Meet me @3 (am)

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Chris POV
I'm in the hospital right now watching my wife in the hospital bed with a minor concussion. And my sweet newborns are in the their own room still getting checked out on. I sob in my hands and I feel a hand smack the back of my head. I assumed it was momma T or my momma. Or Richard. Or solo. We have the whole fam here. I look up next to me. My wifey is awake!
Bey: owwwww!!! Ggggggg!!!
Momma T: I'll go get the doctor! *runs out to get the doctor*
Chris: baby!!!! *kisses her all over her face*I love you soo much!!!
Bey: Chris my heeeaaaaddd isss gonnaaa explodeee!!!!!😭😓 owwwww!!!!
Chris: you're gonna be ok baby, the doctor should be here soon.
All of a sudden, the doctor runs in.
Doc: ah thank goodness your up Beyonce. I'm going to give you something for that confusion of yours.
He hands her a pill but before she takes it,
Bey: I've gotta throw up!
I grab the garbage and hold her hair back. Both our mommas rub her back.
Doc: ok, just let it all out Beyonce.
She throws up 3 more times, then she looks pale. Lifeless. The doctor hands her 3 pills and she takes them. 
Doc: you're very dehydrated Beyonce, you need to drink more water and we are going to refill your iv.
Bey: my babies!!!!! *starts breathing heavy* Chris!!!
Chris: they're just getting checked out right now, they're going to be ok!
She hugs me tight.
Chris: I mean why? Why can't I just have a normal fucking life?! Why there always gotta be some bullshit happening? All I wanted was nice a nice *breaksdown crying* time with my family and beautiful babies.
Momma J: aww I'm so sorry honey. Listen, the situation could've been a lot worse. You're babies and your wife are still breathing and in good hands.
Bey: I I feel tired
Chris: rest baby I love you *kisses her forehead and she falls asleep on his shoulders as he sits next to her on the hospital bed*
She falls right asleep, knowing her babies are safe.
Doc: *walks in room* ok, so the babies are alll Cleese of water. You did a great job Chris. Here they are.
The nurses bring them in and I was abt to wake up Bey
Doc: nonono, pls don't wake her. Sleep is medicinal for a concussion.
After talking with the doc, everyone is much more at peace now. But I'm not. It's 1am and imma kill Kanye at 3👊🏾. Rn, I'm enjoying watching my babies sleep in their mobile crib the hospital has. All of us in one room. The fam and I watch tv for a bit when we start to hear Bey.
Bey:  *giggles* mmm stop it. Oh papi. Haha you so goofy.
Everyone looks at each other and laughs. My baby sleep talkin.
Bey: stop playin bae, stick that tongue right in my pussy!
She's having a wet dream. The whole fam gets majorly uncomfortable.
Solange: ok I guess that's our cue to go.
I thank everyone and tell them to catch up on some sleep. I close the door. It's just me, Bey and the babies. She keeps moaning as if it givin it to her good.
Bey: mmmm babe! That's my spot ah fuck! Yess I'm gonna cumm! Quit playin! Daddy put it back in.
Chris: oh baby you have no idea how bad I want you😔
I decide to play around a bit and look under the covers. There's a wet spot on the bed. And even tho her pussy is still healin from giving birth, she's still leakin. I keep her hands from playin wit herself cause I don't want her messin anything up down there. I smile and kiss her neck. Over and over again.
Bey: ugh! You feel soo good! You have a nice nut baby?
Chris: *whispers* fuck yea baby. I love yo pussy
She must really be drugged up if she's talkin in her sleep, let alone her having a wet dream infront of me. I'm gettin hard from this talk.
My phone rings and I check it and see a text from Kanye.
Kanye: imma make sure your hospital bed ain't next to Bey's. See yo ass on Main Street @ 3 o'clock!👊🏾just me and you!
I smirked and texted him back a thumbs up. I watch the tv with my family asleep.
Chris: alright my wife and babies, daddy's gon kick some ass and get justice for us. I love you all. Daddy will never let anything bad happen to you again.
I kiss all of their foreheads and tell the doctor that I am gonna go get something from home. He agreed to have a nurse check on them every few minutes. I drive to Main Street and see Kanye in an ally. I park and get out and make sure there's no one in sight. I go down the ally and automatically feel rage and charge right at him. As I am about to throw my punch, he knocks me in the head with a gun. As I fall, I kick the gun out of his hand. We look at each other and then run to get it. He gets it first but I trip him and he falls ontop of me holding the gun to my stomach. It starts raining, down pouring all of a sudden.
Chris: why man? Why do you feel the need to fuck wit my family??
Kanye: *yells* because they aren't your family! It's Jays!
Chris: not anymore!
I feel Kanye abt to pull the trigger but I roll out from under him and he winds up shooting himself in the stomach. I kick the shit outta his body.
All of a sudden, I hear the cops coming. I run to my car and skirt out of there without a trace. Should I have stayed? Nah, prob no cameras anyways. I drive back to the hospital. I get back to the room Bey was in and I go in and she's not there. My heart drops. I rush out and speak with a nurse.
Chris: have you seen my wife Beyonce and our two babies? They were in this room last.
Nurse: yes they are a few rooms down. *sings* doown dowwwn doown, even if the sky is falling down
Chris: that was nice but that's Jay Sean song, not mine😂😒
She got so embarrassed and I just laughed. I look in a few more rooms and I see her and the babies. They're all awake watching tv. It's 3:30am. I'm confused.
Bey: Hey baby*kisses him*
Chris: hi my beautiful wifey. And my beautiful babies
Bey: shut the door*he shuts door*and sit next to ya wifey.
I take Chris Jr. in my hands and sit next to Bey on the bed.
Chris: Babe, why you up so early? And where's our mommas?
Bey: they went home. And I've been up worrying abt you while I got a concussion.
Chris: Hoe-w you feeling?
Bey: hoe? I'm a hoe? Who you callin a hoe?
Chris: *laughs* I mean HOW
Bey: *giggles* I feel like I got the worlds biggest migraine. And worrying about you is making it worse. Did you do it?
Chris: aww I'm sorry baby
Bey; Christopher, did. You. Do. It?
She looks at me in my eyes.
Chris: he did it to himself. I tricked him.
Bey: what abt the cops?
Chris: I ran before they could even see me.
Bey: you leave a trace?
Chris: nope!
Bey: aww that's my baby!!!i can rest now. Goodnight my love*kisses him*
Chris: goodnight my love
I put the babies back in their cribs. Bey passes out. Or so I thought.
Bey: babe, come sleep with me.
Chris: but yo pussy healin
Bey: tsk you know what I meant
I chuckle. I take my shoes off. And about to get under the covers with her until she stops me.
Bey: get comfortable. Undress yo self boy.
I take my shirt off and pants off and I pull down my boxers exposing my penis.
Chris: want this off too?
Bey: no daddy. Mmm that thing is good lookin.
I put my boxers back up. I get under the covers and sleep with my wifey.

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