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2 months later...
Bey's POV
Man, with this man, I don't know how I ain't pregnant yet lol. We cover our naked bodies in blankets while watching tv on the couch after a nice sex session. The house is all put back together.
Bey: baby? I have a question
Chris: what is Bey?
Bey: where in the name did you learn how to fuck the way you do? I mean even when you took my virginity when we were 15 you were a beast.
Chris: it's kind of a weird story ya might not wanna hear
Bey: oh come on. You can tell me.
Chris: ok. One day, I came home from school. I was like 8 yrs old I think. Mom was at work and ya know, dad was never around. All my cousins were watching something on the tv. They had their dicks in their hand stroking them as they watched porn. My one cousin looked at me
Cousin #1: Yo Chris! Don't tell yo mom.
Chris: what is y'all doin?! Why is your penis's out?
Cousin#2: it's called jerking off. Take yours out and watch this porn with us.
Chris: ok I guess
I whip out my penis and stroke it like they do. They teach me certain techniques and I study how two people have sex.
End of flashback
(Authors note: Chris did admit that he actually did lose his virginity at 8 years old.)
Bey: wow. If you fuck the way you do, you took very specific notes aha!
Chris: aahhha yep. I always dreamed that you would be my first and last. I thought you were so hot.
Bey: hey! That wasn't nice!
Chris: huh?
Bey: you "thought" I was hot. Am I not hot now?
Chris: Um excuse me Giselle, do I gotta show you how hot you are again? Cause I can show you*smirks*
We play around naked all day. It's the next day and we decide to have a family day. We are inviting Chris family and mine and having them all come over and we have a nice party. I feel that Chris has something sneaky up his sleeve. We've been together for abt almost a full year. He's been asking a lot of questions about marriage. And we always talk about what having future kids would be like. Today marks exactly 11 months since we've been dating. And when we count the years we dated before we split would be 8 by now. Dating Jay was just a giant C-Blocker. Chris and I have grown soo much closer and all that doubt I had in my mind is not even a thought anymore.
Bey: Chris!
Chris: *walks twoards Bey in kitchen* Yes baby?
Bey: you sure we have everything rea-Are you ok?
Chris:*coughs* yea I'm fine why baby?
Bey: are you feeling sick?
I put my hand to his head and he's sweating buckets.
Chris: I'm fine baby. It's just it's hot out ya know. We in August.
Bey: I know. It's like it's always hot here in Cali.
Chris: *puts Bey on counter* you love me right?
Bey: with all my heart. You love me?
Chris: *sings* I looooveee yooouuuu!!!
I giggle. We kiss. We kiss a little more passionately but then the door bell rings.
Bey: can we finish this up later? *smirks and kisses*
Chris: fuck yea baby*helps her hop off*
I unlock the door and the whole fam and friends show up at once. Both of our families rush in and hug and kiss us.
Bey: *gasps* MY GIRLLSSS!!!!😁

Michelle: BEY!!! We missed you soo much!!! Kelly: yea! How ya been girl?Bey: oh yall have no idea! We all sit and talk after saying hi to everyone

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Michelle: BEY!!! We missed you soo much!!!
Kelly: yea! How ya been girl?
Bey: oh yall have no idea!
We all sit and talk after saying hi to everyone. I give them an update on the whole situation between Chris and I that happened and the Jay incident.
Kelly: girl! You dumb af!
Bey: huh?!
Michelle: This man saved your life and you didn't want him to? You lost yo moths freakin mind!
Bey: well idk it was just scary what he did to Jay.
Kelly: and you think he's a bad person for that? We know Chris just as long as you do. He ain't got one mean bone in his body to hurt you. Toughen up buttercup
Chris Mom, my mom and my stepdad sit at the table.
Bey: well I know that know. I let him know that I was thankful.
Kelly: *smirks* uh huh. I bet you did thank him alright. Should I expect to be an auntie soon?
Bey: you know we had some "thank you" sex😆
The whole fam said "WHOOOOW!"
Tina: Beyoncé, have you lost yo mind. Inappropriate.
Tyga: Chris can you confirm that?
Chris: oh best believe it homie! I gave it to her good!

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