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2 weeks later...
Chris POV
Bey and I have not been getting along at all. Not one bit. She's been super moody and refuses to sleep in the same bed as me. I blame some on her hormones but she's out of control. Rn, we are getting the house ready so we can tell our fam the news and the doctor confirmed her pregnancy. We set it up and everyone should be here in an hour at 1pm. I miss my fam and friends. Between Bey and work, I kinda get distracted.
Bey: ok, Christopher, did you get all the alcohol from downstairs to here?
Chris: yes.
Bey: good, you can follow instructions for once.
Instead of getting mad, imma turn it around. I step up close to her and whisper in her ear.
Chris: I followed your instructions when you told my to bust my nut inside you.
She shivered and kiss me. And then pushes me away.
Bey: maybe if you were a better fiancé, I would've let you have me rn.
Chris: wtf?! Why do you hate me? Why??
Bey: just leave me the fuck alone!
The doorbell rings and I open the door and everyone is here an hour early. Damn. We greet everyone. The whole day is going pretty well. I'm talking to Steph Curry and Michael Ealy. Bey's talking to her girls. Happiest she's been in a minute.
Steph: how are you and Yonce doin man?
Chris: we doing alright, just a lot of recording and -
Michael: no offense Chris, but you look tired. Like she's been whopping your ass for days.
Chris: don't even get me st-
Bey: hey boys, Chris let's go*winks*
Chris: I'll catch y'all ina sec
Bey and I get outside and get on a stage we have in the back yard and call everyone outside. We stand together, holding hands. Everyone comes outside.
Bey: well first off, we wanna thank you all for coming. We missed you all soo much! And yes, we are still wedding planning lol. But we have something to share.
I'm holding the conferring button that's gonna explode out to them.
They all yell scream and hooray and I press the buttons shooting confetti and streamers everywhere covering everyone. We get off stage and everyone grabs us hugging and celebrating.
Bey and I laugh. They tell us how proud they are of us. The whole day and night turned out really nice and we had caterers too. The party ended at 12:30am and everyone leaves. There's party stuff drinks and food everywhere. I grab Bey and hug her tight but she dosent hug back.
Chris: you enjoy the party?
Bey: yea, eww is that a condom? With Drakes name on it? Omg, I'm scared to check upstairs lol.
Chris: now that everyone's gone, can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? I love you with all my heart! I don't wanna keep fighting! Please I gotta know!
Bey: you wanna fucking know why?! BECAUSE THIS BABY ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE YOURS!*bursts into tears and runs upstairs to their bedroom and locks the door*
I stand dumbfounded. Huh? Did she cheat? I'm so confused. I run upstairs and try to open the door but it's locked.
Chris: baby! Pls let me in!
She unlocks the door.
Chris: baby pls explain! You cheated?!
Bey: *sits on bed* come sit.
I sit next to her.
Bey: *gets herself together* it's just, for so long. I was with Jay. He was what I thought my everything. And I wanted to have his kids so bad. And we tried everything. But he had 11 kids. We thought that it was the end of me trying to get pregant. All those knocked up women gave him what couldn't. Even though he's gone, I still wish he was here. He would've been a good dad, despite his many flaws.
I'm heated and offended. I get up and grab the keys on the dresser.
Bey: hey! *running following him* Chris where are you going?!
Chris: getting the fuck away from you! Stay here since you want Jay more than me! You're fuckin insane!
I go into the garage and pick the Bentley. She stands at the door dumbfounded as I back out and speed off. The fuck? She still loves Jay more than me. Wishes this kid would be his! Ugh! I'm so fed up with her bullshit. Ima bit tipsy already but fuck that shit. I'm getting turnt tonight! 12 am party time. I look at my phone seeing Beyoncé's texts apologizing but I ain't worryin about her tn. I call Michael and Steph and told them to meet me at the club. We

 We *Explicit*

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