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Bey's POV
It's been a month since this Kanye situation went down. He was found by the police and someone reported Chris. He almost went to jail until he explained the situation to the cops and he was dismissed. Since then, we've been living happily with our two babies. Also, we definitely took advantage after my 2 weeks of no sex were up. I almost be pregnant again. We all sit out on the beach and look at the sunset rn. I'm thinking back to when Chris and I first met as kids. And the final time we got back together and how he killed for me. And man them times when we had and have sex. And tbh, Chris probably dosent remember this cause he was drunk a few years ago, but we had sex when I started dating Jay. Just maybe once or twice. Oh but come on! Look at Jay and then look at Chris. Who do you think is hotter?

 Who do you think is hotter?

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Chris can dominate my pussy any day anytime.
But other than my sexy ass husband, I really can't wait to watch our babies grow. Ugh, soo many adventures bout to unravel. 😁
Chris POV
I'm so glad to be with the love of my life! And our sweet babies! It feels like we just pushes through all the bullshit that the past has thrown at us and we rise ontop. Bey and I are constantly working on videos (different kinds of videos too😉) and albums, and taking care of our sweet babies. And there's no way Jay bullshit can hurt them now. And if there is, they've got a strong daddy to kill for them and fight for them. I really can't wait to see how my babies grow up and who knows, maybe a couple more with my hot wifey. Man I need to make up them 8 yrs of no sex with her. No we got eternity.😄so anxious to see what the future has in store for us!
Authors Note: So, here's the big question. Should this story have a sequel??!! Pls comment if it should or just leave it as is. If voted for a sequel, I'll take requests and suggestions of how it should go from the comment sections or messages.

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