Clear our name, clear our name.

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*funny shower scene*
We decide to quickly stop by our house to change but there is a whole police unit there and we turn back around. We instead just go straight to Chris friends house and yes the rapper, Diddy. Who Jay and I saw all the time and he isn't too happy abt our relationship but still supports Chris I guess. We knock on his door and he pulls us in before saying hi. Chris daps him up.
Diddy: aye wassup my man! Hey Bey! You both look like y'all had the best fucking of a lifetime.
We blush.
Diddy: aye I ain't judgin man. I do the same to my lady.
His wife comes down and we all say hi. She goes back upstairs taking care of his kids.
Bey: omg they got so big!
Diddy: ikr! We tryna make more if ya know what I'm sayin.
We laugh. There's a knock on the door and he lets the police officer in that tackled us but he's actually chief. Chris puts me behind his back as we stare in fear
Chief: aye Diddy! These the two tha-
Diddy: yea Ik man but they good people.
Chief: they look like they just had intense sex.
What is it with us lookin like we had sex? I mean we did but is there like nut in my hair somewhere?
Chief: *sighs* it's gonna cost all of you.
Chris: what abt, 50K each
That's a good price. That's like a $1 for us,
Chief: deal, I'll clear up your names once y'all shower. Damn, lean ya selves up. You got nut in your hair Beyonce
I gasp.
Bey: can we mail the money once we get home? As long as I get it by the end of today.
Diddy: don't worry y'all I got it! He grabs his stacks and gives him $150,000.
Bey: diddy you do-
Diddy: don't worry abt it. I feel bad abt not supporting y'all relationship. So I'm makin it up.
We thank him and dap him up.
Diddy: now you two love birds go and clean ya nasty asses up.
We laugh and leave. We hop in the car and call our moms and families and tell them the news. They hooray and we finally get home and all the police are gone. We run in and the place is spotless? We see Julius cleaning everything up.
Julius: aye y'all home! Congrats! I cleaned your house up while y'all was gone. Where were y'all? My phone broke and I couldn't reach anyone so I was kinda deserted.
We tell him the story.
Julius: man I'm so fired😓I'm so sorry!
Bey: it's ok baby. What were the police doin before?
Julius: nothin. They was just like guarding the house. I went in and didn't see anybody but the whole place was trashed so I wanted to be a good person and clean it up for y'all.
Chris: thanks man
We thank him and he leaves.
Chris: damn they right, you got nut in your hair😂
Bey: omg how embarrassing! Let's shower baby. No sex please baby. I'm so sore and tired.
Chris: ofc baby. My baby makes is drained too!
We head upstairs and strip down naked. We turn the shower on and man I love this bathroom

 We turn the shower on and man I love this bathroom

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We get in and start washin up. I shampoo my hair good and they was right. I lean down to wash my hair and just stare at Chris beautiful wet dick.
Chris: take a picture it'll last longer😉
Bey: ah be quiet.
Chris: Bey?
Bey: yes baby?
Chris: turn around. Don't look at me for a sec
Bey: huh? Why? I like what I see
Chris: cause I'm gonna pee.
Bey: omg. Just go. I already helped you with that in the hospital.
He laughs. He points at the wall and lets it rip. He "ahs" in relief.
Bey: what is it with you and peeing? Nasty ass
Chris: well I am human. It happens. Especially after sex.
Chris: Remember how I peed my pants when we was younger cause you peed yours by accident.
Bey: yea that was so sweet of you.
May have sound nasty to many but it was hilarious and cute to us. he stil goin.
Bey: damn! You good?
Chris: yea I just had to go really bad.
After like 1 minute he finishes. Nasty ass
Chris: that was fun.
We laugh. We are an odd couple.
Chris: I've never showed anyone this but wanna see how cool this bathroom is?
Bey: sure.
He pushes a secret door within the shower walk and it's another shower? Omg! This place is huge!

 He pushes a secret door within the shower walk and it's another shower? Omg! This place is huge!

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He shows me a second shower. He goes in and I follow
Chris: I've always had this it's forgot to show you cause we always fuck in that shower. I've got this connected to another one
Bey: omg it's beautiful - wait another one?
We turn right and omg it's another

 I've got this connected to another one Bey: omg it's beautiful - wait another one? We turn right and omg it's another

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And then is another hallway on the other side. How big is this mansion?!
Bey: my word Christopher! Why so many? What is yo water bill? 1 mill a month?😂
Chris: I never really use these. *grabs her hands and looks into her eyes* you know why there is so many?
Bey: why?
Chris: cause I love the feeling of sex in the shower when the water hits in different places. And there's abt 6-7 more showers other than this between bedrooms to guests to other bathrooms in this house. I'm obsessed with showers.
Bey: you a dirty boy for all these showers😆
Chris: aha! One day, we'll have sex in all 3 of these and others another day.
Bey: eww! Why would I want to have sex againwith yo weird ass?! Fuckin peein on shower walls. What wrong wit you boy?😆
Chris: yo so funny and bold until I *body slams to wall and whispers in her ear* fuck you hard up against the walls, makin you echo your angelic voice. You know when you orgasm btw you sound really angelic and beautiful. It's like I see God when you climax.
Bey: aww haha thanks baby. Same abt you. *sings* fuck you back to sleep girl!
Chris: aye! *sings* rocket to waterfaaallss!
Bey: oh. You just made my pussy wet. Come here!
We fuck in all 3 showers which was AWESOME! I've always wanted to do that with my love of my life!

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