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Bey's POV
I wake up and am in a bunch of pain. I'm in a hospital room and I feel something inside of me. I blink and see Jay ontop of me thrusting himself in me.
Bey: NO! Get off!!! How are you alive? Chris help me!
The doctor walks in calmly.
Doc: ahahaha! You fool, Chris is dead!
I keep trying to push Jay off of me and I glance at the tv in the room.
Tv: Breaking news! Superstar Chris Brown has died today. Our hearts go out to his slut Beyonce Knowles. Aha! What a skank!
Doc: wake up wake up!
Doc: Beyoncé are you awake?
I sat up immediately breathing heavy.
Doc: you're ok Beyonce. Seems like you had a bad nightmare there.
Bey: the worst nightmare of my life. Where's Chris?
Doc: he's ok, he's right here in the room wit ya. I might just discount the bill since I am starting to see you both a lot and!
Bey: yes pls! Aha
He pulls the curtain and I see Chris bandaged up.
Chris: baby! You're ok! I would get up but I-
Doc: no! We need you to lay there and rest. Sleep will do the trick of healing your body. I would recommend staying here for 2 more days for observation and since your wounds are still fresh.
Chris: so this means I can't have intercourse with my girl?
Bey: Christopher Maurice!
Doc: aha! Behave you two. I'll be back later. Get some rest.
I slowly try getting up but I'm hella sore.
Chris: no baby. Lay there. We both injured. *cries staring at her* I'm so sorry baby.
Bey: Chris don't cry🥺Youre human! We all make mistakes. And it ain't like we ain't got no money to buy or rebuild the house. Which would you wanna do?
Chris: prob rebuild it. I loved that house. All our shit is gone yonce!
Bey: But at least we still have each other. *phone rings*
I grab the phone to my left on the table and answer it.
Bey: hello?
Fireman: hello Mrs. Knowles?
Bey: yes this is I
Fireman: this is Johnny. I'm the fireman you were talking to. Listen, we just would like to let you know the fire is out. The outside of the house is destroyed. However the pool is still good condition and the only rooms in the house that are burnt are the kitchen, living room, dinning room, and basically the whole main floor however 3 other levels of the mansion is still good just smokey. Just the main floor needs a good fixing.
Bey: omg! Thank you soo much!
Fireman: ofc! Have a wonderful day!*hangs up*
Bey: OMG! Chris!
Chris: who was that baby?
Bey: the fireman. He said only the main floor is destroyed but the rest of the floors are ok and the pool is still there! The look of the mansion is blackened out but we can fix this all!
Chris: oh thank god we didn't lose everything. But like you said, we still got each other. You my everything.
Bey: aww you my everything too!
Joyce & Tina: MY BABIES!!!
Our moms rush in crying and hug us both.
Tina: The news has been everywhere saying that one of you died in the house then another said you both died in a car accident and there's pictures! Omg we called each other and was abt to faint.
Bey: momma we're ok! Just so much going on. Chris and I are gonna live
Tina: thank god
Chris: I'm sorry Tina. That I let you down
Tina: oh baby, none of this w-
Chris: yes it is. I accidentally forgot to turn the stove off. And the truck accident everything.
Tina: baby, sometimes things just go wrong, but we grow stronger from it and move on. I know you were trying to protect her at all times. You don't have a mean bone in your body about my daughter. *giggles* especially if you are gonna be my son in law and give me and yo momma some grand kids.
Chris: aha thank you Tina. Aye Bey you here that? You wanna get it started?*winks*
Joyce: Christopher Maurice Brown! Do not disrespect Beyoncé like that!
Bey: aha! Thank you momma J! Y'all should've heard what he was saying the last time he was here.
Joyce: boy, you need to get your head out of the damn gutter.
Tina: with all that sex talk, I'm surprised we ain't got grandkids yet.
Bey: moom!
Chris was cracking up. They stayed and asked if we needed anything before they left for the night and we was all good. They leave and I lean over to look at Chris.
Chris: Beyoncé?
Bey: yes baby?
Chris: you're so beautiful you know that?
Bey: I know, you tell me every day. I love you my handsome man.
Chris: *slowly falling asleep* I can't wait to marry you. *falls asleep*
Bey: mee too. Goodnight baby.
He's fast asleep. I lay and watch the tv and think about what my nightmare. Was Jay right in my dream? Am I really a slut? I go to my phone and look at all the hurtful things Jay said about Chris and I before he died. I mean, he made points that I cheated on him and left him with in hours. And we were supposed to be engaged. But then again, he has 11 baby mommas. I look on Instagram cause I haven't checked it in a minute. I rarely ever do this but I look at the comment sections of the posts of me and Chris. I deleted all the ones with Jay and I. There's a post of Chris and I and I look at the comments:
-Eww! She really slept with him and dumped Jay that fast wow!
-I mean how much more hoe can you get than her y'all.
-like she actually loves this guy or his dick?
-you know damn well he's just gonna use her too.
-aha! I give them 2 months before they break
-she's dating a murderer!
I cry silently and put the phone down. I shouldn't have done that. I'm rethinking Chris and I whole relationship now. I love him but is this too much too fast? I love Chris but are we doing the right thing? Many questions rush through my head and I try and sleep
I wake up and see Chris still sleeping. I look at the tv.
Tv: I mean common everyone. She is such a, excuse my language, hoe! I mean you really are gonna leave your man for someone you met years ago? And have him murder your fiancé?! Like I'm sorry ladies but that is not the way to do it.
I change the channel.
Wendy Williams: So... Beyoncé mmmm *smh* So we talked about the scandal of Beyoncé and Chris Brown, you know doin the dirty and movin. And how Chris even murdered Jay! In a field. Well, Trouble in paradise it seems like. Suzanne, I told you, something was gonna bite them in the butt. Beyoncé and Chris Brown house caught on fire and got in a car crash at the same time. The same day, she left the pregnancy clinic crying. See Beyoncé, these are consequences of your actions. *crowd claps*
I throw the remote at the tv and scream. Chris wakes up straight away.
Chris: BABY!! ARE YOU OK?! Oww!
Bey: YEA *looks to side* YEA IT WAS A BAD DREAM *lies*
At least that's what the media makes it look like.
Chris: my heart is my damn head...Burger King!
Bey: omg! I remember you used to call me that. You used to make me go to every Burger King in town *laughs* and scream "BURGER KING THIS IS THE QUEEN BEYONCÉ KNOWLES!" and make everyone chant "BKBKBK!" Ahaha you was so crazy. And ya still are lmao
Chris: ahaha! I've always worshipped you baby. Never doubt the love I got for ya baby. *sticks hand out*
I grab his hand and he looks into my eyes. We pull away.
Chris POV
I can see the fear in her eyes. And I heard what the news was sayin. I know she got upset and threw the remote. She tryna hide her doubt. I figured I could help her smile. I love this woman with all my heart. The whole day she was kinda dry and quiet.
Doc: hey guys, how y'all feelin?
Chris: better!
Bey: great!
Doc: ok let's see you both walk now.
We slowly get up and the nurses help us but we stand perfectly fine. Chris grunts and nearly falls down so they give him crunches. We take a walk around the hallway and Bey didn't speak a word. Just stared off into the distance.
Doc: Beyoncé is everything ok?
Bey: yea
Doc: ok, well. I think you both are ok to leave and Chris , you'll have those crutches for abt a month. Beyoncé just take it easy ok. Hopefully we won't meet for a while lol
Bey: aha yea. Thank you for everything doc
Doc: my pleasure
Chris: yes doc thank you. We love you man*all hug*
We sign out and leave. We wait for Julius to pull up the car.
Chris: man does it feel good to get fresh air huh?
Bey: mhm
Chris: Beyoncé?
Bey: hm?
Chris: what did I do wrong? Talk to me baby.
Bey: can we talk when we get home?
Chris: ofc baby
We head into the car and Bey turns her head and lays it on the window having her hair cover her face with her sunglasses. I notice tears dripping down her chin. I wrap my arms around her but she lightly pushes me away.
Bey's POV
My heart is broken. I can't believe I'm gonna do this. But it might be for the best.

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