the ground sobbing against the door having flashbacks. Jay and I got into a fight about whether or not he was cheating and he raised his fist with black demon eyes. B it he retracted it and through things around the house yelling. I try so hard to pretend that didn't happen. But just bad memories flood back. I hear Chris trying to open the door.
Chris: baby!! Pls open the door! What's wrong? Tell me! You can tell me anything! Don't hide! Here, I'll sit on the ground right next to this door
He sits on the opposite side of the door and we lean our heads on it.
Bey: I guess, I forgot how to trust.
Chris: baby, you gotta realize that I am not a Jay Z, I'm Chris Brown, your future hubby, your future baby daddy. I told you, there was nothing wrong with us before we seperate and what's different now?
Bey: *sighs* ok I'm gonna be honest. When I saw your reaction to the news, you seemed mad sus
Chris: I was scared cause I was worried you was gonna freak out or leave me and not ever talk to me again. I've been with you everyday. Who the fuck would I cheat on with the sexy caramel ass? With some nice ass melons and a nice thick peach😋
I giggle and stand and open the door and he tips over cause he was sitting with door to his ear. He stands and holds my face, wipes my tears and kisses me passionately. I slip off my robe and he pulls his off and we make some love again.
The next day
I wake up and it's hella sunny but we had the curtains closed after yesterday's sex session. I'm booty ass naked. His back was turned to me, wait why his hair look different? He rolls over with blood all over his face and it's Jay! Before I can react, he stabs me in the chest with a knife and I wake up screaming and gasping. Chris immediately shoots up out of his sleep and hugs me
Chris: baby! You ok??!
Bey; yea just nightmare.
Chris: *kisses her* it's ok. Was just a nightmare. Take deep breaths baby. Come here.
We lay back down and he puts his arms around me hugging me into his chest feeling safe. The room is so dark, I can't even tell if it's night or day time. He falls asleep and I hear his phone vibrating. I slightly lift my head but can't really see who it's from. Nah I'm too tired, I'll snoop later. Maybe if I only snoop once, it'll ease me up more abt the situation. I put my head back down and fall asleep.
2 hours later...
We both start to wake up and I get my naked ass up and open the curtains as Chris groans waking up.

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