Love in Hawaii![Explicit]

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Bey's POV
Oh he eatin me right. He sticks his tongue back in his mouth and pulls his shorts and boxers off and takes his shirt off. Now we both butt naked. He was about to eat me out again on the edge of the bed but I push him hard to the floor. He falls on his back on carpet.
Chris: oww ba-OH mmm fuck
I sit on his dick and ride him. He grabs my hips but I stop. We are sweating like crazy.
Bey: ugh I'm sorry *out of breath* babe. I'm too hot for this. It's 103 degrees and if we go any longer, imma pass out. And I feel like my baby bump is not making me feel all that confident rn.
Chris: good point baby. Oh it's natural to have a baby bump babe. You still look hella sexy to me. I have an idea.
He gets up and carry's me bridal style. We walk into the bathroom and man this shower is nice af

Even tho we are on the top of the hotel, our shower is still decorated with live plants, making us feel like we are on the bottom floor

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Even tho we are on the top of the hotel, our shower is still decorated with live plants, making us feel like we are on the bottom floor. We turn the cold water on and it feels nice as hell. We make out and he pushes me gently against the wall. He points his hips out far makin his dick go in me. He starts doing a back bend and thrust his dick in me. What a fucking sex freak!
Bey: ugh omg! *rubs hand on his torso* mm you really doing a back bend ugh! Omg! So hot!
*moves like this*

 What a fucking sex freak!Bey: ugh omg! *rubs hand on his torso* mm you really doing a back bend ugh! Omg! So hot! *moves like this*

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Chris: you ugh like this move huh?
I can't even talk right now cause this new freaky move makin me cum already. I let out every squirt and cum out of me and onto his dick. He leans back up and fucks me straight up against wall.
Bey: you are mmmm fuck!!! One horny ass husband.
I mean honestly, where the hell does he learn these moves? I push him out and turn around and put my hands on the wall twerking. He slaps my butt and I twerk harder for him and he proceeds to ram into my pussy and hit it from behind. He pulls my hair and gives me hickies. After an hour of sex in the shower, we finish up and get out and get dressed. It's already 4pm. The time change is crazy. We go across the hall of our suite and knock on Julius door.
Bey: you know I hope Julius finds a wifey one day. He is so protective and I've seen him with his family and cousins before. He would make such a great father and husband.
Chris: yea, he deserves it. Have you ever wondered what he's packing?
Bey: Christopher??
Chris: what? The dude prob got big ass package considering his height and body-
Bey: yea, why don't you two compare each other's dicks before like ya did wit yo cousins
He laughs and I eye roll. I see his door is unlocked. I walk in calling his name.
Bey: Julius? Ju-*chris puts hand over her mouth*
Chris: baby, listen.
We walk closer to the bedroom and the place looks like our place when we fuck everywhere. The bedroom door is closed and we hear him...having sex? The whole room is shaking.
Julius: OH FUCK YOUR PUSSY SOO DAMN GOOD! We gotta mmm hurry. Bey might call me so-
Woman: Tell her she can wait or go herself. Gimme this dick zaddy! Fucck! I'm cumming!
We hear him go ham into that pussy. That bed has definetly left marks in the wall. We walk back out quietly.
Chris: that's my boy. Aha!
Bey: aww good. I think we should give him a day off. The shit we put him through, he deserves some good lovin. Just hope he ain't knock a hoe up.
We laugh and take the elevator downstairs. We get to the lobby and there very few paparazzi that are here.
Chris: don't worry baby, I'll be your bodyguard for the day. Both of yours
Bey: *rubs belly* aww how sweet. I love you baby*kisses him*
We walk out and go gift shopping. I've been getting this creepy feeling like someone is tracking me. Not a paparazzi, but a very mysterious man. We are in this hut of a gift shop.
Chris: babe, did you hear me?
Bey: what sorry? I wasn't paying attention.
Chris: you've been acting mad sus. Is everything ok?
Bey: *whispers* look around you.
He looks all around.
Chris: huh? Baby what are you talking about?
Bey: I'm just getting the creep vibes
Chris: I mean what you expect when ya got a hot *smacks ass* juicy ass right here. Makin all these jealous men and hoes mad.
Bey: *giggles and punches his arm* oh stop it
*Random person-RP*
RP: Excuse me
A man squeezed between Chris and I, nudging us and that was hella rude. And this man has been keeping his face down and hidden the whole time!
Chris: aye man, you could've just went around.
RP: whatever
Chris: rude ass, I outta beat yo ass
Bey: *whispers* Christopher stop.
The man stops in his tracks. He turns back around and squares up on Chris while keeping his hat down, covering his face. Chris gets up in his face too.
Bey: stop Chris this is ridiculous!
Everyone pulls out there phone. Chris pushes the guy back hard, making him fall back.
Chris: sorry, excuse me.
I pull Chris out of the shop as everyone gasps.
Chris: sorry Bey, but I don't like someone being and rude.
Bey: Chris, there's mad rude people everywhere. You know how mean people were when you and I got together. This trip is supposed to be relaxing and a nice trip for us.
Chris: you're right. Sorry baby.
Bey: and you know, seeing you be so aggressive to that guy was really hot. So sexy papi.
Chris: *kisses her* don't make me fuck ya out here in public
I laugh and push him and he grabs me in his embrace as we walk through town.
Bey: Chris, our baby and I are getting very hungry.
Chris: well luckily we are here.
We show up to this fancy restaurant. I kiss him and we walk in. The host leads us into this private room of the restaurant. We sit down and look at the menu.
Bey: hey Baby, have you gotten any texts from  Julius?
Chris: nope. Have you?
Bey: no. I'm kinda getting concerned.
Chris: hey, I mean we've had sex for 24 straight hour plus. So maybe the guy has some big nut left in him.
Bey: omg😂🤦🏾‍♂️you right. There's something else I want to mention. You know the guy you pushed in the gift shop?
Chris: yes?...
Bey: that's the guy who's been creepin me out all day. Like he is familiar but I can't put my hands on it. And he won't ever show his fa- LOOK THERE HE IS!
He looks out the window and he's gone. I just saw him.
Chris: huh? You feelin alright babe? I think we should order the food now.
Bey: ugh, I guess. I can eat a dick rn
Chris: Ight bet let's go to t-
Bey: figure of speech my horny hubby.
We order our food and within 10 minutes, it's done.
Bey:wow! That was quick.
Server: for our private rooms, we do faster and fresher food service.
Chris: well thank you.
Server: ofc. I'll be back to check on you guys in a bit. Enjoy!
Both: thank you!
The server walks away.
Bey: Chris!*snaps photo*

Haha! Got him! Bey: can't be on this trip without any photos

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Haha! Got him!
Bey: can't be on this trip without any photos.
Chris: here. Pose. *snaps photo*

Chris: my fine baby momma! I giggle

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Chris: my fine baby momma!
I giggle. I go through the photos on my phone and some how landed on these two photos:

 I go through the photos on my phone and some how landed on these two photos:

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I start tearing up

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I start tearing up.
Chris: everything ok baby?
Bey: yea. I ugh gotta pee and my hormones are everywhere rn.
Chris: ok baby.
I get up and go to the bathroom. I walk in and look at the photos again. My heart sinks and then I look up and see the guy! Again! He puts me in a choke hold and I'm trying to scream for my life. I black out before I can do anything.

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