Feeling better(explicit)

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2 weeks later...
Chris POV
Today is the day I'm getting out of this hospital. Beyoncé, her family and mine have really been a big help.
Bey: ok baby, we gon get you dressed up. So, let's carefully get ya yup. They said we gotta put ya in the shower.
Chris: *smirks* so you wanna join me? I mean it's just a little sore
Bey: no baby. Imma pass out if you hurt it again. Now common.
She slowly brings me out of bed. She stands me up slowly and I grab onto her. We slowly walk to the shower. We enter the bathroom and she turns the shower on. There's a chair in there.
Chris: I ain't sittin in now chair. It's my abdomen that hurts not my legs.
Bey: you're still recovering baby.
Chris: Beyoncé take this chair out now please
Bey: *sighs* fine.
She takes it out. She starts stripping down. She gets booty ass naked.
Chris: oh yes fuck! You got CJ up at attention
I get rock hard. I push her in the hot steamy shower and slam her against the wall getting all wet together. We kiss each other and I get down and kiss every inch of her body.
Chris: you know how thankful I am for all your help baby? Lemme show you.
I slip my tongue in her pussy. I taste all her juices. She rubs my head as I tongue fuck her pussy and slip a finger in. She moans even louder turning me on. She instantly cums on my tongue.
Bey: I've been holding mmm that in for soo long! Come here baby.
I stand back up and she grabs my dick. She jerks me a bit then inserts it in her pussy. I look in her eyes as I start slowly givin it to her. Then I feel hungry so I start pounding her. I lift her legs up and I fuck her hard against the wall.
Bey: oh fuck yea! Ugh! Yes baby! I needed this dick!
Chris: and I needed your pussy! Fuck! Mmm feels soo good.
Bey: yes! Make me cum! Imma squirt! I'm I'm gonna cum! Keep it going baby. Look at your dick going in me baby! You like watching your dick destroying my pussy baby?!
Chris: mmm fuck yes baby! I wanna see that pussy explode over my dick! Cum baby! Cum for daddy! Daddy abt to cum too! Oh fuck! I'm cumming baby!
We both explode and cum together. I thrust my cum inside her as she explodes on my dick. I can't stop pounding her pussy. I pull out and she gets back on her feet but I turn her around and bend her over. She puts her hands on the wall and put mine over hers. I start fuckin her from behind.
Bey: baby! Wait! Mmm fuck! Ugh yea! Your wound!
I look down and I only see a scar and bruise. I'm too horny to feel it
Chris: I'm too horny to feeel it mmm oh fuck baby! Oh this feels too good!
Bey: mmm ok baby! Ah fuck! I'm gonna explode again! Ahhh!
I grunt and cum deep inside her as she explodes.
Bey: fuck yes! Ugh wait till we get home!
We finish cumming and I pull out. She walks out while shower is on and comes back two minutes later.
Bey: I took the after pill.
Chris: I know we promised to take things slow but I think we both needed and need a lil stress relieving.
Bey: for sure baby. Turn gimme that soap. Imma clean ya up.
I hand her the soap. She starts rubbing the bar soap onto my chest. I kiss her and just stare at her beautiful face and body. She rubs it all over my chest and slowly makes her way to my abdomen. I wince.
Bey: baby! We shouldn't have had sex if this still hurts
Chris: I told you. It's ok. Sex heals wounds.😉 CJ needed to be inside yo pussy.
Bey: omg, naughty boy.
She squats and washes my legs and she rubs the soap on my lil patch of pubes. Then rubs my penis and balls getting me hard. I moan and get instantly hard again. She smirks and looks up at me as she jerks me off.
Bey: feel good baby? Gotta clean this.
She starts cleaning my balls and I just shoot cum out of my dick with no announcement. I shoot all over her neck and boobies. I finish.
Bey: turn around baby.
Chris: you want to see my butt huh?
Bey: haha turn silly boy
I turn and she rubs my back and shoulders. She gets to my butt and spanks it. I start twerkin as she spanks it and we laugh. She finished washing me up. Chris: my turn
Bey: don't try nothin funny.
I take the soap and start washing her boobs and shoulders. She slightly moans. I get down to her pussy and slip my fingers in there. The soap makes it even slippery. I finger her a bit and she explodes again. I get her legs and she turns around. She kisses me and we make out. She turns the shower off and we grab the towels and dry each other off. I push her out the bathroom and put her on the bed. I stick myself in her and we have sex but all of a sudden, the door swings open. It's the doctor.
Doc: oh well I'm guessing you're feeling better Chris.
Chris: omg I'm so sorry!
He turns around and let'sus get dressed. That's embarrassing. We finish getting dressed and our bags together.
Doc: so um well seems like your doing much better. Imma give you these meds to take everyday for a month and a half to help fully recover your injury. Though, looks like sex is doin the trick ahahah
Bey: omg I'm so embarrassed.
Doc: trust me I've seen weirder things in this hospital. Well it's been a joy helpin you both and I wish you too the best. Please do not hesitate to call me for any questions.
We both hug him and thank him for saving my life. We leave and head out.
Chris: ahhh fresh air! I wanna go home Bey.
Bey: ok baby. Do you mind if we stop by mine so I can grab a bag of clothes? And my hygiene products.
Chris: sure baby but you don't need clothes on my house
Bey's POV
He kisses me as we wait for Julius to pull the car up. God he's so sexy! Ugh! All of a sudden, the paparazzi start running towards us. Julius comes just in time and we hop right in.
Julius: nice to see you both again.
Bey: can we stop by my house?
Chris: what abt Jay? I'll come with-
Bey: he's in jail lol. I ain't scared.
Chris: well I'll be standing outside
Bey: ugh ok.
Julius drives and we arrive at Jay and I's house. Blah his name is disgusting. Chris, Julius and I get out.
Bey: you boys can stay out here and I guarantee nothing will happen.
Chris: ok but we will be watching.
I go and unlock the door and put the keys in. Wow! This place looks trashed! Pictures smashed everywhere, plates, glasses, walls punched, is this blood? Wow! He went full on psycho. As I wonder abt the house, I feel a bit guilty but at the same time I'm thinking abt what Gloria said abt 11 baby mommas and my regret disappears. I head upstairs and go to the bedroom and I realize every room is trashed. All my clothes are either torn or thrown around and my jewelry is every where. I start picking up everything I own.
Chris: Julius something just dosent feel right.
Julius: yea I'm getting a suspicious feeling too. But she told us to stay here but I'm watchin.
Back to Bey
I officially finish bagging everything. I go downstairs and drag all my bags down with me which is shocking I didn't have more but that is prob at the second house we have which I'm sure is trashed as well. Not sure tho. I walk twoards the door when the door slammed shut and I see oh shit. Jay!
Jay: where ya think ya goin?!

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