Building Blocks

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4 months later...
Chris POV
Today marks the 4 month mark of her pregnancy and man is she hungrier than ever. We have gon back to therapy now and it's really been helping us. I have this vacation plan to go to Hawaii for a week to just get away and for us to make more memories. I gotta surprise her tho. We leave tmr so I gotta think fast. Linda recommended it would be a good idea for a little couples trip so I figured this would be perfect. We decided to have the wedding after our child is born. Right now, we just got back from therapy and are home now.
Bey: you know I really am proud of you. You've really been on your best behavior and really are changing for the better.
Chris:*kiss* thank you baby! I told you I will do whatever I can do to have you back in my arms. And for Chris Jr. *rubs belly*
Bey: or Paris Brown! Haha!🤣
Chris:😶that wasn't that funny.
She is cracking up. Um, that was weird
Bey: I mean I know I've gotten over the incident since we've been going to therapy for months now, but like a 5 lb girl Chris? At least go for someone pretty. I don't know how your big dick fit in that tiny thing.
Chris: Beyoncé, I am not cheating on you ever again! You the only person this dick wants to go in. It liked your punani soo much, it nutted and gave you my seed. *smirks.* in fact, he wants you rn.
Bey: *making out* mmmm fuck me now then!
2 hours later...
Bey: you know, I don't know how you expect me to walk while pregnant and smash me at the same time. My damn vagina.
I laugh. I've got a plan.
Chris: Baby, follow me downstairs to the studio. I have something I wanna sing to you.
Bey: aww you're so sweet.
She grabs my hand as we head downstairs to the studio. I sit her in the chair while I step into the recording room and close the door. We look at eachother through the glass smiling.
*Makes a remix of Halo but with Hawaii*
Everywhere I'm lookin now, I'm sorrounded by your embrace, baby we going to Hawaii,  so baby what do you sayy?
She popped up out of her seat, opened the door and gave me a huge hug.
Bey: OMG! Are you serious Christopher?!
Chris: YES BABY!! In 24 hours tho! So hurry up and pack!
We run upstairs and we get our suit cases out and start packing. Ofc I finish packing in an hour and she is halfway done. She turns and smiles at me. She bends down and farts loud. I laugh hysterically as she blushes with embarrassment.
Bey: omg! I'm so embarrassed! Sorry Chris😬it was our child.
Chris:  ahahaha!*can't stop laughing* already blaming stuff on our kid huh? Well guess what...
I fart louder
Bey: EWW you nasty af!
Chris: wut? You just did it?
Bey: yea but your sounded nasty. Tho no smell
We laugh. We finish packing and the jet should be ready in 4 hours. It's only 30 mins away from our house. We sit on the bed watching tv.
Chris: alrighty, so we've got 4 hours till we leave. What ya wanna do until then?
Bey: this
We just sit and watch tv. She starts dozing off and she is so beautiful dozing off.
Bey's POV
Chris: shhh *giggles* keep quiet
Paris: sorry papi.
I am slowly waking up but slowly open my eyes. I see WTF?! PARIS?! I pretend to be asleep. I hear the bedroom door open and close. And yes, this private jet has a bedroom. I open my eyes. I walk up to the door and peek through the crack of the door and they start ripping and I mean shredding their clothes off. They kiss and make out. He slams her on the bed, gets on top of her and starts pounding her. I start tearing up. How could he?! He leans down and kisses her. They make out as he trusts ontop of her. She wraps her legs around him. He grunts and cums with her. Straight into her pussy. I run in and push him off of her. Paris gets up and slaps me in the face and I start beating her naked ass up. Chris pushes me back from fighting her. He try's kissing me but I push him.
Chris: come on baby. We can both live together. I can have you both as my baby mommas.
Bey: NOOO! How could you?!*crys* Are you drunk? Fuck out of here! I loved you Chris! And this is how you doin me now? Cheating on me wit some 9lb slut.
Paris: don't be mad my pussy better! He just nutted in me boo!
I'm going to strangle her. I run up to her and we start fighting. Chris holds Paris back and I open the door that leads to the outside of the plane and I push them both out
Chris: BEYONCÉ!!! Wake up!
*Wakes up*
Chris: Bey. Baby we here. You have a nightmare? You look upset.
Bey: yea I had one that you snuck Paris on this plane and fucked her while I was sleeping and nutted in her and asked if we could both be your baby mommas.
Chris: Bey come on! I thought we were trying to move past that!
Bey: I can't control what I dream about!
Chris: yea you right. You still love me tho right? And know I would NEVER cheat on you eeevvverrrr again right?
Bey: ofc baby. Our trust has been on point lately. I mean in all seriousness, was Paris pussy any good?
Chris: fuck nah Bey. Didn't even feel her on my dick. I put it on my life that your pussy is the only one for me. And *lifts up and pulls his penis out* this is all yours baby. In fact, it wants something rn
I give him head and our jet lands.
Bey: Can you eat my pussy out at the hotel? I'm soaking for you rn. I want you soo bad. I can fuck you right here infront of Julius. Idc. I need your tongue!
Chris: oh believe me baby, I'll satisfy you ASAP when we get in the room.
I tongue kiss her.
Julius: ok love birds, let's go haha
We giggle and head out. Omg! It's hot out here! We get in the car and are on our way to the hotel.
Bey: omg! It's so hot and beautiful out here!
Chris: just like you?😋
Julius: haha! That was a good one! *daps him*
Bey:haha so funny. Yea your hilarious. Thank you tho but I know I am😌💁🏽‍♀️
J&C: ooohh damn!
Bey: my baby momma fisty!
We laugh. It takes us a good 40 mins to get to the hotel from here. This is the major luxury hotel. And we walk in and the people here are so welcoming and nice. We follow the guide and Julius room is right next to our suite. We walk into our own and this place is huge! Awesome view of the beach. And I read the thermometer and it reads 102 degrees?! I'm sweating. Pregnancy makes me sweat enough so this is insane. The guide leaves after showing us around and closes the door. Chris starts scavenging the room.
Bey: hey remember what you promised me??
Chris: hold on babe.
Bey: um excuse me? Why are you tearing this room apart?
Chris: cameras
Bey: huh?
Chris: I'm looking for hidden cameras. These hotels can get real sneeky.
I walk up to him and cover his eyes.
Bey: well then, let's give them a show shall we?
I sneak my hands into his pants, grabbing his nice long dick. I pull it out and kiss his neck. He turns around and pushes me gently on the bed. He takes my dress off and gets ready for eating time.
Chris: man you weren't kidding were you? You already drenched the bed your dirty wife you
Bey: hahaha I wasn't playing babe. Now eat up.

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