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Chris POV
Alright, I know pregnancy can make women's bladder messed up, but she been in there for like 10 mins. I feel like something is wrong tho. She's been trying to hide how frantic she is since we left the hotel. I get up and go the bathroom door. These restaurants are notorious for these wide big multi bathrooms with a huge ass fish tank in them. There fish tanks everywhere. I try going inside but the door is locked. I grab our server.
Waitress: is everything ok?
Chris: my wife locked herself in here and I think something is wrong.
She goes and gets a key and unlocks the door. We walk in and she is no where I sight.
Chris: Beyoncé? You alright baby? You in he-
I look down at the floor and see her phone and her heels on the floor. Her phone screen was cracked and unlocked on a photo of Jay and her. He can't possibly still be alive. It has to be one of his gang! They must've taken her! Wonder what his face looked like. My baby missing!
Chris: omg! My wife has been kidknapped!
I try and not touch her phone screen so police can get finger prints. We call 911 and they show up asap. They come in and we show them evidence left behind. They finger printed her phone right here. I'm tryna figure out why the photo of her and Jay was on her phone. I study the photo and see that they were in the same restaurant years and years ago. Does she still have feelings for him? I'm so confused.
Detective: Hello Chris, I'm detective Jacky. How are you?
Chris: scared, confused lost I just want my wife back who's pregnant with our child.
Detective: we understand. Well according to the finger print scanner, it shows fingerprints of you, Beyoncé, and Dame Dash? A relation to Jay. Well atleast we know Jay is still not alive but now Imma have to beat up Dame.
Detective: Chris, come look at this footage.
I walk over to the security room full of cameras. It shows a man in all black hoodie and pants and even black timbs. Them shits are fire. All we can see is the guy walking up through the side of the building and going in. A few moments later, the guy has Bey knocked out over his shoulders, climbing out the window. The footage dosent show how are far Dame was dragging Bey. It was out of camera view.
Jacky: do you know why he may have taken Beyoncé?
Chris: no! I have never talked to him before either. But he was Jay z business partner.
All of a sudden, my phone rings.
Chris: Hello?
Bey: *whispering and out of breath* Chris! You need to come help me. Listen to -
Chris: baby! Are you ok?? Wh-
Bey: shhh shut up! I need you to go back to our hotel room. Right now! Shit! He's coming! Hurry baby!*hangs up*
Chris: Bey?? bey??Jacky, she said that only I should come back to her hotel room. Can you guys pls be on standby within the hotel?
Jacky: ofc! Guys let's go.
Bey's POV
Ugh! Why did I marry a thug again? Man, all his gangs want me and shit. Luckily, I was able to reach behind with my tied hands behind my back in this chair and reached for his phone. I hear him coming and put it back. Dame has not spoken one word this whole time. Just tearing this room apart and he won't answer me.
Bey: Dame? What the hell do you want??
Dame: *slaps her across the face* YOU! This was supposed to be my child! I was waiting for Jay and you to break up a long ass time ago. And I dreamed of having you as a wife and baby momma but instead, you went to that fuckin ugly ass rat. I mean like Chris Brown?! You went that low to bang a nobody.
I eye roll.
Bey: ugh, you men and not getting what you guys want. There are millions of other women out there and you chose to tie me up and rant? Wtf?
Dame: that's not the only thing I'm about to do. 
He smiles with an evil grin and I look behind him quick to see Chris trying to come through the window. All of a sudden, I start singin.
Bey: "If I were a boyy, I think I could understand *stops walking twoards her and just stares with confused look* how it feels to love a girl you stupid fuckin bitchhh! Peace out!"
Dame: huh?
Chris: baby!
Bey: I knew you'd save me!
Chris: *rushes over untying her and kisses her* I love you soo much baby! I was so worried! And good idea wit the singing distraction!
Bey: I love you too!! And you welcome! I will be charging you for that btw. My voice is not for free😆
We laugh.
Bey: you knocked his ass out cold
The police rushed in all of a sudden and cuffed the unconscious man. Chris and I both speak the police about the whole situation and we will now be having extra security around at all times for a while. The detective said that Jay must've know 100's of assholes out there that would want a piece of this ass. We spoke with Julius who felt awful about the whole trip and we told him not to stress and he's all good. We get the room straightened up but something still does not feel right. Chris and I sit on the couch watching tv. I explained to him that I no longer feel comfortable staying in this end of the hotel. He agreed and we move to a suite on the other side of the hotel, along with Julius in his own suite.  We unpack and get into bed. We are watching IT Chapter 2 and he strokes my hair as I put it on his chest, laying back.
Chris: Bey?
Bey: yea baby?
Chris: be honest with me...
Bey: I always am but ok...
Chris: why was a picture of you and Jay at the restaurant open on your phone? *stops stroking hair*
Bey: I-I just I kinda misse-
Chris: I'm out
*he gets out of bed and walks out of room with slides while Bey sits crying*

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