Getting Back

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(Weird scene in this chapter)
Bey's POV
*Beeeeeep beeep beep beep beep*
They shock him one last time and it worked! They cleaned him all up and they cleared the room. The doctor turns to me and I give him a big hug.
Doc: you're welcome. Did he punch Jay?
Bey: yea.
Doc: seems like when he got out of bed was his first mistake. Unless he needed to go to the bathroom. Seems that the pain was so bad it caused him to go almost in full cardiac arrest from the pain. So we had to double the dosage so he might say or do some weird things. Just for abt 12 hrs. Then he should be getting normal.
Bey: thank you doc.
He leaves and I sit back down and he's sleeping. I turn the tv back on. My family calls and ask abt what just happened as I'm watching the news abt how Jay let hell break loose in this hospital. Once I finished talking to them, I sit back next to Chris. I kiss his forehead.
Bey: I thought I lost you. Pls don't ever leave me. I need you.
Chris: *murmers*I won't Beyoncé
Bey: *gasps* you're awake!
Chris: *giggles* you have bit tities.
Bey: aye excuse me
Chris: they mine?
Bey: yup. All yours.
Chris: you're such aa cutiee. Lemme see them.
Bey: see what?
Chris: yo tities.
Bey: get yo head out of the gutter.
Chris: you know you look exactly like this woman I fucked the other night. She still married to some weird ass woman. Who is you again? Oh wait you her?
And this will be the longest 12 hrs ever.
12 hrs later...
Chris is waking up from his nap. He was talking my ear off the whole time till he passed out 30 minutes ago.
Chris: *yawns* baby? Beyoncé?
Bey: oh you remember my name now?
Chris: what happened? Wtf was I sayin? Was I stoned?
Bey: ahaha, sounded like it. How your abdomen?
I turn my whole body around laying next to him and kiss him.
Chris: sore. Baby?
Bey: yes?
Chris: I gotta piss. 
Bey: tmi
Chris: oh what? You've never pissed before?
Bey: I'm just playin wit you. I need help to get ya up.
I press the button for the nurse but the doc comes in instead.
Doc: ah Chris you're awake. How do you feel?
Chris: like imma pee this bed. I gotta pee.
Doc: well good cause we need a sample from ya. So here ya go.
He hands me a jug.
Chris: I said I gotta pee not puke.
Doc: we need ya to pee in that. We gotta do some other tests. I'll be back and give y'all some time. I don't want you getting out of bed so try to just make do.
He leaves. He tries sitting up but grunts in pain. I raise his bed.
Chris: Bey, can you um
Bey: oh I'll turn the other way here y-
Chris: no. I can't reach down to aim. Can you hold my dick and point it?
Bey: I don't get paid enough for this. Yes baby lol
Chris: feel free to suck it😉
Bey: yea already did that hours ago.
We both giggle. As he's sitting up, I pull up his gown and man that penis is just beautiful. I look away as I put it in the jug. He let's go and moans in relief.
Bey: ok pls don't make this akward.
Chris: ugh I needed to pee.
He finishes. I take the jug and call the doctor over to take it. He takes it and I turn back around to see Chris with a hard on.
Chris: think they'll want a sample of my sperm? Maybe you can help me out with that

 Chris: think they'll want a sample of my sperm? Maybe you can help me out with that

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Bey: maybe some other time. And I ain't fixing that. Already did once.
He frowns. I put his bad back to the way it was before. I pull his down over his hard on.
Chris: well how will I get it down?
Bey: idk*lays back on bed next to him* idk. But can we talk serious?
Chris: sure baby what's up?
Bey: so are we a thing?
Chris: what do you mean?
Bey: I mean, we had sex the other night. But I'm still married to the douchebag. And it's only been 1 night.
Chris: Beyoncé, I know we ain't start this on the appropriate way but maybe we can start slow again. Take ya on a date, rekindle what we had, maybe some more sex*she smacks the back of his head and giggles*. Anything*kisses her hand* anything to have you back into my arms. I missed you soo much baby. God let me have you back. That's why I was brought back twice.
Bey:*crys* I'm so sorry I put you through all this. This wouldn't have happened if we didn't have sex and I force-
Chris:*wipes her tears* baby, it's not your fault. It's your soon to be ex-fiancé. I wanna take ya on a date after this hospital week.
Bey: who said I wanted to go? With you? Aha!
Chris: hahaha You're cute. Give me a big wet kiss
I French kiss him. I look and still see he's hard.
Bey: you know your penis is just constantly wanting my attention ya know.
Chris: well he just likes what he sees. Ya know tho we had a one night stand, it was the best I've ever had. I felt so happy. And in love. And I can't wait till we have sex again. I can't wait any longer. Let's just do it right here! Pleaaseee!!
Bey: later baby. I felt the same way. I wanna have sex too, but your abdomen is injured. After you're healed w- HEY!!
He pullled my tities out. He sneaks his hand unbuttons my pants and pulls them and my panties down. He slips his finger in me and I'm feelin ssoo good.
Chris: comon baby. You feelin good? Imagine my penis in you.
Bey: mmm no ugh I c-can't oh fuck. Mmm I want to but your abdomen.
Chris: *sighs* you're right. Damn man
I move his hands out and put my pants on and shirt.
Chris: I just wanna make love to my lady.
Bey: when you're healed, I promise we can.

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