Here we go again

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Chris POV
I look and all of a sudden I see the door close infront of Bey and she looks frightened. I knew I should've gone in there with her. Julius and I are about to charge up there when we get hit in the head and get knocked out.
Jays POV
Oh this bitch is gonna suffer. Ain't no jail can hold back me or my squad or my mother. She drops her bags and starts walking backward. She turns and runs but bumps into one of my shooters.
Bey: Jay I*tearing* I am so sorry. I never intended for Chris and I to happen it just we-
Jay: oh shut the fuck up. You fuckin killed my career and you tryna escape me. You ain't leavin me. Not for someone you only like sex with
All my shooters and squad came into the forye.
Bey: wait! Aren't you the same hoe fucker that has 11 BABY MOMMAS?! And I'm a fuckin cheater?!
Jay: yea o-
Bey: you're mom accidentally spilled while she was tryna kill me. I know.
Jay: here's what I'm thinking*brings out cigar and smokes* I have a whole bunch of videos to leak of us you know that right?
Bey: yes and?
Jay: and you're right. I have 11 baby mommas that I pay to shut the the fuck up.
Bey: this means you never loved me?!
Everybody laughs.
Jay: You silly bitch, I was only using you to make me look good. But ya know. Let's think abt this story. Chris chests on Beyonce, Beyoncé goes back to Jay, Jay gets Beyoncé pregnant, and are to live a "happy" life.
Bey: what did you do with Chris Shawn?
Jay: oh Shawn! Y'all hear that she getting all smart.
I slap her across the face slamming her to the ground.I lean down next to her as she holds her face sobbing.
Jay: You are to not say my fucking government name.
Bey: *stops sobbing, turning red* I'm not playin wit you. Where's Chris?
The guy comes back upstairs and gives me a head nod. I turn the tv on and make her sit on the couch.
Jay: you reallly think Chris loves you?
Bey: I know he does.
Jay: has he said it?
Bey: where we goin wit this?
I push play and it shows Chris having sex with some other woman in the hospital.
Bey: no, that's not that's not no-
Jay: even in a hospital he can catch them hoes. He ain't all clean either.
Bey: wait, how did you get this footage? How did you know which place he would be in?
Jay: don't worry abt it. Just know, he just as big of a cheater as I am. You still wanna leave me for him? Who knows if he's got his own baby mommas
Bey's POV
This dosent add up. That's Chris, having sex with some random ass petite hoe. And the date is when we went into the hospital. The timing everything just seems very off. He don't even look like he is enjoying sex. The man was shot! How the hell could he...wait, is that *WHACK* someone hits me in the back of the head causing me to pass out. I wake up in the basement with just the light on. We made the basement like another living room floor. But all the lights are off and I only see the light from the small windows. I see the door open and I realize I'm on the ground tied up. The door opens and I pretend to still be passed out. I hear loud thumps go down Jay and his crew laughing. They slam the door shut and I head them upstairs talking.
Crew member: So what we gonna do wit them?
Jay: not sure. The way they tied up, they ain't goin no where. I was thinkin we could go run and get some karoscene. Light something or someone on fire
Crew member: damn you evil bro
Jay: y'all were there the first time I did it to Beckys home. They all die and I can make it a lie and say they did it themselves. I ain't need them, I'll just play the "pitty" card and continue wit more baby mommas.
They all laugh celebrate and leave. Shit! I gotta hurry! I look up and see Chris and Julius in the spotlight from the window. My wrists and legs are tied and it's hard to move.
Bey: Chris! Julius! Wake up!
They start groaning and waking up.
Chris: huh? Where am I? Bey? Beyoncé? Julius?
Julius: I'm right here Chris!
Bey: you guys! Oh thank god y'all ok?
Both: yea you?
Bey: somewhat.
We wiggle to meet eachother near the end of the stairs. Chris was abt to kiss me but I dodge it.
Chris: aye! What's the matter?
Bey: if my hands weren't tied, I'd slap you right in the fucking face! I hate you!
Chris: whow woo woohw! What you talkin about ba-
Bey: *voice breaking* Do you even love me? Or is it just sex you want from me? How many baby mommas you got?
Chris: Beyoncé I don't know what you're talking about! You know I love you! You the only future baby momma I want.
Bey: he showed me a video of you fuckin some hoe in the hospital! Explain!
Chris: what in the hell are you talking about?
Bey: ugh! you men are all the fucking same!
Chris: Baby! I do-
Bey: stop calling me that!
Bey: yea-were you faking it this whole time? Was this staged?
Chris: *sighs* fine you caught me
Bey: omg! Whha-
Chris: nah I'm fuckin wit you. Nah for real I don't know. Was I awake in the video.
Bey: seemed like it but wait, do you have a tattoo on your arm that says "peaches" on it?
Chris: wtf?! I got many tattoos but not that. My brother does tho-my brother!
I describe the woman and he claims it's his brothers wife. Thinking back, the background wasn't moving. It's a fake! Eww Jay spied on his bro?
Bey: oh thank god! So you do have feelings for me?
Chris: ofc baby! Julius, you go-
We look up and see Julius cut himself out of the rope already. He turns the lights on.
Chris: wow, nice basement.
Julius helps me first then Chris. He used his pocket knife. We all hug each other. We hear a couple of cases pull into the driveway.
Bey: come on! Through the window! Quick!
We get to the window and they help me up and out. I help them come through and we run to the gate but it's to big to crawl over.
Chris: Imma peak where they are at.
Bey: be careful baby

Chris: ok they went in

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Chris: ok they went in.
A member comes outside with a beer and looks until we hear Jay yell.
Jay: WTF! They ain't in here! Everyone check! I want you 5 in the backyard! Holla if you get them.
Julius: *whispering* y'all, go down here
There's a large hole under the fence. We suck in and get onto the other side hiding in the weeds. Man I really loved this outfit! It's all dirty and ripped. But I guess I can buy it again. We walk further away from the house and the guys look lost and confused af. We smile and the weeds get longer as we go further. We spot a shed a mile away. We continue to run in this hot ass weather. We get to the shed exhausted and get in and hide.
Bey: omg! I'm out of breath! They will never find us he-
The door swings open and it's Jay. Wtf! Is he Superman? He fly or some shit? Chris and Julius are on the sides.
Jay:*creepy smile* hello bi-
He went to grab for me but Chris hit him on the head with a shovel, knocking him out.
Chris: Bey, Julius, turn your head away!
Bey: why? Chris? Wyd?
Chris: just turn ya head! Baby pls!
Bey: ok?
I turn around with Julius holding me in his arms as if he knows what Chris is about to do. All of a sudden, I head a liquid sound and look on the ground and see blood streaming down on the ground. Did he just murder Jay? Omg!
I hear Chris throw the shovel. He turns me around into his arms.
Chris: baby, you won't have to worry abt him no more.
Bey: you're gonna be in soo much trouble now!
Chris: nope. He got a background and there's cameras somewhere. It's all good.
Julius: plus I got the word from my security team. That is he came near you again, he will be killed. And he is now.
I turn my head and see his murdered body. I tear up and get out of Chris hug. I stare at him as if he's a monster.
Bey: you you killed him! That's hes you're a monster! You I can't!
Chris: to protect you baby!
Bey: no this means you've killed someone before! You could've left him knocked out but you mirdred his body like a fucking fish at a sushi restaurant.
Chris: I've never killed anyone! No body! What's with these trust issues?!
Bey: maybe you're not who I thought you were.
Chris: I'm still the same man you fell in love with growing up! I would never put my hands on you like that. *gets on his knees sweating* baby, I know we haven't really kicked start this relationship again but I'm willing to if you are. I can't loose you again!
Bey: *crying* I do love you bu-
He stands up and kisses me. I try to resist but just fall into them lovely fat lips. My trust issues disappear. We break from the kiss.
Bey: mmm ok I guess we can work on it again! I'm sorry I freaked out. It's just this is a lot Chris.
Chris: baby, I would kill for you. Literally! I just did haha. Baby, it's all for you. I mean Julius even has a license to do so
Julius: that's true. We all good?
Bey: we all good

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