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Chris POV
What?! I thought everything was good between her and I. Everyone turned there heads at me after she ran out. I run out after her.
Chris: Bey! Beyoncé stop running! Can we just ta-
Bey: no! Goodbye Chris! Leave me alone!
Chris: what did I do?
She is literally running all around Houston and people are hella confused. And shocked. The phones start coming out and people start running and recording. She hopes in an Uber and they go off. Damn! I walk back slowly to the church a few blocks down with people following. When I reach church, security makes them go away. I walk into the church and everyone is standing and talking until I come in. They all pick there heads up. I tear up. Looking down. Momma T and My momma came over and hugged me. I start bawling.
Joyce: oh son it's ok. She probably just has some self doubts
Tina: yes don't worry baby. I know my daughter and she loves you. I think she's just stressed. Especially with them hormones.
Trey: *hugs him* aye man it's gon be ok.
I get into the in the car and Julius drives me home after everyone tried to give me a positive pep talk. I feel numb and sad.😔. I get inside home and walk upstairs. I try calling Bey 100's of times and each time she dosent pick up. I hope she's ok. I track her location on my phone but she turned it off. I'm sure she's at a hotel somewhere.
5 hrs later...
It's 8pm and she's still not home. I strip down naked and get into the first floor shower.

I shower and all of a sudden, I hear footsteps come by, which I assumed was Beyoncé

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I shower and all of a sudden, I hear footsteps come by, which I assumed was Beyoncé. This shower is in a hallway that is not even in a bathroom. Just out in the opened. I hear screams and I turn around to see my mom, momma Tina, and Richard stare at me then turned around as I covered my penis with my hands.
Tina: omg! Sorry Chri-wait why you put a shower out in the open? You a freak or something?
Joyce: well I haven't seen that thing since you was 5 and now I'm traumatized.
Richard: nice son. *daps him and we chuckle*
As they are turned around facing away from me, I throw a towel around my waist and turn the shower off.
Chris: lemme throw shorts and a tee on and I'll be right down.
All: ok
I go upstairs and I'm hella embarrassed. I get dressed and come down stairs and grab a beer. And I hardly ever drink beer. Usually other alcoholic drinks. I turn to the living room seeing them sit down on the couch. I sit down on the next couch across from them.
Chris: yes?
Joyce: we are worried abt you son.
Chris: why? Cause I lost the love of my life, who will never come back to me, without telling me why, *crying*never having her touch, making her feel safe
Both mommas come over and rub my back.
Tina: Chris, it's not that case. She texted me abt 45 mins ago.
Chris: IS SHE OK?!
Tina: yes baby. She said she is at a hotel but she wouldn't tell me where. And that the hotel won't confess that she's there. She said she needs some time to think and when she's ready, she'll come here and explain he-
The door opens and it's Beyoncé!
Tina: and I'll give y'all some privacy
They all give me and Bey a kiss. They hurry out and close the door. It's just Bey and I. We stand infront of each other and it looks like we have been crying for years. I get on my knees infront of her. She grabs my head and rubs it as I cry against her legs.
Chris: Bey! I'm so sorry for anything that I did to make you run away! I love you soo much! Soo much baby!
Bey: I have to just get a few things off my chest.
I stand up and we walk sit next to eachother on the couch, staring into each other's eyes.
Chris: do you love me? At all?
Bey: ofc I do. Listen, I felt soo much pressure. I mean you really hurt me and I don't know if I feel comfortable just getting married so soon. We get together really fast and we moved in with eachother and it felt like a honeymoons stage but reality started hitting, you had cheated on me. *crying* you hurt me soo much! And I freaking love you!
Chris: baby!*crying* I'm soo sorry! I really am! I shouldn't have been more patient. I was just obsessed and in love with you soo much and I wanted to make sure I never lost you again. There was no excuse for me to cheat and I promise to never do that again. I never wanted to hurt you Beyonce! I know you can't trust me just yet, but can we ayo east start slow then. I'll do anything ANYTHING! To have you back in my arms. Especially since we've got Chris Jr. in there.
Bey: baby, I know your heart is in the right place. You promise we can take things slow again and just go east. I need you to prove to me that I can trust you. I don't feel like getting married so soon was gonna slow anything down. I do wanna spend the rest of my life with you and our baby. Promise me we can take things slow. Nice and easy. I'm sorry to have embarrassed you.
Chris: so does this mean you'll take me back? We can still go to therapy everyday if you want, if it means I can have you back in my arms again.
She leans forward and kisses me, passionately. I slip a lil tongue in there and then we really start French kissing. We break apart.

Bey: That answer your question?Chris: mmmm does this also mean no sex? For a few months? Bey: WHAT?! Hell nah man! I don't ever mind us havin sex

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Bey: That answer your question?
Chris: mmmm does this also mean no sex? For a few months?
Bey: WHAT?! Hell nah man! I don't ever mind us havin sex. I mean ya knocked me anyways. Give it to me daddy. Nice and hard. I'll show you that I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, running off infront of thousands of people, damn, that probably looked really bad infront of them.
Chris: it's ok. We'll clear it up with them later, *gets up and lifts her up* let us make love.

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