Her side...

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Bey's POV
Well, sometimes life takes you to places where you never expected you would be. I thought I was gonna marry Chris Brown and have a life with him. But we sacrificed our relationship and decided to go our separate ways. 7 years of our relationship, since we were both 16 yrs old. We lost our virginity together and man was he good in bed😏. Our families loved us together too. I came along Jay Z and he swepped me of my feet. We got along from the first time we met. 7 yrs later, I'm now 30 yrs old and engaged! I'm so happy with Jay. But there are some nights where I wonder if I'd ever meet Chris again. And if I am doing the right thing. Jay and Chris never got a long and I haven't seen or talked to Chris in person in years. At events, we would kinda just walk past each other. Not bc akward but just busy with people around us.

He still looks so sexy

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He still looks so sexy. But Jay is also a hottie as well. Tmr , I'm going back to my ol Houston, TX church where Chris and I used to go to when we was kids but Jay said he wanted us to marry there cause it's much better then his. I am done touring for a while and taking some time off. It's good to be back home😅

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