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*1 month later*
Bey's POV
Bey: *singing in studio* You want me? I walk down the hallway You like it? The bedroom's my runway
Slap me! I'm pinned to the doorway
Kiss, bite, foreplay!
I'm recording for a new record that I have coming out in the works. My first self-titled album "BEYONCÉ". I'm writing every feeling that my man has made me feel including a song called "Haunted". I have studios in 4 different locations but I'm practicing in the basement which is like another living room with ofc another 2 showers down here. This boy said he wants to put a 3rd shower in here. Greedy lol. I look up while singing and jump. I thought I locked the studio door. He takes the headphones off and slams me against the wall kissing me.
Chris: you writing that song about me baby? Huh?
Bey: *making out* mmhm. Baby! Omg! Move!
I push him out of the way and get down and get to the garbage can in the corner and puke my brains out. I've had a werid feeling all day today and I think I'm finally pregant!😁 but I don't wanna get my hopes up. We have the wedding in two weeks! Chris holds my hair back and I cry in exhaustion.
Chris: hmm is there a lil baby makin room in mommy's tummy?😄
I giggle. I'm neauses. I start crying.
Bey: baby I don't feel good😭😓
Chris: come on. I'll go make ya some soup and get a trash can by the bed.
He helps me up and stops recording. He carries me bridal style. We get up stairs and then as he's going to the kitchen I throw up on him and the floor. Omg! He slowly brings me to the garbage.
Bey: OMG! I'm so *throws up* sorry baby! I'm so embarrassed omg! I'm so sorry!
Chris: baby! Um, it's ok. I think I'll use shower number 102. Aha!
Bey: how can you still possibly love me? I just threw up on you. And I kinda feel better. I think I'm done *throws up again* ok now I am.
Chris: how could I not love you? *door bell rings* I'm gonna go shower, you wanna get that *takes shirt off*  if you feel better?
Bey: sure I'll get it. I feel a lot better.
He runs upstairs and I open the door and great Imma puke again. It's Karruche.
Bey: wtf you want?
Kar: I want to apologize and confess something. May I come in?
Bey: yes for 5 mins then imma whoop yo ass. Damn yo belly grow fast.
I let her in and we sit on the couch.
Kar: first off I wanna start off by saying I'm sorry. I was so jealous that you took Chris away from me and I couldn't accept that and we had a quickie. But I was actually pregant already when we fucked. I'm pregnant by Tyga.
My heart sank. Oh shit.
Kar: apparently someone tried to throw him off a building and he died. *crying* no one will tell me why for some reason and the press is on the DL abt it. But I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry and that this is not Chris baby.
Bey: I'm so sorry Karruche and I'm glad your honest with me.
We hug but I gag in my head. She leaves and I go upstairs to tell Chris. I wanna shower anyways too. He's in the third shower.

 He's in the third shower

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I undress and walk in. I cover his eyes from behind and he giggles.
Chris: Mrs. Brown is that you?
Bey: yes it is
He turns around and I was about to kiss him but stopped me.
Chris: you have a spot of throw up on ya lips and -
Bey: oh yea my breath. Brb.
I brush my teeth and rinse with listerne and clean my whole mouth and breath up. I go back to see him scrubbing his chest.
Bey: you know you are just so damn fine.
Chris: I can say the same abt you baby *smacks her butt* haha who was downstairs?
Bey: Karruche
He jumped and dropped the soap. Ofc he made me pick it up.
Chris: mm fuck that ass is unreal! Anyways so what she say?*gets handed soap*
Bey: it's good news. She apologized and said that the baby is Tygas! And she doesn't know who pushed him!
Chris: oh shit. Well at least it ain't my baby. I kinda had a feeling
Bey: I was hoping it wasn't. Otherwise, I ain't want nothin to do wit you playin her child support.
Chris: aha, so it all worked out then
Bey: I mean I'm still not happy that you told me but like I told you before, we just keep moving on and if you cheat again, we done.
Chris: not ever. Plus, I know next time, you might go to jail for the rest of your life. Let's finish up, I've got
something for you.
Chris POV
We finish up and dry off and I get a pregnancy test out under the sink.
Chris: here.
Bey: omg. I'm so nervous.
Chris: don't be baby! I'll be right here.
Bey: so um you gonna leave while I take it?
Chris: no I'll be right here
Bey: weirdo but ok
We laugh. I take the test and we wait-

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