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Bey's POV
Today is the day we are meeting up with the wedding planner. It's 30 mins away. We hop in the car and Chris is driving. He takes my hand and kisses it.
Bey: omg I'm so excited!😁
Chris: me too!😁
We sing his album "Fortune" and we put "Turn up the music" on. That's my favorite on his album. We finally arrive and we park. We go in and it's a office filled wit pictures of weddings all around. The secretary waits us in her office.
Chris: what's her name again?
Bey: Karruche.
Chris POV
Oh shit. I play it off like cool cool. But inside, my heart was racing. I see this exploding in me face. Was hoping I would tell Bey one day but hopefully Karruche won't say nothin. She walks in and my heart is in my head. We make direct eye contact and then she switches her attention to Bey and stands and gives a hug
Kar: Hey guys!*hugs bey then Chris* how are y'all?
Bey: we're good. How bout you?
Kar: I'm hangin in there.
She the biggest thot in town.
Kar: just to let you both know that I am a huge fan of yalls recent albums "4" and "Fortune"!
Chris: haha thank you.
Bey: haha thank you!
Kar: Chris I feel like I've seen you the other day somewhere.
Bey: aha! We are all over. Who knows.
Oh shit. Karruche stfu!
Kar: I mean like after he left the studio I saw him outside I think. Yea that's right! We bumped into each other when we were in Parkwood! I was visiting an artist there 😈
Bey: aha funny *knows something is up*
Chris: ah must've passed my mind. So, what we thinkin for this wedding?
Bey: well I was thinking something private.
Chris: well actually, I have a place. Bey remember when we used to visit your grandma and when we went there near the shore, we went to her church on the shore. Connected to the beach? What about there? Beach is also where we rekindled our first day😉
Bey: omg! That's a great idea Chris! Let's do that!
Kar: awesome! Where is it at?
Chris: Texas, so we would have to fly many people over and some all ready live in town.
Kar: awesome! *gets sick* excuse me for a second
She sprints to the bathroom and she look like she was about to puke. Bey look sick herself.
Bey: I'll be right back baby. I don't feel good either *sprints*
What are they both pregnant? Man I hope Karruche isn't. Otherwise, I fucked up badd. I should've have done what I did but I gotta break it to Bey slowly. I don't think Karruche is gonna say anything but I definetly feel like she has something up her sleeve. I fucked up bad but technically she ignitiated it. Damn Ex.
Bey's POV
Karruche and I throw up our brains out. Chris comes in and holds my hair back. He rubs my back as I finish.
Bey: *whispers* can we get a pregnancy test after here?
Chris: yes baby😁I would kiss ya but Um yea got puke all over. 
Chris helps me up and he helps Karruche up. She's crying her heart out.
Kar: I'm sorry Um, can we finish this up *sniffs* tmr? I think I need to lay down.
Bey: ofc! Do you have a mans or family we can call?
Kar: well I did have a mans, until some hoe took him
Bey: wow! What an asshole! I would pity that man
Kar: oh trust me I do.
We leave the bathroom and we call Karruche mom to pick her up and Chris carries me into the car. As he buckles my seatbelt, I throw up on him. Not even knowing I was about to. Guess he chose a bad day to wear a white tshirt and jeans. We were matching today. He raises his arms and backs away.
Bey: Oh baby I'm so sorry! Omg! I'm sooo soo sorry!
Chris: it's ok baby, let it all out. *mumbles* I deserve it
Bey: I'm done now. Think that's all that I had left in my stomach lol.
Chris: *sighs * lemme know if any one is coming
He unbuckles his belt and jeans and takes them off. He takes his shirt off and my pussy gets wet automatically. Too bad my breath stank. He tosses the clothes on the car floor. He closes my door and gets on the other side. He gets in and we are on our way to CVS to her pregnancy tests but I just thought of something. Paparazzi!
Bey: baby, can you just take my home instead? I'll ask one of our assistants to go grab a bunch for us. Paparazzi
Chris: good thinkin.
Bey: baby, be honest with me. I won't get upset just agitated. Did you cheat on me with her?
Chris: what? Hell nah babe!
Bey: mhm you sure about that? *looks at phone* THEN WHY DID SHE SEND ME THIS?!
Chris POV
Oh fuck.😶She started screaming and crying.
Chris: bey lemme explain. This was-
Chris: *crying hysterically*baby! It wasn't my fau-
I pull over and I'm sweating and crying buckets.
Bey: get out of this fucking car Jay
Chris: baby I'm ch-
Bey: don't fucking call me Baby! I bet you that she's pregnant with your child! You ain't pull out! *crying harder* how could you?
Chris: *crying hard* she forced me to have sex with her!
Bey: then why didn't you tell or call me?! What happened to "we promise to tell everything, no matter how ugly or uncomfortable it may be". Now I just FUCKING asked you if you cheated on me with her. You said no. So get the fuck out of this car and I'm driving home. You can find your own way home. I should've thrown up more on you
Chris: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. There's soo much I need to tell you about that d-
Bey: save it, you're just another Jay. Another fuckin screw up, like my dad. JUST get the fuck out. You, Jay everyone. I have no one.
Chris: Beyonce! That's not tr-
I get out of the car in just my underwear. She switches sides and drives off. Fuck! Why did I have to fuck up! I hide behind a bunch of trees. This is hella embarrassing. I never meant for all this to happen. I am madly in love with Beyoncé! She's the only person in my life that keeps me going and I learn a lot about love and who I am and I love loving her and I can't lose her! Not again! Ugh I'm such a fuck up! I FaceTime my mom and she picks up right away.
Joyce: hey my b-wtf? Chris is you in the fuckin forrest? And where ya shirt at?!
Chris: *crying* mom, I fucked up bad! I need you to come to the park on 5th Avenue and hurry before pa-oh shit! Mom hurry!
Joyce: I'm on my way baby! I'll be there in 8 mins. Thank goodness it's close by*hangs up*
Man they are like a fuckin fly in your ear. I didn't answer them and just stood turning away. Mom pulls up and I run and hop in her car and she floors it.
Joyce: omg! Chris! Why are you in your underwear? Damn and the paparazzi there too! Boy what did you do to Beyoncé?😑 Don't tell me you hurt her feelings or did something bad.
Chris: *crying silently* I-I cheated with Karruche. But it's not my fault!
Joyce: *slaps him in back of head* CHRISTOPHER MAURICE BROWN! I RAISED YOU BETTER!
Chris: momma you gotta listen to me
I explain to her what exactly happen and the full story of that day. We get to her house and I have a bag of clothes there in case of emergency. We walk in and I get dressed and explain to her how I ended up in my underwear. We sit in the living room. Bey hasn't texted or called and I've been trying since mom picked me up. She keeps declining my calls.
Joyce: oh baby*hugs him* it'll be ok.
Chris: I can't lose her mom I can't! Not again! I love her with all my heart. My soul! And she might be pregnant with my child! What do I do?!
Joyce: maybe give her some space. Then maybe, when things settle down, just give your side of the story.
All of a sudden, there's a loud knock at the door. Chris: Maybe it's an angry Bey.
Joyce: oh boy
I walk and open the front door and BAM!

Joyce: oh boy I walk and open the front door and BAM!

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