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Bey's POVIt's 10am and Chris and I had absolutely NO sleep last night

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Bey's POV
It's 10am and Chris and I had absolutely NO sleep last night. They would not stop crying. I figured this was coming. Chris fell asleep with Chris Jr. and I snap a photo. The party starts at 1 today. They are soo freaking cute! I take a pic

Omg my heart😍🥰! I can already tell he's gonna be a daddy's boy

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Omg my heart😍🥰! I can already tell he's gonna be a daddy's boy. Atleast I've got a mommy's girl. I carry Giselle upstairs with me so I can get dressed and ready. I play some music while gettin ready. This embarrassing but I've got some serious gas. But it ain't smell. Maybe this tmi 😂. Gave birth to twins. Bound to happen. I didn't realize I've been up here for 2 hours. I haven't even gone down stairs. It's 12 and I gotta breastfeed my babies. Wait a sec, I haven't heard Chris Jr or Chris in 2 ho-somethings wrong. I stopped the music.
Bey: Chris?
There was no response. I grab Giselle and rush downstairs. I don't see them on the couch. My heart starts racing and I start running around the mansion like crazy. I start sweating and crying.
Bey: CHRIS JR!!!! CHRIS!!!!
Giselle: waaaaaa waaaaaa
She starts crying with me. I was about to call 911 when until I checked the backyard and there they were sitting outside near the pool. My heart is in my ass. I get out there and walk up to them
Bey: *sniff* CHRISTOPHER! Did you not hear me calling you??!!!
Chris: baby what's wrong??
Bey: I thought you guys were gone or something😭
He gets up with Chris Jr and hugs me.
Chris: sorry baby. We was just playin outside.
I sit on the grass under a tree and take them both and pull up my shirt. I breastfeed them. Ugh this is such a weird feeling.
Chris: aye leave some for daddy. Damn you got some nice titties.
Bey: *giggles* Christopher Maurice Brown!!!
I finish feeding them and I hand Chris our daughter.
Bey: you've had my baby boy all morning, gimme him and I'll give you her.
We try and burp them. Chris burps but then Giselle burps but throws up all over Chris. I was cracking up and so is Chris Jr.😂
Chris: so is this part of parenthood as well? Gettin barfed on? Chris Jr. why you laughin? Thought you were on my side?! You're grounded😆
He gets all cleaned up and the party starts. I turn the music on and everyone starts rolling in. I missed my family and especially my girlies. I've been having too much fun fucking with Chris, forgot all abt my sistas. Especially Solo.
Bey: GIRRLLSSS!!!😁😁😁
Kelly&Michelle&Solo: OMG!!' BEY!!! Aww the babies!!! Omg!!!

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