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Bey's POV
The doc came rushing in to see Chris awake staring at me. Other nurses came and took all the tubes out.
Doc: Christopher, can you hear me?
He nodded his head.
Chris: Is my girl ok?
Doc: she's right here
Bey: *gets close* Hi baby*tearing of joy* it's me.
The whole fam said there's hellos.
Chris: I've got all my OWWW! girls here. Doc my chest.
Bey: yea my fuckin loser fiancé did this to you. But I wanna be with you.
Chris: I want you too. So you ain't gonna leave me?
Bey: after that? Hell nah! I'm staying wit you forever. You're the only one for me baby.
Our moms and my sister said their hellos and the doc told us he is ok. Just needs a week or two to recover. We all sighed of relief and they all left. It's just me and Chris and the doc closed the door.
Chris: *smirks* so it's just you and me in here huh?
The doc gave him pills which kind of works like laughing gas. So he is getting all goofy now.
Bey: haha, don't try nothin. You're injured.
I sit on the bed.
Chris: give me some kisses!
I lean and kiss him passionately. I feel his hands rom my butt.
Bey: *breaks from kiss* hey! Baby, after the hospital you can get some.
Chris: then can you fix this some other way then?
He nodded his head down and I look at the bed and see his boner high in the sky in his hospital gown.
Bey: omg! I'll leave ya alone to jerk-
Chris: baby suck it pls! Ahahaa I feel goofy. Common suck my peepee.
Bey: ok you high af.
Chris: you love me don't you?
I think for a sec. I smirk and lift his gown up from his ankles and pull it over to his chest and omg! He's hard as hell like last night. I look at him and I get to the end of the bed. I lean over and put it in my mouth. I start suckin him like no tmr.
Chri: mm fuck yes baby! Ooh I'm feelin so good rn. Ahaha
He couldn't stop laughing and I swear he is high. But whatever makes my man happy. I lick his balls and he moans even louder. All of a sudden, I see his "I'm about to cum" face and his balls and dick stiffen. I put my tongue on his tip ready to catch his cum while I jerk his base with my saliva and his precum. He pulls his hospital gown all the way so it appears he's naked from neck and below.
Chris: mmm baby! I'm cummin!
He shoots cum all on my tongue and even some on my face. I look up and he's knocked out. Omg. I clean us up and just sit next to him watching tv.
Chris: *moans* baby. Did you just suck me before?
Bey: you mean like 3 minutes ago yes. Why?
Chris: Ahaha I feel high. Here smoke this blunt bro
Bey: Baby, that's your iv tube and no thx tho I could go for one.
*Gunshot! POW!*
I turn the tv off and look at Chris.
Bey: omg!
I get up to lock the door.
Chris: haha baby. Don't be silly. That's my shootaass!! YO MY HO-
I put my hand over his mouth and I closed the curtains and closed the curtain around his bed.
Bey: baby, pls don't say anything. Shh!
He licks my hand.
Chris: nah I get it, you want some freaky sh-
Bey:*puts hand over mouth* Shh babe
I hear them and people screaming.
Bey: *whispering* shit! How the fuck did he even find out we was on this floor?
Chris: *trying to move her hand* Mm babe stop! You cheating on me? That ain't cool.
Bey: Chris look at me in the eyes
Chris: I'd rather look down there
He stares at my cleavage in my shirt.
Bey: if you make anymore sounds, we are dead. Pls let's be qu-
I hear someone trying to open the door. They jiggle it and grunt. Shit! I gotta think of a plan. It sounds like Jay grunting. I'm stuck. I try and search for a weapon.
*Pow! Pow!*
The door flings open and I make direct eye contact with Jay. Oh shit. I'm dead. He charges at me and grabs me by my wrists.
Bey: he's more of a husband than you'll ever be. Think this is love?! Our reputation is over! Everything! I'm done!
His eyes turn black and he grabs my throat and pushes me against the window that's next to the door. I can barely breath.
Jay: I WILL FUCKIN END YOU! YOUR MUSIC YOUR CAREER YOUR MONEY! ALL GONE! ITS MINE! Yea you right this on the news about how you're a little slut. Now they gon show on the news Beyoncé dea-
Chris knocked out Jay in one good punch. Jay falls and I fall to the ground getting out of his grip. I try and capture my breath. Chris kneeled down to me.
Chris: Baby are you ok?! This weird lookin camel tried to kill you!
Oh boy, I really wonder when this medicine will wear off. Though he ain't completely out of it. Jay is basically a camel lookin ass.
Gloria: *gasps* MY SON! YOU BITCH!!
Gloria charges at me and I stand up. She tries to throw punches but I grab her fists.
Bey: what you think you doin?
Gloria: You embarrasses and hurt my baby boy. Ain't no hoe gon do that to my son. So he has 11 baby mommas bi- Oh shit
Bey: he has what?
All of a sudden, there's a security guard and he comes and tazes Gloria. He has 11 baby mommas the whole time we was together? I feel so played. The police and security come and take him and I sit Chris back down and he screams in pain.
Chris: OWW FUCK ME!! OWW! *grunts and hyperventilates*
Bey: baby what's wro-
He grabs my wrist for dear life death grip and his heart is beating too fast. All of a sudden, blood starts pouring this his abdomen where he was shot and it was coming through the gauze. He gets very faint. I hear the doctors and nurses running.
Chris: ugh! I want you to know that I love yo- *beeeeeeeepppp*
His heart flatlined. The doctor and nurses came rushing in and they pushed me out of the way. I stay in the corner crying hysterically. I stand in the corner and watch as they forgot I am even in the room. They replaced worked on the wound and wrapped it back up but is still flatline. They take the shockers and count. This is all too much!

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