Rattled up

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Bey's POV
It's our second day in the hospital and tmr is our last day in here. I just wanna get home already with my beautiful babies. I love them soo much. They are so precious. I still cry. Even Chris who is not too much of a crier. But in the back of my mind, I've gotta get this off my chest. It's killing me. I still am very curious and pissed off at him. I've been dry the whole day and he's been hella confused. We just finished eating Popeyes cause this hospital food here sucks. Luckily, my husband went and got it for me after all my family left. We were watching tv and the babies were sleeping, I decided now is my chance to talk with him.
I sit up and he is sitting next to me. I turn to him. And give me a death stare. He looks away from the tv and looks at me scared as hell.
Chris: is you gon finally tell me what's goin on?
Bey: you know when we got married and got back together that you promised me you would always be honest with me?
Chris: ofc my love
Bey: when I looked in the back seat, *his face freezes after that half sentence*, tell me I did not see what I thought I saw. A substance *tearing up with anger* that I know you would never do.
He stays silent.

Bey: Hello???!!! Omg*crying* you are doing drugs!😭Chris: I'm so so sorry baby! I ju- Bey: GET OUT!!!! Get the fuck outta my room! I fucking hate you!*slaps his face*Chris: *crying* baby! Please! I'm sorry just lemme expl- Security barges in and B...

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Bey: Hello???!!! Omg*crying* you are doing drugs!😭
Chris: I'm so so sorry baby! I ju-
Bey: GET OUT!!!! Get the fuck outta my room! I fucking hate you!*slaps his face*
Chris: *crying* baby! Please! I'm sorry just lemme expl-
Security barges in and Bey tells them to remove me out of the room. I get kicked out. I fucked everything up again! Fuck! Idk what to do. I leave the hospital and try calling all of mine and bey's family and no one answers. They won't let me back in until Bey says so. I get in my car and drive off. I'm going insane! I do some of what she is talking about and feel good now.
Bey's POV
Bey: I'm so hurt by him mom!*crying in her chest* how could he?!
Momma T: did you give him time to explain??
Bey: well...no
Momma J: baby you gotta give him a chance to talk.
Bey: you're right. I was just so angry...I just hope he's not doing anything bad rn
Momma J: if he knows what's good for him, he won't.
Bey: I would call but I'm so tired.
Momma T: rest up buttercup.
Momma J: I'll talk to him for ya. Get some rest sweet heart.
Bey: thank you*sleeps*
Chris POV
I pull in the driveway with a bunch of baby balloons and decorations and flowers all over the house. I put some music on and I light the fire pit up outside. Next to the a big of drugs. It Was a stupid decision buying them. I hear the door open and it was not Bey. It's my momma? She runs up to me and looks like she's been crying and slaps me across the face. Damn, my face finna have permenant hand marks on my face.
Momma J: WHY?!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO FUCK EVERYTHING UP AGAIN?!!*crys into his chest and he hugs her* I didn't want you to end up like your father! There's no need for you to do drugs. You have everything! You hurt her feelings. And not only hers but everyone's.
Chris: I'm so sorry mom. I need to explain to her the full story.
I explained to my mom the whole story and she was still a pissed but now knows why and how it started.
Momma J: don't worry baby. She'll come around. She's more scared than pissed. You know how much shit she has been through. Losing her husband is the last thing she wants to happen. She loves you soo much Chris and the thought of losing you not only to her but me as well, makes us terrified and it would make us go insane. We all love you, all our families love you.
Chris: how could Bey still love me? After everything I put her through-
Momma J: bc that's what love is honey. She knows your a good person who has made terrible mistakes. But she loves you for all the right reasons. If she did all this shit to you, would you still love her
Chris: ofc!
Bey: then you know how I feel*crying*
I guess she's been standing there for a minute. Momma J leaves us. Bey and I stare at each other as she has the babies in the carry seats. She puts them down and we run to each other and hugs me tight. We cry in each other's arms.
Chris: baby! I'm so sorry!! I'm so sorry!!!! It was so stupid! *kisses her*
Bey: I love you but why??
I sit her down.
Chris: while we were apart. After we separated 8 years ago, I couldn't live with our you so I hung out with the wrong people and they showed me drugs. A distraction from the pain of not having you in my arms. After a while I stopped cause it was starting to affect my voice. After I cheated...I resorted back to them. The same bag that I had for 8 yrs. that I never thought I would touch again. Once you forgave me, I stopped.
Bey: did you just do some before?
Chris: yes.
Bey: *slaps him* you know you could've died!!!?? We have 2 babies now! And we are happy as can be! Wtf would you need those stupid ass drugs for? I-Losing you I -I *breaks down crying in his arms*
I kiss her and we start making out but then she pulls away.
Chris: but I know how to make this right...follow me
She takes both babies out and she hands Chris Jr. to me. She takes Giselle. We hold hands and go outside.
Bey: nice decorations! Omg.
I bring her to the fire pit. I have her hold Chris Jr. I take the bag of drugs in my hand.
Chris: I'm a father, husband, loved by my family.
And with that said, I throw the bag is drugs into the fire pit. Bey smiles and even the babies smiled. I walk over and kiss her but before I take one of my babies, she backs away.
Bey: nah wash yo hands. I ain't finna have them follow your league.
I go inside and wash my hands and my shirt is some how covered in it. I strip naked and take a shower in the hallway

As I wash my body, Bey sneaks up behind me butt naked with both of our babies

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As I wash my body, Bey sneaks up behind me butt naked with both of our babies. We take a family shower but don't put the babies all the way in. They need a tub. Bey and I can't stop kissing. I pull away and we look into each other's eyes.
Chris: damn, so really no sex for 2 weeks??😭
Bey: yea😔you already know I woulda been all on ya D by now.
Chris: oh I know😈
She chuckles. We finish up and then next, we go upstairs and wash our babies.
Bey: the decorations look really good baby. I can't wait for everyone to come and see the twins tmr. Can you believe we have twins?!😄
Chris: I can't believe it! Daddy got a super power penis
We both laugh. We put them in bed. I pull Bey in for a hug while we watch the babies sleep. There room is right next to ours. But for the first 2 weeks, Bey and I wanna have their cribs in our room. Just to make it easier and just being cautious. We brush our teeth and change. Bey is a little sore so I help her change. I was about to pull down her panties when she stopped me.
Bey: that's good enough.
I slip them off anyways.
Bey: Chris stop! My body is not lookin good rn.
Chris: Beyoncé, there is never a time when you don't look good. Wear a damn trash bag and you could make it work. 
Bey: but I'm fat😭
Chris: baby stop it! You're not! And if you weren't so sore, I'd fuck the shit out of you to show you how attractive you are to me.
I'm still on my knees and I smirk and kiss her thighs. She moaned but then cringed in pain.
Bey: get up baby, let's go to bed.
We slip into bed and then
Babies: WAAAAAA!!!

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